Complex example I ERP Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018w1 Created by : Jaromír Skorkovský Date : 23.10.2019 For : MPH_AOMA and AOPR and BPH_EPS1 Database : MS Dynamics NAV 2018w1 Keys : Ctrl-N=New, F4=Look-up, Ctrl-F7-entries, F7-statistics, F9-post Shorthands : G/L General Ledger, TO-Transfer Order Tutor-TU 1. Find Item 80208->Searching windows->Item->List of items ->Filter (right upper corner)->80208 2. See Item Ledger Entries->Ctrl-F7- >should be none. It means, that no Purchase neither Production was processed, which action may increase inventory 3. Go to Departments (lower-left corner of the working area)->Purchasing ->Order Processing->Purchase Orders and icon New 4. Enter Vendor Number into the first field (use mouse or typing or F4) -> 20000 and confirm by key 5. Go to Purchase Lines->Enter Type=Item and Item Number 80208 and Location->BLUE (the YELLOW location must be overwritten) ->Quantity 10 and Direct Unit Cost=2 (the original cost have to be overwritten) 6. In the Purchase Order Header, you have to enter Vendor Invoice Number (ESF_20191023) 7. Post document by F9 (Invoice and Receive option) 8. Go to Departments (lower-left corner of the working area)->Financial Management->General Ledger ->Tasks->General Journals 9. Use Batch name =Default (if some lines created previously were already there- erase them by icon Delete-upper left corner) 10. Enter Document Type>Payment (use mouse of F4) ->Account Type=Vendor-> Account Number =20000->Balance Account Type=Bank->Bank Account->Balance Account Number=NBL 11. Upper Bar Menu-> Actions and icon Set Applies-to ID 12. Chose our External number ESF_20191023, which is in fact Vendor Invoice Number and click on Set Applies-to ID ->internal number starting with G000x will be created 13. Confirm by OK 14. See what happened in General Journal and post it by F9 15. Go to the searching window and find Vendor 20000->Ctrl-F7 and see created Vendor Ledger Entries 16. Go to Items ->80208 and Ctrl-F7 and see Item Ledger Entries 17. Go to Departments->Purchasing->Order Processing->Transfer Orders and click NEW 18. Transfer-from code =BLUE to Transfer-to code=RED 19. Enter data into Transfer line ->Item number=80208, Quantity =5 20. Post two times Transfer Order by F9 and the go-to Items->find Item 80208 and Ctrl-F7 to see Item Ledger Entries 21. Go to Departments->Sales&Marketing ->Order Processing->Sales Orders->Icon NEW->Enter Customer Numer (second field from above) =10000 into Sales Order Header ->go to Sales Lines and enter Type=Item->Item Number=80208->Location=BLUE->Quantity=2 and Unit price=4 (original unit price must be overwritten)- >Print SO confirmation and post it by F9 22. See Icon by Location window 23. Go to the General Journal and accept Payment from Customer 10000 (the actions taken are more and less the same which we carried out with payment to our Vendor (see bullets 8-14 of this example) 24. See Customer Ledger Entries and Item Ledger Entries – final results 25. Customer Ledger Entries 26. Vendor Ledger Entries 27. Item Ledger Entries 28. Item by Locations 29. General Ledger Entries->Financial Management->General Ledger->Archive->History->G/L Registers->upper-left corner icon G/L Entries