Introduction to MS Dynamics (Warehouse Management Role Tailored Client version) show for NAV 2016W1 and NAV 2016CZ Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Simplified Warehouse Management (WM) •Use of location White-see setup next slides •WM creates another types of entries than Item Ledger Entries, Reservation Entries or Value Entries – Warehouse Entries •Causes of these entries are another stock operations : –Receipt –Put-away –Pick –Shipment Warehouse workflow Main WM Outline PO Item WHR WHR=Warehouse Receipt; PA=Put-away; PO=Purchase Order; SO=Sales Order Receiving Zone Bin W_08_001 (B0) (Receiving Bin) Bin PutPick B1 B2 Bn PA Picking Zone Pick Shipping Zone WHS S0 Bin W_09_001 ( E ) (Shipment Bin) Location setup-White 2016W1 Location setup-White 2016CZ From White Location to Bins 2016W1 Bins can be empty or not, dedicated or floating and so on. It is described in related word document (WHM setting) From White Location to Bins 2016CZ Bins can be empty or not, dedicated or floating and so on. It is described in related word document (WHM setting) – see study material !! Bin ranking is a method of prioritizing replenishment movements picks and put-aways. Indicating which bin needs to be replenished or needs to have items picked or put away first. And this is done so with a bin ranking. And a bin with a high ranking number has a higher priority than the one with a low number. Text for home study !!! WH Zones 2016 CZ Setup of WH employee (e.g Puller or Picker)-2016W1 ADCS-Automatic Data Capture System You can use your automatic data capture system (ADCS) to register all movements of items within the warehouse and to register all journal activities, including quantity adjustments in the warehouse item journal, physical inventories and reclassifications. To use ADCS, each item stored in the warehouse must be given an item identifier. You must also set up mini-forms, handheld functions, data exchanges and some fields concerning ADCS, all of which you can find in the Warehouse Management Setup window. Text for home study !!! Setup of WH employee (e.g Puller or Picker) 2016CZ ADCS-Automatic Data Capture System You can use your automatic data capture system (ADCS) to register all movements of items within the warehouse and to register all journal activities, including quantity adjustments in the warehouse item journal, physical inventories and reclassifications. To use ADCS, each item stored in the warehouse must be given an item identifier. You must also set up mini-forms, handheld functions, data exchanges and some fields concerning ADCS, all of which you can find in the Warehouse Management Setup window. Text for home study !!! User setup 2016CZ Purchase Order 2016W1 Purchase Order 2016CZ PO have to be firstly Approved ->Released 2016W1 (Approval will be not employed in 2016CZ!! Only Releasing) Enter by F4 assigned employee (Puller,…) Creation of WH Receipt 2016W1 PO have to be firstly released 2016CZ SEE next slide for NAV 2016CZ Created WH Receipt 2016W1 You can see Receiving bin (W-08-0001, see white location setup). Zone : RECEIVE Created WH Receipt 2016CZ You can see Receiving bin (W-08-0001, see white location setup). Zone : RECEIVE SEE next slide for NAV 2016CZ Posting of this document (WHR) 2016W1 Put-away is automatically created after Posting (F9) of Receiving document !!! Posting of this document (WHR) 2016CZ Put-away is automatically created after Posting (F9) of Receiving document !!! Receive bin is not empty 2016W1 Receive bin is not empty 2016CZ Put-away line 2016W1 Put-away line 2016CZ Put-away document 2016W1 Two actions : Take from bin W_08_0001 and Place to suggested W_04010 Put-away document 2016CZ Two actions: Take (Vzít) from bin B_08_0001 and Place (Vložit) to suggested B_04011 Register Put-Away 2016W1 Register Put-Away 2016CZ WH entries 2016W1 Report Bin Content WH entries 2016CZ Posting of PO-only Invoice 2016W1!!! Posting of PO-only Invoice 2016CZ1!!! Header of PO Sales order and creation of WHS Shipment 2016W1 (error in picture, marked must be lower one : Create Warehouse-Shipment!!) Must be released !! Sales Order (SO)and creation of WHS Shipment 2016CZ SO must be firstly released (Vydat) !! Sales Order (SO) WHS Shipment 2016CZ (vytvoření dodávky ze skladu-picking) SEE created document Warehouse Shipment has been created 2016W1 Warehouse Shipment has been created 2016CZ WH Shipment document 2016W1 From this document you have to Create Pick !!! WH Shipment document 2016CZ From this document you have to Create Pick ! (Vytvořit vyskladnění) !! Parameters necessary to create pick 2016W1 Parameters necessary to create pick 2016CZ1 Pick lines 2016W1 Pick lines 2016CZ Pick lines 2016CZ Manually enter quantity to handle (Množství ke zpracování) Pick document 2016W1 You must enter manually or by BAR code reader Quantity to handle !! Registering Pick Document 2016W1 Registering Pick Document 2016CZ Shiping from WH Shipment 2016W1 Shiping from WH Shipment 2016CZ Ship lines has been posted 2016W1 Ship lines has been posted 2016CZ Posting of Sales order 2016W1 Posting of Sales order 2016CZ Item ledger entries ands WH ledger entries 2016CZ Location White I Location White II Setup if ID exists and we have to assign warehouse employee PO and Open->Release Creation of the Warehouse Receipt WH Receipt (F11->PA created) Receipt bin content PO Lines after WH Receipt was posted You can show a column there Action /Take-Place) Registering Put-aways (F11) Warehouse Entries Posting PO (only Invoice) Sales Order 10=5+5 Creation of Warehouse Shipment Before WH S creation change SO status from Open to Released !! WHS Document and Pick Creation Created Pick W-03-0001 W-09-0001 Before Registering … Enter Quantity to Handle WH Shipment document How to get there from SO ??? SO –Post only Invoice See next slide Warehouse Entries Comment : use filter F7=Item No.=1896-S in order to only Item used in our model!!! End of the section (Warehouse management)