Simple scenario of the third ERP Microsoft Dynamics NAV session III. Created by : Jaromír Skorkovský Date : 12.10.2016 Reason : Orientation in the MS Dynamics “see of data” (new concept) and basic key combinations to get to get quickly where it is stored and displayed the necessary information for your decision For : MPH_AOMA students Used database : MS Dynamics NAV 2009 W1 (British one) Used abbreviations : Q=question, G/L=General Ledger, Simple Scenario = SS, PWP=Power-Point 1. What are the basic economic documents and their statuses? 2. Related to Q 20-22 from SS II (quotations, orders, credit memos, invoices (not posted) and all of these posted. Answer to Q 1. 3. Name and find basic objects (cards) – Item, Customer, Vendor and G/L account. 4. To do simple task described in Q5 below use F5 (list of objects) and Shift- F5 (from list to one card), F6 (look-up- to go to different tables or option) and Ctrl-F5 (from the card to entries). This was commented in SS II, Q14, Q15 and Q30. 5. Find purchase and sales orders and purchase and related sales invoices (posted document)! 6. Related to Q20-22 from SS II.–what will happen if you press key F11, which can be found on all windows depicting key economic documents? 7. See entries having origin in posting of economic documents! Use Ctrl-F5. See please Q30 from SS II material! 8. What basic types of Customer ledger entries can you see (display)? Being on one chosen entry and then one entry field named Document Type use F6 to see these types! 9. Do the same task described in Q8 for Vendor ledger entries (from Vendor card) and Item ledger entries from Item card). 10. What are the most important fields in Customer ledger entry (Amount, Remaining amount, Open (to applied payment to invoice), Document number and Due date)? For the Vendor ledger entries opened (displayed) from Vendor card by Ctrl-F5 it is exactly the same. 11. What are the most important fields in Item ledger entry. You can open it from Item card by Ctrl-F5 (Entry tape, Document number, Quantity, Remaining quantity, Cost amount, Sales amount and field Open). 12. How we can see easily which original document whose posting by F11 resulted in entry creation? See Q13 13. Go to menu Sales and Marketing, Order Processing and Customers, select customer=10000, and use Ctrl-F5. Put mouse cursor on chosen Customer ledger entry (please select Document type=Invoice).Go to the lower right cornet and find there button Navigate. Push it and you will get navigate windows from where by use of Button Show you can display in addition to other data related posted sales invoice and G/L entries ! 14. Do the same task described in Q13 from Vendor card! 15. Calculated field: go to Customer card 10000 and see field Balance ! 16. This amount in the field Balance and its origin will be explained by tutor! 17. Having mouse cursor on this field make Ctrl-F5. What you see? How the value in balance field is calculated? 18. Do you know what is payment application to open invoice? Will be explained by tutor. Explained principle is also described and explained in PWP presentation in NAV-Nothing simpler(slide 14). 19. Do the same task for Item card! 20. What difference comparing to Balance field in Customer card you can see? Can you se field Inventory in upper right corner of Item card form? 21. Name benefits of calculated fields Inventory, Quantity on Purchase and Sales orders!, 22. How you can access Item ledger entries? See Q11 of SSIII! 23. Can you see Statistics from Customer card? Use Help in upper tool bar and Overview of F keys ! Result should be using key F9! 24. Can you see Statistic from Vendor and Item cards? 25. Basic fields in Customer card .To switch between tabs you can use mouse or left Ctrl –Page Up or left Ctrl –Page Down. Fields (also commented in NAV- Nothing simpler) are:Balance, Credit limit, Sales person code, Payment terms code , Currency and Language code. Field from Invoice Tab will be explained later in this course. Same fields can be found on Vendor card. 26. Basic fields in Item card .To switch between tabs you can use mouse or left Ctrl –Page Up or left Ctrl –Page Down. Fields (also commented in NAV- Nothing simpler) are on General Tab: Item number , Basic unit of measure, Inventory. On Tab Invoicing: Costing methods, Unit cost, Unit price and profit. On Tab Replenishment: Replenishment system and Vendor number and Vendor Item number (some other field may be explained later if any need will arise). On Planning : Safety stock, Reorder Point and Reorder quantity. 27.