Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV (Item Charges) Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Item Charges •It enables to post and apply additional costs of various types to : –stored away items –items which were already sold –Item, which were used as a components (part of BOM) of produced products • Manage item charges. Include the value of additional cost components such as freight or insurance into the unit cost or unit price of an item. TEXT from Microsoft material Inventory setup (Nastavení zásob) Automatické účtování nákladů : zatržení v tomto poli znamená, že program bude používat funkci Automatického účtování spotřeby. Používáte-li tuto funkci ve chvíli, kdy účtujete zboží na účet zboží, bude program automaticky účtovat na skladový účet, na účet adjustace a na účet spotřeby zboží (NNPZ) ve finančním deníku. I v případě použití této funkce však bude třeba pravidelně spouštět dávkové úlohy Adjustace nákl.-položky zboží (nebo použít funkci Automatická adjustace nákladů) – což zde je nastaveno na Vždy - a Účtování nákladů na zboží. Používáte-li pouze funkci Automatické účtování nákladů, nebude v případech, kdy neznáte cenu zboží v okamžiku jeho prodeje, váš skladový účet přesný. Jedná se například o případ, kdy prodáváte ještě před nákupem. Inventory setup (Nastavení zásob) Automatic Cost Posting : Specifies that the Automatic Cost Posting function is used. If you use this function when posting items to an item account, the program will automatically post to the inventory account, adjustment account and COGS account in the general ledger. If you use this function, however, it is still necessary to run the Adjust Cost - Item Entries (or use Automatic Cost Adjustment) – we do have it - and Post Inventory Cost to G/L batch jobs periodically. If you only use Automatic Cost Posting, your inventory account will not be accurate in cases where you do not know the cost of items at the time of sale. For example, if you sometimes sell before buying. Automatic Cost Posting (Automatické účtování nákladů -další informace k pochopení adjustace) Purchase of an item (Purchase cost = 3000 ) The cost adjustment forwards any cost changes from inbound entries, such as those for purchases or production output, to the related outbound entries, such as sales or transfers Item Card used in this model •Find in demo-database Item card with no one • entry !! •Found card must have ZERO in all calculated field such as : –Inventory –Quantity on Purchase Order –Quantity on Sales Order –Quantity on component lines •You have to erase exiting costs and unit price on Tab Invoicing Item Card used in this model NEXT Step will be Purchase Order creation->10 Pcs of above specified item. Purchase price of one item will be 10,0 !! Purchase Order line Purchase Order creation And NEXT step is Purchase Order Posting by use of F9 !!! See next slide General Ledger Entries Setup of adjustment account : a possibility having only one adjustment account (131350 or 131500) Value entries (will be explained) After manual adjustment and posted cost to G/L Inventory value (for Item 80204) Item and Value Ledger Entries after PO was posted Value Entry explanantion •This window shows all amounts relating to an item •Every time you post an order, invoice or credit memo as invoiced, revalue an item or do anything else that means a change in value for items in your inventory, the program creates one or more value entries. •Changes in quantity on inventory are stored as quantity postings in the Item Ledger Entry table. •When the inventory is reconciled with the general ledger, G/L entries are created on the basis of Value entries. The amount to be posted to general ledger is calculated from the value entry as: • • Cost Amount (Actual)- Cost Posted to G/L. • • Item card after Purchase Order was posted Charge Items parameters (CZ data in database were used) Purchase Order lines – (transport costs, Vendor 1000) Item Charge Assignment Item Charge Assignment Item Charge Assignment Item Card after PO for transport was posted (Item Card-Tab Invoicing) Inventory Valuation Item Ledger Entries and Value Entries Item Ledger Entry Value Entry G/L Entries End of the section (Item charges)