Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV (Stock Keeping Units) Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Stockkeeping Units (SKU) •Stockkeeping units are a supplement to item cards, they do not replace them, although they are related to them. •Stockkeeping units allow you to differentiate information about an item for a specific location (such as a warehouse or distribution center) or a specific variant (such as different shelf numbers and different replenishment information), for the same item. • How to create a new SKU •Open an Item Card (e.g. 1928-S) – see if we do have any SKU already created • • To see all SKU in the system remove existing filter for 1928-S How to create a new SKU • Open an Item Card (e.g. 1928-S) It can be created for Location, Variant and Location & Variant How to create a new SKU SKU list SKU Card is more simpler than original Item Card •SKU has priority over original Item Card !!! Standard SKU See other tabs during session ! Transfer from SKU Blue->SKU Red Firstly you have to create SKU RED for Item in question (do not use SKU template!!) Inventory Reclassification Journal Adding field Code of new location !! Transfer from SKU Blue->SKU Red Item Ledger Entries and SKU cards 1928-S Ctrl-F7 End of the section SKU.