Simple scenario (Item Transfer ) ERP Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018w1 Created by : Jaromír Skorkovský Date : 9.10.2019 For : MPH_AOMA and AOPR and BPH_EPS1 Database : MS Dynamics NAV 2016 W1 Keys : Ctrl-N=New, F4=Look-up, Ctrl-F7-entries, F7-statistics, F9-post Shorthands : G/L General Ledger, TO-Transfer Order Tutor-TU Go to Menu Warehouse-> (working space)->Administration-> Setup> Locations Select Locations = White and top in the window to select Manage and View icon Open card Location=White and see all the tabs of this card. The primary field and meaning will explain your TU. See icon Bins. Open it, and you will see See bin contents by use of icon Contents The bin is the smallest possible storage location. Limits, Empty and Assigned -> TU, Zones will show you again Go back by ESC key (several times) Select Locations=Blue and Edit-> see Warehouse tab and Inbound and Outbound times Do the same action for chosen inventory Location=Red. Inbound handling time =1D and Outbound handling time =2D.If in your current database you have different values you must rewrite it. Menu Warehouse-> Administration-> Inventory-> Transfer Routes -> TU will explain Go to searching windows and find Shipping agents area Use icon Shipping Agent Services Go to the searching window and enter string Transfer Orders or use Menu Warehouse-> Orders & Contacts-> Lists->Transfer Orders For an explanation of principles, see PWP Presentation about Transfers Ctrl-N à Create a new Transfer Order - confirm with key Enter from the screen below Add by F4 values of Location From and To. In our case, it will be Blue and Red In transit, the chosen lorry comes from Transfer Routes matrix. Enter Item-1936-S and one pcs. On the tab Transfer From you will see On the tab Transfer To you will see Shipping date=1.2.2019 and Receipt date= 5.2.2019 ->4 days. Two days outbound warehouse handling time + 1 day shipping time + 1-day inbound warehouse handling time. It might be possible that in your current NAV2018w1 database you will have (you will use) different dates. Post TO (transfer order) by F9 And TO line changed : Before posting TO for the second time see please matrix item by location from item card or item list by using Icon and You will get this type of screen Click on a number to see transfer moves Post TO 2^nd time by F9 You will get And see Item entry of chosen item 1936-S