2. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND The Divisible Goods Case 2.1.Theory The theory of consumer demand }Assumptions (complete, transitive and nonsatiable preferences) }Indifference curves }Budget constraint }Consumer equilibrium Demand function }Indifference curves and demand function }Individual demand function }Market demand function Change in quantity demanded versus change in demand Demand for transportation - estimation }Identical customers }Non-identical customers 2.2. The demand for gasoline Background }94% of all motor vehicle trips in USA were taken in private transportation }80,7 % of total intercity travel was done in passenger cars }45,7 % of all petroleum consumption is by personal cars Research question }Given the dominance of motor vehicle travel in the USA, are consumers sensitive to changes in its price? }In the 1993 national budget discussions, there was a considerable interest in raising the gasoline tax, both for its effect on deficit reduction and for its potential in reducing urban congestion and pollution. }Holding all else constant, an increase in the federal gasoline tax is expected to reduce the quantity of gasoline consumed. But by how much? Is the demand for gasoline price elastic or price inelastic? } Research question }A related question concerns governmental policy that alters the manner in which gasoline is allocated. }By the mid-1970s, price controls on oil were still in effect. }Because price controls prevent the monetary price of gasoline from rising, what impact did the price controls have on the opportunity cost of gasoline when the 1973-4 oil crisis hit? } The demand for gasoline in California To answer these questions, the demand for gasoline must be estimated. In a study on monthly gasoline demands and automobile travel in California, Lee (1980) assumed the market demand for gasoline in California, Gt, to be: Hypotheses (1)By the law of demand β1is expected to be negative (2)Each of the gasoline crisis variables reduces the consumption of gasoline, all else hold constant (3)Estimated effect of gasoline crisis on the opportunity costs of gasoline is positive (4)Gasoline is a normal good → β2 > 0 (5) β3 > 0 (6) Estimation results Demand curve }Hypothesis 1 }Estimated coefficient for β1 is negative and significant → downward slope of demand curve. }95 % confidence interval for β1 is (-25,8; -11,3) } }Hypothesis 2 }Because of the increased time cost, brought on by the gasoline crisis, average daily consumption fell by 1,8 million gallons. Change in the demand }Hypothesis 3 }Given that average daily consumption was approximately 25 million gallons, the results indicate that in march 1974, the gasoline crisis resulted in a 10% reduction in gasoline consumption. } }Hypothesis 4 }A 1 billion dollar increase in real personal income leads to a 277000 gallon increase in average daily gasoline consumption. } }Hypothesis 5 }Additional person increases daily demand by a bit more than one and half gallons per day. Elasticities The price elasticity of demand is defined as: •Replacing β1 with 18,552 and RPG and G with their respective sample means, Lee calculated the gasoline price elasticity of demand to be – 0.216 → the demand for gasoline is inelastic. •The data are monthly, covering five year period, the rice elasticity is short run. Long run price elasticity of demand are considerably higher and have been estimated to be around -0.8. •Employing a similar procedure, the income elasticity of the demand for gasoline was calculated to be 0.876 → gasoline is a normal good. • Queuing cost premia •What was the queuing cost associated with the gasoline crisis? •From estimation results, an estimate of queuing prices for each month of the crises can be obtained by dividing the month’s coefficient by β1. •Table reports these estimates which are positive and consistent with hypothesis 3. •The queuing cost represent a significant portion of the total opportunity cost. The demand for trips The demand for gasoline x trips }The impact of price, income and population was same and significant. }However gasoline crisis variables were stronger in demand for gasoline than for trips. Why? }We would expect demand for trips to be less responsive to gasoline price increases than for gasoline because, in the shirt run, there re more substitution opportunities for reducing fuel than for reducing the number of trips. The 1993 gasoline tax increase }According to the 1993 Deficit Reduction Bill, passed in late 1993, the federal gasoline tax increased by 4.3 cents per gallon. With average per gallon price equal to USD 1.06, this represents an approximate 4% increase in the 1993 real price of gasoline. }The above results found price elasticity of demand for gasoline to be – 0.216 and for trips -0.236. }The federal gasoline tax increase can be expected to have reduced the quantity of gasoline demanded by 0.86% and average daily trips by 0.94%. }At the national level, this translates into a 1.74 million gallon daily reduction in the demand for gasoline and 5.68 fewer automobile trips per day. Comments }A potential deficiency of the model is the lack of information on relevant alternatives. Economic theory tells us that demand depends on price of substitutes. }Is this important? Possibly, but not necessarily. 2.3. The demand for urban rail rapid transit Background }Heavy rail public transport systems = high-speed electric railways that carry high traffic volumes on multi-car trains and have separate rights of way }Their advantage over conventional bus systems is the more competitive line haul speeds and grater comfort. At the same time, by their very nature, heavy rail systems are fixed in place and, accordingly, less able to accommodate changing business and residential land-use patterns. }In addition, they are very capital intensive Heavy rail transit systems, USA 1991 Trends in heavy rail transit ridership, 1980 - 1990 Research question }The people moving capabilities of heavy rail systems emphasize the role that these systems play in alleviating congestion in our nations major urban centers and reducing motor vehicle emissions and air pollution }But before we can develop urban transit policies to induce travelers on to heavy rail systems, we must identify what factors determine a travelers decision to use a heavy rail system Case study }Doi and Allen (1986) analyzed the demand for rapid rail transit trips in Philadelphia for a particular rapid rail link (HS, 14.2 mile) between southern New Jersey and downtown Philadelphia. }At the time of the study, transit services were provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with an average daily ridership of 38.000 – 40.000. }For this particular link, bus services are not a relevant alternative, but automobile travel is. Demand The demand for this high-speed line was expressed as a linear function of its own price, prices associated with the primary alternative mode, and seasonal variables. In particular, Hypotheses (1)β1 < 0 (the law of demand) (2)β2 > 0 β3 > 0 (assumed substitution between rail and automobile) (3)Τ3 < 0 (opportunity costs) (4) (4) (4) } Estimation results Demand }Consistent with law of demand, an increase in the price of rapid rail transit trips decrease the quantity of rapid rail trips demanded. }A dollar increase in the per gallon price of gasoline produces a rightward shift in the demand curve for rail transit, increasing monthly trips by 234.048. }A dollar increase in the bridge toll increase transit trips but the effect is nearly quadruple. Closure and opportunity costs •Closing a stations was expected to decrease the demand by raising the opportunity cost. •Coefficient – 20.783 represents the monthly loss in rapid transit patronage. •It is possible to estimate the impact of station closure on opportunity cost: •From estimation results can be calculated the estimated increase in rail rapid cost (-20.783/-383.499) = 0.054 dollars. •That is, closure of the rail rapid stations imposed an additional 5.4 cents on the opportunity cost of rapid rail travel. • Own and cross-price elasticities The own price elasticity of the demand: ,where Fare and RR are replaced by their sample averages. The own price elasticity was estimated as -0.233 → demand is price inelastic. The cross price elasticity for demand for rapid rail with respect to the price of gasoline is defined as: Using sample averages, the cross price elasticity was found to be 0.113. Similarly, the cross price elasticity of demand with respect to bridge tolls was found to be 0.167. The 1993 gasoline tax increase revisited }We return to the predicted effects of the 4.3 cent rise in the federal gasoline tax. }Assume that 0.113 is representative of all rapid rail trips. }Since increase of tax represent an approximate 4% increase in the price of gasoline this implies (4)(0.114) = 0.452% increase in ridership. 2.4. The demand for short – haul air services Intercity domestic travel Background }Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 }Result of deregulation – hub and spoke orientation of airlines }Hub and spoke system = lower costs, lower revenues (opportunity costs) }Niche market = short haul commuter market linking nonhub smaller communities to the nearest largest hub city Research question }Although many such niches may exist, the airline must determine whether there is sufficient demand for profitable services }Pickrell (1984) investigated this problem and specified the market demand function for short haul commuter trips between a smaller nonhub community and the nearest airline hub city as: Demand Trips is the number of one way trips from the smaller nonhub city to the larger hub city. Fare is the published air fare for a trip. Flytime is the scheduled flying time. Freq is the number of weekly departures form the origin to the destination. Seats is the average seating capacity per departure. Enplanements is the total number of passneger enplanements at the hub city. Drvcost is the estimated out of pocket expenses if the trip were made by automobile. Drvtime is the estimated travel time of the trip by the automobile. Population is the poulation in the community from which the trip originate and Cert is a dumy variable that equals one if the route is serviced by a Civil Aeronautic Board (CAB) certificated airline and zero otherwise. Logarithmic form }In contrast to the examples for automobile travel and rapid rail transit, all variables except for the constant term and Cert are specified in logarithmic form }This in no way alters the interpretation of specification as a market demand function for shirt haul commuter trips }However, it does assume that he determinants of short haul air travel interact multiplicatively in forming demands and that elasticities of demand are constant. }This latter point becomes clear once we recall that the parameters estimates in double log model are elasticities } Hypotheses }(1) Since increases in airline fares and time related costs raise the opportunity costs of air travel, by the law of demand it is expected that β1 < 0 β2 < 0 β3 < 0. Larger aircraft is usually more comfortable, therefore: β4 > 0. }(2) A higher number of enplanements at the destination city reflects a greater level of economic activity as well as improved opportunities for connecting flights. Therefore: β5 > 0. CAB certificate reflects underlying preferences of consumers and it is expected: β9 > 0 Hypotheses }(3) Cities with larger populations are expected to have more consumers of short – haul air travel, increases in population are expected to shift the demand for short haul trips rightward, all else constant. Thus, it is expected: β8 > 0. }(4) Drvcost and Drvtime are included to reflect the opportunity cost of an automobile trip: β6 > 0 β7 > 0 Estimation results Size x frequency }An interesting implication of the results relates to decisions regarding the frequency of service and size of aircraft. }Should an air carrier provide fewer departures per week and use larger aircraft or increase weekly departure frequency but use smaller aircraft? }Seats → positive, but insignificant. }Frequency → positive and significant. The increased frequency should increase ridership. Demand determinants }Drvcost does not include airport parking costs. }In absolute terms, the coefficient for driving time is almost identical to the coefficient of flying time → travel time is an important determinant and in this case equally sensitive. }Population is insignificant, therefore employment could be a better variable. }Price elasticity is close to unity. } 2.5. Summary Summary (1) }A consumer’s utility function describes the level of economic welfare that the consumer receives from alternative bundles of commodities. The utility function also depends upon the consumer’s preferences, which are assumed to be complete, transitive, and nonsatiable. Summary (2) }An indifference curve is a locus of points that reflects alternative commodity bundles which provide a consumer with equal amount of economic welfare. Typically, a consumer’s set of indifference curves are convex to the origin, indicating that the more a consumer has of one good the fewer other goods he or she is willing to give up to obtain an additional unit of the good. This reflects the principal of diminishing marginal rate of commodity substitution. Summary (3) }If a consumer optimally allocates his or her limited resources among competing goods, then for each pair of commodities consumed, the marginal rate of commodity substitution equals the commodity’s relative price. In equilibrium, a consumer’s demand for each commodity depends upon relative prices, income, and preferences. Changes in the economic environment cause individuals to alter their consumption of goods at the intensive margin. Summary (4) }The market demand for transportation is the horizontal summation of individual demands for transportation. A change in the price of transportation leads to a change in the quantity of transportation demanded. A change in any other determinant of transportation leads to a change in demand. }Goods that are consumed together are complements in consumption. A rise in the price of one good decreases the market demand for the other good. Goods that compete with one another in consumption are substitutes. A rise in the price of a substitute good increases the market demand for the other good. A good whose consumption increases (decreases) with increases in income is a normal (inferior) good. Summary (5) }For continuous or divisible transportation commodities, observed transportation demands are approximated by a linear-in-parameters empirical model. Ideally, the explanatory variables of the model include the price of the transportation good, the prices of related goods, and income. Socioeconomic characteristics are included in the empirical model in order to capture preference differences among demanders. Differences between observed transportation demands and predicted demands reflect consumer optimization or measurement errors. Summary (6) }Because transportation trips involve the movement of people or goods over space, the opportunity cost of transportation includes both a monetary cost and a time cost. Increases in each component of cost is expected to reduce the quantity of transportation demanded. Case studies for energy and automobile trip demands in California, urban transit trips in Philadelphia, and short-haul commuter airline trips are consistent with these expectations. }Empirical models of transportation demands not only identify relevant determinants of demand but also provide estimates on the magnitude of the effects that changes in the economic environment will have upon demands. This information facilitates improved public and private decision-making in the transportation sector.