SWOT analysis Daniel Hurryup Petra Notexample [JM1] Strengths Own production ISO-certified Weaknesses Small customer base Opportunities One main supplier Specialized machinery Threats One main supplier[JM2] Threat of unionization Strengths The own production process[JM3] , as contrasted with sourcing externally, enables the company to act independently from affiliates and diminish potential risks[JM4] . The processes are ISO-certificated[JM5] , which is known as quality seal all over the world and can be used as a credit of trust towards potential new customers and suppliers (Allur E., Heras I., Casadesus M., 2014). Weaknesses 1. PAC’s revenue it’s only generated by a small customer base. [JM6] Opportunities 1. Company has one main supplier – they can work more closely together in the future. 2. Specialized machinery as an innovation in the production of the computer complements and final products.[JM7] 3. 4. [JM8] Threats 1. Company has one main supplier – that can be dangerous in price negotiations. 2. Threat of unionization[JM9] (Brown[JM10] , 2009) References Allur E., Heras I., Casadesús M. (2014) Internalization of ISO 9001[JM11] http://www.ibusiness.de/aktuell/db/537473SUR.html[JM12] http://klbrown1.blogspot.cz/2009/10/disadvantages-of-labor-unions.html[JM13] ________________________________ [JM1]No introduction – better to start with a few sentences summarizing info about the company (but not more than 70-80 words) [JM2]The same factor both in opportunities and threats – if so, better to put it into more detail (e.g. Threat – overreliance on one supplier) [JM3]Might be – but is it common to outsource production in the industry or not? [JM4]When writing in paragraphs it is a good idea to put key words into bold font – but do this only for maximum 4-5 words in one paragraph, do not do this for whole sentences. [JM5]Does ISO certification bring real advantage (isn’t it common?) [JM6] 1. Customers – rather external factor 2. It’s better to but the analysis into normal paragraphs (rather than numbered/bullet list) – this will allow you to highlight what is important (by the amount of arguments and detail you give it) [JM7] 1. Not an opportunity, rather internal 2. Is it really a strength – don’t the competitors have same or even better machinery? No argumentation. [JM8]Blank list – doesn’t seem that authors put much effort into their project (they did not checked their final work) [JM9] 1. Labelling something as a threat doesn’t make it one (internal factor) 2. Unions are also beneficial – it has to be argumented why it is a problem for a given company [JM10]What is the source you are referencing to? [JM11]1: Does not follow any citation style – important facts are missing (source – Journal, book,…) 2. Different font (formatting is not crucial, but it is a clear indication how much thorough you were) [JM12] 1. Even web link require certain citation style 2. Not mentioned in the text – where it was used (and was it used at all) [JM13]Blogs, news pages etc. are usually not a good resources for your argumentation – rely rather on industry survey (published by industry associations or consulting companies – such as McKinsey, KPMG etc.) or scientific resources