Project 1 Female Labor Force Participation Mroz obs: 753 vars: 22 2 Sep 1996 16:04 size: 36,897 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------ inlf byte %9.0g =1 if in lab frce, 1975 hours int %9.0g hours worked, 1975 kidslt6 byte %9.0g # kids < 6 years kidsge6 byte %9.0g # kids 6-18 age byte %9.0g woman's age in yrs educ byte %9.0g years of schooling wage float %9.0g est. wage from earn, hrs repwage float %9.0g rep. wage at interview in 1976 hushrs int %9.0g hours worked by husband, 1975 husage byte %9.0g husband's age huseduc byte %9.0g husband's years of schooling huswage float %9.0g husband's hourly wage, 1975 faminc float %9.0g family income, 1975 mtr float %9.0g fed. marg. tax rte facing woman motheduc byte %9.0g mother's years of schooling fatheduc byte %9.0g father's years of schooling unem float %9.0g unem. rate in county of resid. city byte %9.0g =1 if live in SMSA exper byte %9.0g actual labor mkt exper nwifeinc float %9.0g (faminc - wage*hours)/1000 lwage float %9.0g log(wage) expersq int %9.0g exper^2 Project 2 What factors affect student performance at public schools? MEAP93 obs: 7,150 vars: 26 8 Feb 2011 21:27 size: 757,900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------ distid float %9.0g district identifier schid int %9.0g school identifier lunch float %9.0g % eligible for free lunch enrol int %9.0g number of students exppp int %9.0g expenditure per pupil math4 float %9.0g % satisfactory, 4th grade math test year int %9.0g 1992=school yr 1991-2 cpi float %9.0g consumer price index rexppp float %9.0g (exppp/cpi)*1.695: 1997 $ lrexpp float %9.0g log(rexpp) lenrol float %9.0g log(enrol) avgrexp float %9.0g (rexppp + rexppp_1)/2 lavgrexp float %9.0g log(avgrexp) tobs byte %9.0g number of time periods lavgrexpb double %10.0g time average of lavgrexp lunchb double %10.0g time average of lunch lenrolb double %10.0g time average of lenrol y94 byte %9.0g =1 if year == 1994 y95 byte %9.0g =1 if year == 1995 y96 byte %9.0g =1 if year == 1996 y97 byte %9.0g =1 if year == 1997 y98 byte %9.0g =1 if year == 1998 y95b double %10.0g time average of y95 y96b double %10.0g time average of y96 y97b double %10.0g time average of y97 y98b double %10.0g time average of y98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: schid year