Table 1 Industries Value Added in % of Tot. Nom. GDP Total Norn. GDP 9,299.2 100.0% Agriculture, Forestry. Fishing 125.4 1.3% Mining 111.8 1.2% Construction 416.4 4.5% M a nufact u n ng 1,500.8 16.1% Transportation, Publ. Utilities 779,6 S.4% Wholesale Trade 643.3 6.9% Retail Trade 856.4 9.2% Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 1,792.1 19.3% Services 1,986.9 21.4% Government 1,158.4 12.5% Statistical Discrepancy -71.9 -0.8% Table 2 in billion $ in % of Tot. Nom. GDP Total Nom. GDP 9,299.2 100.0% Consumption 6,268.7 67.4% Durable Goods Nondurable Goods Services 761.3 1,845.5 3,661.9 8.2% 19.8% 39.3% Gross Investment 1,650.1 17.7% Nonresidential Residential Changes in Inventory 1,203.1 403.8 43.3 12.9% 4.3% 0.5% Government Purchases 1,634.4 17.6% Federal Government State and Local Government 586.6 1,065.8 6.3% 11.5% Net Exports -254.0 -2.7% Exports 1 m ports 990.2 1,244 2 10.6% 13 4% Final Sales 9,255.9 99.5% Table 3 Billion SUS % of National Income National Income 7,469.7 100.0% Compensation of Employees 5,299.S 71.0% Proprietors' Income 663.5 8.9% Rental Income 143.4 1.9% Corporate Profits 856.0 11.5% Net Interest 507.1 6.8% Percent 100 r 80 60 40 20 Government purchases Investment Consumption Net exports J_i_ J 1930 1940 1950 Per capita GDP (ratio scale, 2005 dollars) 32,000 h 16,000 h 8,000 h 4,000 \- 2,000 ■ 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year 2.0% per year 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year