Top issues in employee relations Liliia Demianchuk 468600 Irina Islentieva 483088 Anastasia Sudakova 478552 Marco Antonio Alves Junior 478557 Luis Eduardo Márquez 478587 I: INTRO: What is Employee Relations? II: Trendy Issues in employee relations #2018: •Leveraging on digital technologies •Work-life balance •Inequality issue •Safety in the Workplace •Globalization and cultural issue III: Conclusion Table of content According to Michael Armstrong, employee relations are concerned with managing and maintaining the employment relationship, considering the implications of the notion of the psychological contract. This means dealing with employees either collectively through their trade unions or individually; handling employment practices, terms and conditions of employment and issues arising from employment; and providing employees with a voice and communicating with employees. Introduction We believe that digital technologies not only transforms businesses, but also the HR function. Case of Schneider Electric: “Moving forward into 2018, we are looking to accelerate the use of digital technology. Digital has allowed us to perform many talent and project management processes more efficiently. For example, the use of HR systems that can help manage digital expenses for employees, as well as improving the organization of performance management and feedback.” Olivier Blum, chief HR officer, and executive vice president Trendy Issues in employee relations Leveraging on digital technologies ´ ´Consequences: ´Psychological ill-health ´Injuries and accidents ´Unhealthy behaviors ´Stress ´Work burnout and depression ´ ´Technology ´Affect positively: ´supportive managers ´empowering and trusting ´flexi-timings ´maternity and parental leave Trendy Issues in employee relations Work-Life Balance ´Criteria for non-discrimination ´Sex orientation and gender ´Age ´Disability ´Race and religion ´Why not to discriminate? ´Making people feel valued ´Increasing competitiveness ´Enhancing corporate reputation Inequality issues “It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good for economics, because discrimination, poverty and ignorance restrict growth.” Trendy Issues in employee relations - Bill Clinton, former US president ´Promoting safety in the workplace should be a top priority of every business owner. ´all proper safety equipment is used and that the right security measures are put in place. ´ensure that employees are not overly fatigued due to too many overtime shifts Adequate Safety in the Workplace Trendy Issues in employee relations ´Language barriers, and issues ´Verbal and non-verbal communication and transmission of ideas. ´Cultural differences, divergent culture standards, religion, and social hierarchy/formality. ´ ´ Globalization and cultural issue Trendy Issues in employee relations ´ Businesses are no longer assessed based only on traditional metrics such as financial performance, or even the quality of products, rather, organizations today are increasingly judged based on their relationships with their workers, their customers and their communities transforming them from business enterprises into social enterprises." Deloitte's 2018 Global Human Capital Trends report Conclusion Thank you