// Introduction –The gap between highschool and university level of knowledge in math keeps getting bigger (1) – –The job market sorely needs –gratuates with math skills (2) – –Czech republic PISA scores –keep getting worse (3) // Why we need it –The market volume for big data is expected to triple by 2026 – –Significant growth in job demand of big data related vacancies (4) – // The service so far (1/4) –Timeframe: • (1 semester) –Total visits: –Unique visitors: – •od 22. 2. 2016 •do 4. 7. 2016 •300 •146 // The service so far (2/4) •ESF dominates: •FSS follows: •Other faculties: •Outside MUNI: – •246 •20 •24 •7 // The service so far (3/4) –Percentage of visits regarding final theses: – – • 27% • // The service so far (4/4) –Stats and metrics – –Average hits per month (website) 1800 –Average time of visit (website) 00:03:02 –Peak reach (Facebook) 1105 –Likes in the first month (Facebook) 228 // Events –The Support Centre regularly organizes events for students – –„Quantified Nature“ or –„The answer of Kurt Gödel to Pontius Pilate‘s question“ – are just a few of them // Our team –So far the Support Centre operated through volunteers. – –Students and teachers alike offered their time to help others with math and statistics. // Visitor feedback (1/3) –„ (…) chci (znovu) projekt pochválit :) zatím jsem konzultaci nepotřebovala, ale to, že centrum funguje a že s ním můžu počítat je skvělé“ – Respondent 3 •„Pan Josef Nešleha vysvětluje opravdu dobře a vždy si našel čas ikdyž to vypadá, že jeho den má 40 hodin.“ – Respondent 14 • „Myslím si, že Maths and Stats Support Centre je skvělý nápad a budu moc rád, pokud jeho fungování bude pokračovat.“ – Respondent 76 // Visitor feedback (2/3) –„(…) veľmi ma potešilo, že sa niečo také vytvorilo, je to super pre študentov. Našťastie som zatiaľ Vašu pomoc nepotreboval ale rád ju využijem v budúcnosti ak bude príležitosť “ – Respondent 65 – •„Ačkoliv jsem nevyužil jeho služeb, tak jsem ho doporučil několika kamarádům (…) Ti, kteří služeb centra využili si ho moc pochvalovali.“ - Respondent 76 • • •„Support Centre je super projekt, jsem hrozně rád, že se ho podařilo otevřít! Díky paní doktorce Králové i všem tutorům. :)“ – Respondent 23 • • // Visitor feedback (3/3) Traits liked the most: 1)Tutors‘ friendly and non-critical approach 2) 2)Tutor explained all questions 3) 3)Tutor was able to explain complicated issues in simple terms (6) // Spreading the idea –3 other support centers were inspired and are taking off – –VŠB Technical University of Ostrava – - wants to cooperate with MSSC as much as possible – – UTB Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín (Dr. Zuzana Pátiková) – - scheduled launch in September 2016 – –VUT Brno Technical University (FME) – - launches in April 2017 with support from OP VVV project Výsledek obrázku pro všb logo // Outlook (1/2) –Engage more people – - spark interest in math and statistics – - break the „I‘m bad at math“ mindset –Improve the website – - reduce bounce rate – - incentivise visitors to browse sylabi – - create a problém-solving platform – – Reduce math and stats failing grades at MU – // Outlook (2/2) –Academic year –2016/2017 target budget: – 550 000 CZK – Labor costs -two part time tutors Technical background -projector -interactive whiteboard -software and web development Marketing -leaflets, DTP labor, print // Sources –(1) http://archiv.ihned.cz/c1-65399490-ustup-maturity-z-matematiky –(2) http://www.statista.com/statistics/254266/global-big-data-market-forecast/ –(3) https://www.oecd.org/pisa/keyfindings/pisa-2012-results-overview.pdf –(4) https://acadgild.com/blog/big-data-job-opportunities-in-2016-and-the-coming-years/ –(5) Google and Facebook analytics internal data – http://mathstat.econ.muni.cz/ – https://www.facebook.com/supportcentre/ –(6) Google forms questionnare survey – –