Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV (Transfers Orders) Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Transfers and locations •Benefits –Direct control of transfers : where (stock locations )do we have what (items) at any moment.. –Responsibility of workers in warehouse (Pickers and Pullers) –Responsibility of drivers –Setup enables item tracking (batches, lots) –Better calculation of transport times due to specification of inbound and outbound handling times as well as time of delivery depending on setup of shipping agent services – How to get Location setup Locations and bins Výsledek obrázku pro stock location Storage hall (Location) Storage zone Bin See bins on the next slide Double clicks Location White and its bins Basic warehouse movements Receiving Zone Put-away Picking Shipment Inbound (e.g. 1D) Outbound (e.g. 2D) 1D=1 day 2D=1 days Locations and basic setup shipment Setup shipment (access from searching window- see previous slide) Setup shipment –Shipping agent and services (access from Customer Card, Tab=Shipping) Agent services and Transfer routes Own logistic or Outsourced logictic Transfer order Item by Location (from button Item) Transfer Order creation Transfer Order creation – header and lines Transfer Order creation – tabs transfers Next day (1D+Outbound Whse.Handling Time(Blue) (2D) =-1D+2D=3D->24.11.19+3D=27.1.19 Posting TO (2 times F9) The posting date is same instead of having two dates 24.1.19 and 27.1.19. The reason is as follows : both movement were posted at same date !! Transfer by use of Item Reclassification Journal Transfer by use of Item Reclassification Journal End of the section (Transfer Orders)