Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV (Drop Shipment- Přímé dodávky) Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy NAV Basic procedures •Drop Shipment principles I * Drop shipment * Principles * Setup * Model example * Others 2 Drop Shipment principles I. •Drop Shipment principles I. * Specifies whether your vendor to ship the items on the line directly to your customer. * You use a drop shipment when an item or group of items is shipped directly from your vendor to your customer and is therefore not registered in inventory. * 3 Wholesaler Vendor Customer 5 1 2 3 4 4 6 1 Quote 2 Sales Order 3 Purchase Order 4 Delivery list and delivery itself 5 Sales invoice 6 Purchase invoice Drop Shipment principles –setup •Drop Shipment setup * First place a check mark in the field to indicate, that the item on the sales order is a drop shipment and in the Purchase code field you have to choose Drop Shipment code * Then create a purchase order to order the corresponding items from your vendor. You can create the order directly from the sales order or indirectly from the Requisition Worksheet. In this model we will use direct method * When you set up the purchase order, use the function Drop Shipment, Get Sales Order to link to the relevant sales order. The sales order lines will be copied to the newly-created purchase order. We will not use Item tracking in this model and if yes - > see next clause : * You cannot post a drop shipment order that has item tracking unless item tracking is synchronized - serial numbers and lot numbers must be the same between the two orders (our model uses synchronization) * * 4 Drop shipment-> method without using Requisition worksheet •Drop Shipment 5 Customer 10000 Sales order Purchase order –Drop shipment (manual version) •Drop Shipment 6 It is necessary to input Customer number on tab Deliveries First action Second action (this will access list od Sales Order and you have to make a choice to copy SO in question) See result on the next slide Purchase order –Drop shipment (manual version) •Drop Shipment 7 Purchase order line after copy SO line Purchase order have to be posted (only Receive !!!) Sales order line after PO line was posted Golden Drop shipment rule •Golden Drop shipment rule * You cannot invoice the purchase order before the sales order is invoiced. If you try, you will get message • * 8 Sales order – Invoicing SO •Drop Shipment • 9 Sales invoice line after invoicing Posting PO (invoice only) •Drop Shipmnet 10 Item Ledger Entries •Drop Shipment 11 Drop shipment by use of Requisiton worksheet •Drop Shipment 12 Sales line Requisition Worksheet •Drop Shipment 13 Using option Get SO (Získej PO) you must enter code of customer. Before on item card we have to enter code of the prime vendor Requisition Worksheet •Drop Shipmnet 14 Therefore you create Purchase Order and subsequent operations are same as in manual version (receiving PO, Invoicing SO and invoicing PO) Created PO •Drop Shipment 15 Next example would be suitable after principle of LOT NUMBERS will be introduced !!!!! • 16 Sales Order line with Drop Shipment Setup – with use of lot number •Sales order line with setup Drop Shipment 17 See next slide Purchase order •Purchase order 18 C:\Users\JSKORK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\SNAGHTML9749e19.PNG First action- lookup for customer Purchase Order – the list of available Sales Orders •Purchase Order – the list of available Sales Orders 19 Updated Purchase Lines •Updated Purchase Lines 20 If A3 item has setup for item tracking you have to assign a Lot code Assignment of the Lot number (code) •Assignment of the Lot number (code) 21 After ESC we will get this message Posting Purchase Order (Receive only ) •Posting Purchase Order (Receive only ) 22 Purchase line Sales line Golden Drop shipment rule •Golden Drop shipment rule * You cannot invoice the purchase order before the sales order is invoiced.If you try, you will get message • * 23 Post Sales Order •Post Sales Order 24 Customer Ledger Entries (from Customer Card->Ctrl-F7) •Customer Ledger Entries 25 Post Purchase Order •Post Purchase Order 26 Miki_029384 Item Ledger Entries •Item Ledger Entries 27 Navertica.png Thanks for Your attention and time •Standard colour palette Backgrounds Primary Text Secondary Text Expanded Palette Accent Accent Gradients Gradient Upper Levels 29 •Sample chart Sample chart Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Sample chart description 30