Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV (Blanket Orders) Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Blanket Orders •Reasons –One Order frames several partial Order over long period –Customer can get better prices and call of any time deliveries based on instant needs –Vendor knows what have to be purchased/produced in the beforehand specified periods – Blanket Order represents a part of forecasting rules –BO->type of long term contract –Similar to forecast matrix, but with existing customer Forecast We expect to sell these items, but no real customer so far exists !!! Blanket Orders Výsledek obrázku pro production forecast planning Blanket Orders Blanket Order-print (preview) Partial Sales Order Creation Item 1 Customer Blanket Order Header Blanket Order Lines 31.1.17 28.2.17 31.1.17 28.2.17 Sales Order 1 Sales Order 2 3 4 2 3 Item 2 Partial Sales Order Creation Customer 10000 Partial Sales Order Creation Partial Sales Order Creation Partial Sales Order Creation Filtered Sales Order List fro customer 10000 Sales Order 1001 31.1.17 28.2.17 Created Sales Order Created sales order 1001 for Customer 10000 Created Sales Order Former status New status Print of created Sales Order Sales Order - posting ENG Version CZE Version Blanket Order after linked SO was posted Item Ledger Entries Blanket Order next delivery After SP 1002 was posted Lines of the blanket order Item ledger entries Deleting processed Blank Orders Used Blanket Order (BO) can be copied to use it again (after modification- if any) BO copy BO can be used for replenishment (purchase) Purchase Blanket order Purchase order lines (after modification or PBO lines) Purchase Blanket order after posting PO End of the section (Blanket orders)