Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV Sales example and impacts (Inventory, Customer Ledger Entries and General Ledger) Assigned to students of courses BPH_EPS1,MPH_AOMA and MPH_AOPR Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO, Czech Republic Faculty of economics and business administration Department of corporate economy Customer Card Mouse click List of customers See next slide One customer record List of Customers See balance (calculated field ) and explain it! See business history and explain as well! Use Edit Icon to open chosen customer card ! To open one chosen Customer Card Customer Card See following tabs : •General - basic fields (Country (Region, Salesperson, Balance, Credit limit,...) •Communication – basic fields (e-mail,…) •Invoicing - basic fields (Posting groups- will part of the accounting section of this course) •Payments – basic fields (Payment terms- enter new one by the use of formula date) •Receiving – basic fields (Location) •Foreign trade – basic fields (Currency code and Language) 1D, 2W,1M.. Customer Ledger Entries Customer card Customer Ledger Entries Customer Ledger Entries were created due to posted documents such as invoices, credit memos, and payments Working date, Payment condition, and red marked Customer Ledger Entries Customer card Business parameters Go to Tab Payments of Customer card Customer Ledger Entries (filtered to only one red marked invoice entry) Customer card By use of Navigate tool, you can see document (invoice) See next slide Invoice in question One day after the due date Item list (use search window) Item Card See basic fields (Inventory, Quantity on Sales and Purchase orders) Item Card Product posting group will be explained later (impact to accounting) Later in this course tutor explain a Unit cost and use of Assist button to show you a decomposition of Unit cost Item Card Item Ledger Entries By removing filter value see other entry types (purchases, transfers sales) Sales Order creation Item 3 Customer Insert required quantity! Sales Order (header and lines) Sales Order creation List of already existing Sales Orders These Sales orders have not been posted so far. Sales Order (SO) – new one Double click on icon New Empty form of SO structure ->Enter and find a customer The new document number is created automatically Sales Order (SO) – new (To enter data use F4 or mouse) Fields with default data are marked by orange * Enter the chosen Customer and confirm by key ENTER! Enter type of the Sales Order line (by F4 or mouse) = Item! Enter the chosen item (Berlin chair 1936-S) and confirm by key ENTER! Enter quantity ten and Stock location= BLUE! See next slide Sales Order (SO) You will get probably a warning message! Will be explained by tutor! To continue push button YES Sales Order (SO) Print (Preview) Post SO by use of key F9 (or icon) See Customer Ledger Entries : •Search window •Customer •Filter to Customer 30000 •Icon Ledger Entries –Option Entries or Ctrl-F7 • Customer Ledger Entries See next slide Item Ledger Entries Inventory was decreased by 10! Item Ledger Entries See Item Ledger Entries: •Search window (See the previous slide) •Item •Filter to Item 1936-S •Find icon Entries ->Option=Entries See next slide Item Ledger Entries Ctrl-F7 Inventory was decreased by 10! General Ledger (home study) •What is it? • A general ledger contains all the accounts for recording transactions relating to a company's assets, liabilities, owners' equities, revenues, and expenses. • • In modern accounting software or ERP, the general ledger works as a central repository for accounting data transferred from all sub-ledgers or modules like account payable, account receivable, cash management, fixed assets, purchasing and projects. • • The general ledger is the backbone of any accounting system which holds financial and non-financial data for an organization. The collection of all accounts is known as the general ledger. General Ledger (home study) C:\Users\JSKORK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\SNAGHTML7d326a.PNG Impacts in General Ledger Go to the last line of G/L register Go to icon General Ledger Impacts in General Ledger Sales Retail Domestic 6110 Sales VAT 25% 5610 Customer Domestic 2310 Discount granted 6910 1439,00 1 708,81 359,75 17,99 71,95 Debit Credit 17,99 1439 71,95 359,75 1708,81 1798,75 1798,75 Use of Navigate tool •Go to Icon Customer Ledger Entries from the same working space (General Ledger) Use of Navigate tool Result of Navigation End of the section SALES Sales example and impacts (Inventory, Customer Ledger Entries and General Ledger)