Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV (ATP_CTP) Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Text z helpu systému I - ENG •A company must be able to inform their customers of order delivery dates. The Order Promising Lines window enables you to do this from a sales order line. • •Based on an item’s known and expected availability dates, Dynamics NAV instantly calculates shipment and delivery dates, which can then be promised to the customer. • •If you specify a requested delivery date on a sales order line, then that date is used as the starting point for the following calculations: • •Requested delivery date - Shipping time = Planned shipment date •Planned shipment date - Outbound warehouse handling time = Shipment date • • • Požadované datum doručení Doba na cestě Plánované datum dodávky (expedice) Doba vyskladnění Datum dodávky Plánované datum dodávky (expedice) Text z helpu systému II - ENG •If the items are available to pick on the shipment date, then the sales process can continue. If the items are not available to be picked on the shipment date, then a stock-out warning is displayed. • •If you do not specify a requested delivery date on a sales order line, or if the requested delivery date cannot be met, then the earliest date on which that the items are available is calculated. That date is then entered in the Shipment Date field on the line, and the date on which you plan to ship the items as well as the date on which they will be delivered to the customer are calculated using the following calculations: • •Shipment date + Outbound warehouse handling time = Planned shipment date •Planned shipment date + Shipping time = Planned delivery date • • ATP-CTP •Available-to-Promise (Lze slíbit) •Capable-to-Promise (Možné slíbit) • •ATP – based on the inventory reservation system – performing the availability check (calculation of the date of delivery ) • •CTP – based on WHAT IF scenarios. Earliest date in which an item will be available • • If no items that can be available, no inbound orders- purchase, transfer , return, production – it calculates Earliest Date, creates Order lines, and reserves the inventory. • • Maybe integrated to the production scheduling, transfer and purchase • • ATP -CTP Shipment Date=SD Planned Shipment Date= Plan SD Output Warehouse Handling Time=OWHT Shipping Time=ST Planned Delivery Date=Plan DD Requested Delivery Date=RDD Promised Delivery Date=Prom DD Manually entered Calculation a)Navision calculates earliest PDD taking into account inventory availability without customer´s requirements b)Navision verifies, if by hand entered RDD is realistic taking into account inventory availability (backward calculation) Next ATP -CTP reinforced-plastic-inventory vozik warehouse230624-1-009 Artic amsted-factory AnaComCustomerService Customer Output Warehouse Handling Time=OWHT=1D IWHT=2D Location BLUE Shipping Time=ST=1D Customer->Shipping->Shipping Agent Services-> Shipping Time and Calendars In the text for 2018|2019 course it is 2D and 1D In the text for 2018|2019 course it is 2D only (Fedex Standard) ATP –CTP – Order Promising Setup The field Offset time – Kompenzace(čas) contains the period of time that the program must wait before it is allowed to issue a new Purchase Order, Production order or Transfer Order. The period starts with the current date. The time units of measure that you can use are days, workdays, weeks, months, quarters or years. In the setup for 2018|2019 course was Plánování, but better to get Purchase order to change to Požadavek (Request) New Item X3 In the setup for 2018|2019 it was 4D In the setup for 2018|2019 it was 2D Purchase Item X3 by use of Item journal Availability by period ATP –CTP – simple example (Sales Order) Output Warehouse Handling Time=OWHT On the customer Card ST=1D and Shipping agent ST = 3D (Shipping agent setup has a priority over Customer ST=1D). Create new Shipping agent method EXTRA =ESF transport =3D and overwrite again shipment time on Customer card to 1D only ATP –CTP – simple example Viz další snímek ATP –CTP – simple example Lze slíbit Změna požadovaného množství v řádku PO 50->100 Next step- Accept (Přijmout) ATP –CTP – simple example CTP SO line ATP –CTP – simple example Lze (ATP) with LT=2D 6.2.- 31.1. = 6D = 2D LT + 1D SLT+ 1D IWHT+ 2D IWHT - Nákup 10.2.-6.2. = 4D = 3 ST + 1D OWHT - dodávka (prodej) IWHT = Inbound Warehouse Handling Time - čas naskladnění OWHT = Outbound Warehouse Handling Time – čas vyskladnění LT = Lead Time – průběžný čas SLT = Safety Lead Time – bezpečný průběžný čas ST = Shipment Time – čas dopravy Setting up an Availability Setup scenario : Application Setup – General -Company Information 90 days 1 week Today 6D 2W 13W 90 days W=week ATP-CTP 28.11.2008 12.12.2008 10 ks = Inventory , Lead Time=5D 20 ks = Purchase Order See tab SO Shipping->Shipment Date !!!! SEE XLS FILE ATP_CTP CALCULATIONS PLEASE (Part of study material) More in detail 90 days 30.7.-1.5.=90 days Nový příklad Pracovní datum =31.1.2020, parametry viz tabulka, nakoupeno 71 ks T008c 31.1.2010+2D vyskladnění =02.02.2020 02.02.2020+2D Doba dopravy=04.02.2020 Když změníme požadovaný počet na 100 pak po výpočtu CTP (Možné slíbit) dostaneme 31.1.2020+ zaskladnění (1D)+průběžné doby (2D+1D) =04.02.2020 04.02.2020 + vyskladnění (2) a doba dopravy (1D) = 07.02.2020 End of section (ATP-CTP)