padandpen • • • •Operational • Management • Paper • • •Lilia Tugulea •UCO: 440131 justpad •TOC •Key questions: • – What to change? • – What to change to? • – How to cause the change? • •Some facts: Five Focusing Steps: – Identify – Exploit – Subordinate – Elevate – Repeat Every system has a constraint! D:\DISC E\e-things\e-scoala\@ SEM III\Operations Management\paper\Google\images.jpg justpad • •Goal: Qualitative written thesis within the deadline •The Project justpad • •Goal: Qualitative written thesis • within the deadline •The Project •Main Steps: vIdentify thesis outline vGathering information and writing the theoretical part vGathering data and writing the practical part vWriting conclusion & introduction vPreparing bibliography vPreparing list of supplements vFormatting and revision justpad • •Project & TOC vIdentify • – writing process vExploit & Subordinate • – resource availability& efficient use vElevate • – work hard, no procrastination vRepeat justpad •How to manage: vRisk Management Planning vRisk Identification vQualitative Risk Analysis vQuantitative Risk Analysis vRisk Response Planning vRisk Monitoring & Control •What is? vUncertain event that, if it occurs, has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective •Project Risks justpad •Project Risks • – Timeline following • – Relevant literature • – Supervisor challenge • – Multitasking • – Fear and panic • – Procrastination • • • • • •Aware of: justpad •Project Risks •Predictable: • – Find a job • – Computer errors • – Holliday and vacation •Unpredictable risks: • – Illness of any kind • – Family problems D:\DISC E\e-things\e-scoala\@ SEM III\Operations Management\paper\Google\computer-problem-300x2152.jpg justpad •Time Buffers vProject Buffer – whole project • •Types: vFeeding Buffers – for each task that feeds into the critical chain • vResource Buffers – assigned to ensure that the necessary resources will be available •What is? vExtra time added into a time estimate to keep a project on track justpad •Time Buffers vDo not abuse • – too many : poor planning • – no value added • – Parkinson’s Law • • vProject buffer – 50% of total length • •Important: vUncertainty exists – additional time justpad •Thinking Process Tools: CRT •What is CRT? vUsed to fully describe an existing situation vPurpose: understand how the problems are related to each other vCause and effect relationship v"if..., then..." or "if...and if...and if..., then..." justpad •Undesirable effects •Thinking Process Tools: CRT vlack of necessary literature vreading too much, no writing vdifficulties starting the process vsupervisor issue vignore the Gantt chart (Parkinson syndrome) vlack of time vnot focused vstudent syndrome vbad multitasking, confusing priorities vfear and panic vcomputer failure v justpad •Thinking Process Tools: CRT Travel Bad Priorities Lazy Procrastinate Too much reading Not starting No writing Not focused Fear and Panic No necessary literature Ignore deadlines Chaos Low quality & not in time justpad Pareto Analysis UDE Importance Cumulative Count % Cumulative % Time management 60 60 18.18 18.18 Bad multitasking 42 102 12.73 30.91 Follow/Ignore the Gantt chart 40 142 12.12 43.03 Bad priorities 38 180 11.52 54.55 Laziness and procrastination 38 218 11.52 66.06 No writing 36 254 10.91 76.97 Student syndrome 34 288 10.30 87.27 Too much reading 27 315 8.18 95.45 Computer Failure 15 330 4.55 100.00 justpad • • • • •Fishbone diagram justpad • • • • •Conclusion justpad •Suggestions vTime management D:\DISC E\e-things\e-scoala\@ SEM III\Operations Management\paper\Google\TIME MANAGEMENT.png justpad •Suggestions vSelf improvement D:\DISC E\e-things\e-scoala\@ SEM III\Operations Management\paper\Google\0fd03ac324d99caa4d7d04c1d6a2b7f0.jpg justpad •Suggestions vReward system D:\DISC E\e-things\e-scoala\@ SEM III\Operations Management\paper\Google\donkey.gif •Level of satisfaction •Rewards justpad •Conclusion vDelivery in time of a qualitative thesis • •Benefits: vProcess : less stressful & smoother • vWorkload equally distributed padandpen • • • •Thank you!