1 Chapter 1: Long-term changes in the world economy balance of payments definition, 4 colonies influx of precious metals, 1 democracy, 7 demographic transition, 8 economic standards, 5 economic strength, 5 France, 11 Fukuyama Francis, 7 Germany, 11 Great Britain, 11 Huntington Samuel P., 8 China in the Middle Ages, 1 institution definition, 10 Japan, 12 modern economic structure, 11 population expansion, 8 Price Revolution, 1 standard way of development, 11 structural shortcut, 11 traditional economic structure, 11 United States of America, 12 world economy origins, 1 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 2 Chapter 2: Economic Development in the 19th Century arms race, 12 Bismarck Otto von, 4, 9 introduction of tariffs, 8 Cobden-Chevalier treaty, 6 colonies, 4 foreign trade, 6 continental blockade, 6 Corn Laws, 6 deflation, 11 demographic transition, 2 East India Company, 6 Edison Thomas Alva, 4 Ford Henry, 4 foreign trade in the 19. century, 6 France, 8 German Historical School, 9 Germany, 8 protectionisms, 9 Great Britain, 6 Great Depression, 8 industrial revolution, 4 laissez-faire doctrine, 6 Meline Tariff 1892, 9 migration, 2 most favoured nation clause, 7 Napoleon, 6 Navigation Acts, 6 Panama Canal, 4 Pax Britanica, 1 railway, 3 reparations following war between Prussia and France, 8 Ricardo David, 6 Smith Adam, 6 splendid isolation, 4 Stephenson George, 3 Suez Canal, 4 The United States of America, 1 Triple Alliance, 13 Triple Entente, 13 war between Prussia and France, 8 workshop of the world, 6 World War I, 12 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 3 Chapter 3: The Interwar Period - the 1920s Czechoslovakia, 8, 9 Dawes Plan, 15 Fordney-McCumber Tariff, 8 foreign trade protectionisms after WWI, 7 France, 3, 10 Germany after WWI, 1 communist putsch attempt, 3 hyperinflation, 13 in the 1920s, 11 reparations after WWI, 12 gold standard modifications, 9 Great Britain, 3, 5, 10 after WWI, 2 Hoover H. moratorium, 16 Hungary communist putsch attempt, 3 Keynes John Maynard, 10 Lausanne Conference, 16 League of Nations, 3 Occupation of the Ruhr, 13 Poincaré R., 10, 12 Rentenmark, 15 reparations after WWI, 12 Russia reparations to Germany, 12 Spanish influenza, 4 Stresemann G., 15 the Kapp Putsc, 11 the USA isolationisms, 3 The USA main creditor after WWI, 7 The USA, 5 the Versailles Treaty, 4 Weimar Republic, 11 Wilson W., 3 World War I death toll, 1 WWI post-war help, 5 Young Plan, 16 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 4 Chapter 4: The Great Depression, the 1930s and World War II Agricultural Adjustment Act, 14 Black Thursday, 2 Cash and carry, 19 Czechoslovakia occupation, 16 deflation, 4 FED, 7 Great Depression period, 4 foreign trade the 1930s, 5 Germany, 8 in the 1930s, 15 the Great Depression, 9 unemployment in the 1930s, 13 war economy, 18 Great Britain the 1930s, 12 war economy, 18 Great Depression, 1 Hindenburg P. von, 10 Hitler A., 10, 15, 18 Hoover Herbert, 4, 10, 14 Churchill Winston, 18 Imperial Preference, 13 Keynesianism, 3 League of Nations and Germany, 15 Lend-Lease Act, 19 Munich Conference, 16 National Industrial Recovery Act, 14 NSDAP. see The National Socialist German Workers' Party Ottawa Conference, 13 Poland German invasion, 16 the Great Depression, 8 policy beggar thy neighbour, 6 policy of appeasement, 18 Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, 13 reparations after WWI, 10 Roosevelt F. D., 4, 13 separatist and liberation movements, 19 Smoot-Hawley Tariff, 5 Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, 2 Spain civil war, 11 Speer A., 18 the Lausanne Conference, 10 The National Socialist German Workers' Party economic policy, 16 The National Socialist German Workers' Party, 10 the New Deal, 13 the USA Great Depression, 1 the National Planning Board, 14 the USA the 1930s, 13 The USA war economy, 19 the USSR Lend-Lease Act, 19 the Versailles Treaty, 10 WWII, 17 invasion of Poland, 16 Young Plan, 10 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 5 Chapter 5: Post-War Development Algeria decolonisation, 7 Berlin Crisis first, 3 Beveridge W. H., 8 bipolarity, 3 Bismarck Otto von, 8 centrally planned economies, 3 Cold War, 3 colonies, 7 containerisation, 9 Coordinating Committee on Export Controls, 6 Cuban Crisis, 5 Czechoslovakia, 21 Czechoslovakia UNRRA, 11 Erhard Ludwig, 16 Erhard Reform, 16 European Community common agrarian policy, 20 European Recovery Programme, 10 foreign trade after WWII, 18 post-war period, 17 Four-D Programme, 16 Gaulle Ch. de, 7 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 18 Germany economic miracle, 15 split, 2 Human Development Index, 2 Hungary, 6 revolution in 1956, 21 China communist putsch, 3 Churchill Winston, 3 International Labor Organization, 2 Iron Curtain, 3 Israel, 5 Japan economic miracle, 16 Kennedy J. F., 19 Keynesianism, 7 Kim Ir ­Sen, 4 Korean War, 4 Li-Syn man, 4 Mao Ce-tung, 3 Marshall G. C., 10 Marshall Plan, 10 Marshall Plan Paris Conference, 11 Marshall Plan Economic Co-operation Administration, 12 McLean Malcom, 9 Molotov V. M., 11 Nasser Gamal Abdul, 5 national liberation movements, 7 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 4 Nuremberg Trials, 2 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ­ OECD, 12 Organisation for European Economic Cooperation, 12 Poland border demarcation after WWII, 2 policy of détente, 5 reparations after WWII, 2 revelation of Stalin's cult of personality, 5 Second Berlin Crisis, 5 Stalin J. V., 5 Suez Canal, 5 Suez Crisis, 5 The United Nations Organisation, 2 Tito Broz Josif, 11 Truman Doctrine, 11 Truman Harry, 11 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2 United Nations Development Programme, 2 United Nations Organisation, 5 United States after WWII, 9 UNRRA, 10 Vietnam War, 5 Warsaw Pact, 5 welfare state, 8 World Trade Organisation, 18 WWII casualties, 1 Yugoslavia Civil War in Greece, 11 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 6 Chapter 6: Economic Crises in the 1970s and Economic Development in the 1980s Afghanistan war, 1 Bretton Woods monetary system, 10 Bretton-Woods monetary system, 3 Club of Rome, 2 Dutch Disease, 8 food crisis, 3 foreign trade the 1970s, 13 G7, 7 G8, 7 Germany export after WWII, 15 inflation in the 1970s, 10 global problems, 2 Gorbachev M. S., 1 Great Britain, 8 Helsinki Peace Process, 1 inflation the 1970s, 9 Iran OPEC membership, 5 war with Iraq, 8 Iran Islamic revolution, 8 Iran-Iraq War, 8 Iraq OPEC membership, 5 war with Iran, 8 Israel fourth Arab-Israeli War, 4 Yom Kippur War, 4 Japan export after WWII, 15 Keynesianism, 10 Keynesianism and slumpflation, 2, 7 Kohl H., 1 monetarisms, 2 monetary aggregates, 3 Norway, 8 oil crisis, 10 Oil Crisis first, 4 second, 8 OPEC, 5 Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, 4 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, 5 petrodollars, 16 raw material crisis, 3 Reagan R., 1 SALT, 1 Saudi Arabia, 5 slumpflation, 2, 6 Spain influx of gold from the colonies, 8 Strategic Defence Initiative, 1 Thatcher M., 1, 12 wage price spiral, 10 Yom Kippur War, 4 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 7 Chapter 7: The 1990s and the New Millennium Afghanistan, 2 Andean Community, 13 APEC. see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation, 12 Association of South East Asian Nations, 12 brain outflow, 22 Doha liberalisation of foreign trade, 16 Fukuyama Francis, 2 GATT Uruguay Round, 13 Germany, 1 global problems, 2 globalisation, 19 Huntington Samuel P., 2 China, 1, 4, 15 integration into the world economy, 9 Iraq, 2 MERCOSUR. see Southern Common Market Millennium Development Goals, 3 outsourcing, 19 Panama, 17 Panama canal, 17 Panamax, 17 Southern Common Market, 12 the United States of America terrorist attacks, 2 United States of America, 4 World Trade Organisation, 14 Yugoslavia disintegration, 2 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 8 Chapter 8: International Monetary System `beggar thy neighbour' strategy, 8 Argentina, 16 bimetallism, 1 Bretton-Wood monetary system, 8 currency board, 16 Czechoslovakia and the International Monetary Fund, 8 Dollar bloc, 8 dollarization, 16 euro, 16 eurozone, 16 Franco-Prussian War, 2 Germany the gold standard, 2 Gold Bloc, 7 gold bullion standard, 6 gold exchange standard, 6 gold standard, 1 modification, 5 Great Britain the gold standard, 1 the gold standard in practice, 3 the pound in the 1920s, 6 Gresham Thomas, 5 Gresham's Law, 5 Hong Kong, 16 Hume's Law, 2 IMF. see International Monetary Fund Ingot Plan, 6 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 9 International Monetary Fund, 8 International Monetary Fund Kingston Conference, 15 international reserve currency, 1 international trade currency, 1 Japan, 15 Keynes John Maynard, 8 Keynes Plan, 8 pegging, 10 Plaza Accord, 15 post-Bretton-Woods monetary system, 14 Special Drawing Rights, 11 Sterling bloc, 7 the USA modified gold standard, 5 Triffin dilemma, 12 Werner Report, 14 White Plan, 8 World Bank, 9 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 9 Chapter 9: The United States of America automobile industry, 5 baby-boom, 8 Bernanke Ben, 24 bipolarity, 8 Black Friday, 6 brain drain, 10, 21 Bush G., 19 Bush G. W., 23 Carter J., 13 Clinton Bill, 20 Coolidge Calvin, 5 double deficit, 18 Eisenhower D., 9 Employment Act, 9 Fair Deal, 9 FED, 4, 17 FED in the 1980s, 17 Federal Reserve System. see FED Ford G., 13 Greenspan Alan, 17, 23 Gulf War, 19 Harding Warren G., 4 Helsinki Agreement, 12 Hoover Herbert, 5 Iraq War, 23 Johnson L. B., 11 Kennedy J. F., 11 Keynesianism, 9, 10 King Martin Luther jr., 9 McCarthy Joseph R., 9 McCarthyism, 9 Model T, 5 NAFTA. see North American Free Trade Area New Economics, 11 New Economy, 22 Nixon R., 11, 13 North American Free Trade Area, 20 Obama Barack, 24 petrodollars, 15 Phillips curve, 13 political-economic cycle, 11 positive discrimination, 9 railroads, 4 Reagan R., 16 Reaganomics, 16 slumpflation, 13 Stop and Go policy, 10 Strategic Defence Initiative, 18 The 1970s in the USA, 13 The Council of Economic Advisers, 9 The US Stock Market Crash, 17 The USA after WWII, 8 The USA in the 1920s, 5 The USA prior to WWI, 1 Truman Harry, 9 twin deficit, 18 Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act, 3 Vietnam War, 11 Volcker Paul, 17 War on Terrorism, 23 Watergate, 12 Wilson W., 4 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 10 Chapter10 European Integration acquis communautaire, 6 Amsterdam treaty, 7 Briand A., 1 Briand plan, 1 convergence criteria, 16 Copenhagen Criteria, 6 Czech Republic, 9 Dauhá liberalization of foreign trade, 13 Élysée Treaty, 3 EMS. see European Monetary System EMU. see European Economic and Monetary Union EURATOM. see European Atomic Energy Community euro, 15 European Atomic Energy Community, 3 European Coal and Steel Community, 2 European Commission, 6 European Community, 4 European Community enlargement, 4 European Community enlargement, 5 European Economic and Monetary Union, 15 European Economic Area, 4, 9 European Economic Community, 3 European Free trade Association, 3 European Free Trade Association, 3 European Monetary System, 4 European Union common agricultural policy, 12 enlargement, 6 institutions, 6 European Union, 6 Association Agreements, 6 eurosclerosis, 5 France and the EU common agricultural policy, 12 Gaulle Ch. de, 3 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 13 Great Britain accession to the EC, 4 Great Britain non-participation in the Eurozone, 16 Hungary joining the EU, 9 Inner Six, 2 Lisbon Strategy, 7, 8 Lomé Convention, 5 Maastricht convergence criteria, 16 Maastricht Treaty, 15 Maastricht Treaty, 6 Marshallův plán, 2 Merger Treaty, 4 Mundell Robert, 16 Norway, 4 Norway, 6 Organisation for European Economic Cooperation, 2 Pan European Union, 1 Poland joining the EU, 9 Reaganomics, 8 screening, 6 Schengen Agreement, 7 Schuman Plan, 2 Schuman R., 2 Single European Act, 6 Spain accession to the EC, 5 Stability and Growth Pact, 17 Sweden, 6 non-participation in the Eurozone, 16 Thatcher M., 6 Thatcherism, 8 theory of optimum currency areas, 16 Treaties of Rome, 3 Werner Report, 4 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 11 Chapter 11: Japan Anti-Comintern Pact, 4 carry trade, 19 Comintern, 4 deflation, 17 Dodge J. M., 8 Dodge Line, 8 Economic Planning Agency, 11 Enlightened Rule in Japan. see Meiji EPA. see Economic Planning Agency export-led growth strategy and Japan, 9 fascist axis, 4 Hirohito, 4 Chiang Kai-Shek, 4 China, 4 industrialization, 2 interest rate differential, 19 Japan, 1 attack on China, 4 deflation, 17 economic policy, 11 export-led growth strategy, 9 foreigners extraterritoriality rights, 2 indicative planning, 11 unequal treaties, 2 World War II, 4 WWI, 3 Just-in-time system, 11 keiretsu, 11, 15, 17 Koizumi Junichiro, 20 Korea, 3 Korean War, 9 Kuril Islands, 8 League of Nations, 4 lifetime employment, 10 Meiji, 2 METI. see Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), 12 Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), 11 MITI. see Ministry of International Trade and Industry Mutsuhito, 2 nuclear bomb, 4 Pearl Harbor, 4 Perry M., 1 Plaza Accord, 14 reverse engineering, 10 seniority principle, 10 Shigeru Yoshida, 7 Taiwan, 3 Tokugawa, 1 United States of America, 4 World War II, 4 zaibatsu, 3 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 12 Chapter 12: Developing Countries Argentina, 14 Asian Tigers, 8 Bandung Conference, 4 bipolarity, 4 Brasil, 16 BRIC, 16 colonies, 3 debt crisis, 12 developing countries definition, 1 international help, 18 developing countries indebtness, 11 economic convergence, 16 economic development, 1 export-led growth strategy, 21 Green Revolution, 10 Group of 77, 5 HDI. see Human Development Index HIPC initiative, 14 Human Development Index, 2 chaebol, 9 China, 3, 9, 16 import substitution industrialization, 20 India, 16 International Monetary Fund, 14 Iran, 21 Korea, 8 liberation movements, 3 London Club, 14 Millennium Development Goals, 17 New International Economic Order, 5 newly industrialized countries, 8 Non-Aligned Movement, 5 OPEC and Group of 77, 5 Paris Club, 14 population explosion, 5 Russia, 16 Sub-Saharan Africa, 7 Taiwan, 8 UN Conference on Trade and Development, 5 UNCTAD. see UN Conference on Trade and Development UNDP. see United Nations Development Programme United Nations, 4 United Nations Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, 5 United Nations Development Programme, 2 Washington Consensus, 13 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 13 Chapter 14: Russia, the USSR and Centrally Planned Economies 1956 Hungarian Revolution, 22 Anti-Comintern Pact, 6 Brezhnev L. I., 15 Brezhnev Leonid Ilich, 14 Brežněv L. I., 17 Ceausescu N., 22 CEFTA. see Central European Free Trade Association Central European Free Trade Association, 27 centrally planned economies, 21 Cobden-Chevalier Treaty, 3 Cold War, 13 Comecon. see Council for Mutual Economic Assistance Commonwealth of Independent States, 14 convertible rouble, 25 Coordinating Commitee on Export Controls, 26 Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, 24 Council for Mutual Economic Assistance disbanding, 27 Crimean War, 1 Cuban Crisis, 15 Decree on Land, 6 Decree on Peace, 5 dictatorship of the proletariat, 5 EBRD. see European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Esers, 5 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 28 February Revolution, 4 Gaidar Yegor, 18 Genoa Conference, 5 Germany WWI, 4 glavka, 7 Gorbatschow M. S., 14, 18, 22 Gosplan, 8 Helsinki Protocol, 22 Hungary, 26 rise of Communist dictatorship, 21 industrialization Russia, 2 International Bank for Economic Cooperation, 25 Kerensky A. F., 4 khozrastchot, 9 khozrastchot, 11 khozrastchot, 18 Khrushchev N. S., 13, 15, 24 Korejská válka, 13 Kornilov, 4 Kosygin Alexej Nikolajevič, 15 kulaks, 2, 11 Land-Lease Act and Russia, 14 League of Nations and the USSR, 6 Lend-Lease Act and Russia, 13 Lenin V. I., 4, 6 Marshall Plan, 21 and Russia, 14 NEP. see New Economic Policy Nicholas II, 1, 4 nuclear bomb Soviet test, 13 obshchina', 2 oil crisis, 16 peaceful cohabitation, 6 Perestroika, 14, 18 Poland, 26 division, 6 rise of Communist dictatorship, 21 Provisional Government, 4 Putin V. V., 20 railway, 2 Rapallo Treaty, 5 Reagan R., 14 revealing Stalin's personality cult, 22 Russia. see Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1905 revolution, 1 Bolsheviks, 4 civil war, 5 emancipation of serfdom, 2 Kronstadt Rebellion, 8 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 14 monetary reform, 9 New Economic Policy, 8 prior to WWI, 1 Stolypin reforms, 2 war communism, 7 war with Japan, 1 WWI, 4 socialist self-management, 23 Solidarity, 22 Stalin J. V., 6, 13 Red Army purges, 12 Strategic Defence Initiative, 14 The Prague Spring, 22 the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, 5 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics war economy, 12 Tito Broz Josif, 22 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collectivization, 11 dissolution, 14 establishment of, 6 first five-year plan, 9 GOELRO, 10 socialist industrialization, 9 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 6 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics expulsion from the League of Nations, 6 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics revealing Stalin's personality cult, 13 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics after WWII, 14 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Kosygin Reform, 15 UNRRA, 14 USSR. see Union of Soviet Socialist Republics War in Afghanistan, 14 Warsaw Pact, 22 Yeltsin Boris Nikolayevich, 18 Yugoslavia, 22 socialist economy model, 23 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 15 Chapter 15: Czechoslovakia Beneš Edvard, 1, 6 collectivization, 7 Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, 9 Czechoslovakia February coup, 7 foundation, 1, 2 monetary reform, 9 transformation, 11 two-year plan, 6 Gottwald K., 6 Great Depression and Czechoslovakia, 3 Havel Václav, 11 Heydrich R., 4 Khrushchev N. S., 7 Klaus Václav, 11 Kosice government programme, 6 large-area economy, 4 Marshall Plan and Czechoslovakia, 6 Masaryk Tomáš Garrigue, 1 Munich Conference, 4 normalization, 7 nostrification, 3 oil crisis and Czechoslovakia, 10 Prague Spring, 7 Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, 4 Rašín A., 2 revealing Stalin's personality cult, 7 Rozsypal Reform, 9 Slovak Republic, 4 Šik Ota, 9 Šik Reform, 9 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 16 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com