HOLACRACY HOLACRACY 1 WHAT IS HOLACRACY? HOLACRACY 2 oHolacracy is a method of decentralized management and organizational governance, in which authority and decision-making are distributed throughout a holarchy of self-organizing teams rather than being vested in a management hierarchy. oA holarchy is a hierarchy of self-regulating holons that function both as autonomous wholes and as dependent parts. oHolacracy has been adopted by for-profit and non-profit organizations in several countries. Holacracy is designed for organizations and fundamentally differentiates the roles of the organization from the people working in it. It emphasizes on iterative governance, adaptive processes, and self-organization. o A SUCCESS STORY OF HOLACRACY Zappos: an online shoe and clothing retailer, launched in 1999 Implemented holacracy in 2013 with over 1,500 employees “I think flexibility and adaptability is what’s actually going to be the competitive advantage. And holacracy allows for faster flexibility and adaptability.” CEO Tony Hsieh Circles replace the pyramidal hierarchy Circle structure: „circles“, „subcircles“ and „supercircle“ Circles: “values”, “projects”, “functions”, “segments” (150 departments evolved into 500 circles.) HOLACRACY 3 CIRCLE A SUCCESS STORY OF HOLACRACY (CONT’D) Circle (supercircle) could contain subcircles Subcircles: Particular functions of the company Ex. marketing, production Circles and subcircles consist of “Roles” Roles: Tasks broken down from a traditional job Ex. social media, advertising, web marketing in a marketing circle Special roles: Specific type of roles Ex. Lead Link and Rep. Link, substitute for titles of managers in pre-holacracy Difference - leadership responsibility belongs to the roles, not the individuals. Decision making - the majority doesn’t rule Any circle member can propose changes, and they are adopted unless another member objects on the grounds that they would harm the circle. In some part of stuff and function, stability is secured. Ex. customer service. HOLACRACY 4 C:\Users\KUNTU\Desktop\MUNI DAYS\1ST SEMESTER\HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT\GROUP ASSIGNMENT\HOLACRACY\R1607B_BIG_HOLACRACY (1).jpg SUBCIRCLE OF BADGING A place to read and write big ideas and important stories Founded in 2012 Implemented holacracy structure in 2013 Reversed the holacracy structure in 2016 due to: 1. Inability to synchronize efforts at scale 2. Difficulty to codify responsibilities while growing fast 3. Difficulties faced in recruitment due to misconceptions A failure story of Holacracy A failure story A failure story of Holacracy of Holacracy A FAILURE STORY OF HOLACRACY FACTORS THAT AFFECT SUCCESS oNo managers. oIncrease the efficiency, transparency, innovation, and accountability. oCollaboration and cooperation are key. HOLACRACY 6 FACTORS THAT AFFECT FAILURE HOLACRACY 7 oNew concept and needs more studies. oLosing human factors. oUncertainty situations like, “What happens when things go badly?”, “Or how do I manage my career?” CONCLUSION oHolacracy boosts the Organizational DNA with enhanced capacity to consciously have an incremental change and improve over time. oIt avoids traditional approaches to achieving order and rather adopts a peer-to-peer self organization. It depicts a broader societal trend and leaves out conventional models. oIf organizations want to pursue their purpose and be free from the of top-down planning, Holacracy is a sure path to tow. It makes the impossible pursuit of agreement possible and helps organizations to be fast and more agile. oThough Holacracy can not solve all organizations' tensions and fears, it provides a stable ground to curbing them. o HOLACRACY 8 REFERENCES https://hbr.org/2016/07/beyond-the-holacracy-hype https://www.businessinsider.com/tony-hsieh-zappos-holacracy-management-experiment-2015-5 https://www.holacracy.org/resource/zappos/ https://medium.com/@rubzie/medium-drops-holacracy-how-we-deal-with-their-problems-after-3-years-12 428b373b5f https://blog.medium.com/management-and-organization-at-medium-2228cc9d93e9 https://nslsfacts.org/2017/09/26/lost-utopia-why-did-holacracy-fail/ https://www.business.com/articles/is-it-time-to-shift-to-the-holacratic-workplace/ https://support.7geese.com/hc/en-us/articles/206287627-Best-Practices-Holacracy-Collaboration-Chang e-Management-and-Remote-Work http://fistfuloftalent.com/2014/01/six-problems-holacracy.html HOLACRACY 9 GROUP MEMBERS NAME UCO oSaeid Mosaferi UCO-486303 oFestim Uka UCO-483086 oMariko Ueno UCO-476839 oKanchana Madhumali Kodikara UCO-483090 oAdjoa Nyameyie Kuntu-Blankson UCO-482361 o HOLACRACY 10