Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV (Detailed Customer and Vendor Entries - Detailní položky) Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Description (source-NAV help) - •Tabulka Detailní položky zákazníka obsahuje všechny účtované položky, včetně adjustací, spojených s dokladem a s položkami řádku deníku v tabulce Položka zákazníka (karta Zákazník ->Ctrl-F7) • •Kromě původní položky a vyrovnané položky, tabulka Detailní položka zákazníka obsahuje všechny adjustace vytvořené pro položku zákazníka. To mohou být skonta, realizované a nerealizované ztráty a zisky majících původ ve změnách směnných kursů, zaokrouhlení vyrovnání a oprav z důvodu zaokrouhlení různých měn. • Description (source-NAV help) - ENG •You use the Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entries window to view a summary of all the posted entries and adjustments related to a specific customer ledger entry in the Customer Ledger Entries window. This feature allows you to see why a certain entry was made on a certain account in connection with discounts, roundings, and currency exchange adjustments. How to view DCLE •To view detailed Customer Ledger Entries •In the Search box, enter Customers, and then choose the related link. Open the relevant Customer card. •On the Navigate tab, in the History group, choose Ledger Entries. •Select the relevant customer ledger entry. •On the Navigate tab, in the Entry group, choose Detailed Ledger Entry. •OR two times Ctrl-F7 !!! • Example – SO I Customer with USD currency Example – SO III SO header with chosen customer See line discount !!! Post it by F9 Go to GL Journal Add field as shown belowand move it up GLJ- another modification GLJ GLJ GLJ And all entries are created (Item, Customer, GL and Detailed Customer ones) !!! Customer Ledger Entries Detailed CLE Action->Navigate -> From CE type Payment Detailed CLE From CE type Invoice Action->Navigate -> GL Registers Example II Change Payment Terms Code to 1M(8D) – will be expained !!! Change Location from Yellow to BLUE ! SO and Payment and change of Exchange Rate (USD)and see DCLE …. End of section (Detailed Customer and Vendor Entries – Detailní položky)