MUNI ECON SUPTECH WORKSHOP III Neural networks • SUPTECH WORKSHOP III • Neural networks 1/12 Black-Litterman model Let r = (ri, r2,..., rn)T, n e N be asset returns. Assume r ^ N(/i, £). In turn, assume random mean returns li ~ 7V(7t,t£) where tt is determined by the investor. The investor may formulate linear views, such as Piljll + pi2\±2 + ... + Pinion = qi+Si where ei ~ 7V(0, of), with of controlling for confidence. Collecting views into a matrix gives PM ~ N(/i, fi) where fi is a diagonal matrix of (of, cr|5of). Then to = ((rS)"1 + P^n-1?)-^^)-1^ + P^q) S^L = ((rE)"1 + PT^-1P)-1 • SUPTECH WORKSHOP III • Neural networks 2/12 Neurons I Ji :i- • SUPTECH WORKSHOP III • Neural networks 3/12 Artificial Neural networks (ANNs) ■ multiple real-valued inputs X = (Xu ...,Xr)T ■ single output Y. ■ The connection is indicated by weight $ . ■ The output is obtained by computing the activation value U as the sum of X, with their respective weights in the vector (3 = (/?!,/3r), and a bias term f30: r 1=1 ■ the result is passed through an activation function /, Y = f(U) = f(f30 + X-Tf3) • SUPTECH WORKSHOP III • Neural networks 4/12 Activation functions sign(x) i+e-* tanh(x) -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 1 -4 -2 0 2 4 • SUPTECH WORKSHOP III • Neural networks 5/12 Single-layer perceptron • SUPTECH WORKSHOP III • Neural networks 6/12 Learning methods ■ Supervised learning: minimizing error function (regression). ■ Unsupervised learning: finding features without teacher (clustering). ■ Reinforcement learning: It differs from supervised learning in that labelled input/output pairs need not be presented, and sub-optimal actions need not be explicitly corrected. Instead the focus is finding a balance between exploration (of uncharted territory) and exploitation (of current knowledge). • SUPTECH WORKSHOP III • Neural networks 7/12 Feed-forward Neural Network (FNN) ■ neurons are connected only from input to output ■ no connections within a layer ■ hidden layer - neurons not input and output ■ most common - multi-layer perceptron (MLP) • SUPTECH WORKSHOP III • Neural networks 8/12 One hidden layer Parallel MLPs Input o Network Output Xl o X-2 o o • SUPTECH WORKSHOP III • Neural networks Unfolded recurrent neural network Input Network o X-2 o o • SUPTECH WORKSHOP III • Neural networks Recurrent neural network Input Network xt o 1 ^ r-s-* A } * Output Vt • SUPTECH WORKSHOP III • Neural networks 12/12