Simple scenario of the fifth ERP Microsoft Dynamics NAV session V. Created by : Jaromír Skorkovský Date : 26.10.2016 Reason : Orientation in the MS Dynamics “creation of Sales order”, its posting and impacts to Customer (Client) and, inventory balances and moreover all related entries (Customer Ledger Entry, Inventory Ledger Entry and General Ledger Entry. Entry=transaction. It is a new tuition concept related to Power- point presentation number II. Manager used structured (clustered) entries (reports, statistics –F9) in order to get necessary information regarding inventory management such as availability of item in our stock, profits, as well as data in receivables. For : MPH_AOMA students Used database : MS Dynamics NAV 2009 W1 (British database) Used keys : F5, F3, F6 and Ctrl-F5 (from card to entries) and Shift-F5 from list to chosen card. F7- filter of one field (see using of it in clause 14 ) Used abbreviations : Q=question, G/L=General Ledger, Simple Scenario = SS, PWP=Power-Point, SO=Sales Order 1. Go to menu Sales&Marketing->Order Processing (here you can find subset of important economic documents such as Sales Orders, Sales Invoices and Sales Credit Memo. 2. Open by mouse Orders - what do you see? 3. Created Sales order by your predecessor! See header and lines! 4. If you use F5 you can see all created Sales orders so far nor posted Sales orders! 5. Make ESC key and put cursor to header of existing SO! Klick left mouse button to activate header and then make key F3 (new) in order to create blank new Sales order. 6. The result of making F3 and subsequent confirmation by ENTER is creation of empty document SO. This automatically create new unique PO number. Why this number is unique? 7. Go to the field Sell to Customer number and by use of F6 make a choice of your Customer. Select Customer 10000. And then ENTER again to confirm your choice. If you will get message, that chosen customer has an overdue balance and his credit limit has been exceeded , say YES to continue. 8. Header is ready. See all header tabs to see relevant information 9. Go to the first line of SO and put cursor to the field No (Number of Item) !. Use F6 to make your choice. Select please 1972-S! Further go to field Quantity and put there how many do you intend to buy (e.g. 10). You can see unit cost and total! 10. Add inventory location (use of F6) BLUE. What is inventory location? If this was automatically entered by system MS Dynamics NAV, do nothing. 11. Make button Print and then Order Confirmation and Preview. What can you see? Then ESC (going back to SO, which was not posted (registered ) so far. 12. This simple economic document was sent to your chosen Customer and you issue a command (by telephone or in writing or using workflow) to inventory manager to ship ordered items to your Customer and accounting department will sent later (after posting SO) posted Sales Invoice to your Customer 13. Post SO by key F11. After choice Ship and Invoice is your SO posted and you have to switch to menu History. 14. In this menu you will find Posted Invoices. Open it. If you will see one invoice, use F5 to see the list of all already posted invoices. There will be a lot of them. There are two way of finding the right invoice. For classes use the second one which is printed in this document in italics (step 15). Either you go to the column Sell to Customer number and make F7 and enter 10000 in order to find only posted invoices for chosen Customer 10000. Then you can find your Invoice or you can find it later from Customer ledger entries. For the first attempt this way is easier one (see next step 15) 15. Go to order Processing and Customers. Open it and from Customer card 10000 make Ctrl-F5 and go to the last entry. Make button Navigate and go to Posted Invoice and make Show. Then you see your posted invoice. You will also see amount, which will modify receivables. 16. Go to the line and field Item number in this line and go by F6 to the list of Items and directly by Ctrl-F5 to Item Ledger entries. You see last entry (by Ctrl-END or by mouse) and the quantity is saying minus(sign), which means, that we have sold an item and our inventory decreased. 17. Go back from posted invoice by ESC. 18. From there can go directly to G/L entries by use of button Show. 19. Mind you, that positive amount is the one posted on Debit side and negative one to credit sides. This is simple syntax. 20. Thanks a lot for your attention. Now you are expert in Selling!!!!!!