Linear programming-introduction Ing.J.Skorkovský,CSc. USE •Slitting and Levelling of material (coils, bars, sheets)-Cutting material, trimming,… •Blending - blending, diet, feeding rations for animals, .. •Transport problems - material flow from stock to the destination and route planning - shortest route •Assignment of resources with limited capacities - CCR •Sources : Operation Management, Quality and Competitiveness in a global environment, Russel and Taylor (can be found easily in ESF library) • • •CCR=Capacity Constraint Resource CCR –additional information •There are 3 categories of resources from the point of view of capacity: •Bottleneck •CCR – Capacity Constraint Resource •Non-CCR • • • Formulation of the simple model Product Description Work /hour Material/pcs Return/pcs Dish x1 1 4 40 Mug x2 2 3 50 Which combination of products will have the greatest return at the limits of maximum production capacity type = 40 hours moreover, the amount of material that is limited to 120 kg of clay? Note: A similar task in terms of flow was solved in the P&Q example (only valid for Czech student), where the limitation in resource B and with a maximum capacity of 2400 minutes) Description x1 and x2 stands for variables, Material means e.g. 4 kg for one piece Basic structures and used terminology •We minimize our target function in the form of: • • Z = c1*x1+c2*x2+…..+cn*xn with respect to the matrix of restrictive conditions: • (in our case c1=40 and c2=50 which means return/pc) • • A11*x1 + A12*x2+ …+ A1n*xn (<>=) B1 • A22*x1 + A22*x2+ …+ A2n*xn (<>=) B2 • • Am1*x1 + Am2*x2+ …+ Amn*xn (<>=)Bm • •It is a classical system of linear equations is Ax=B •The solving of such a linear equation system, e.g. By use of GAUSS-JORDAN algorithm is not required if we will use Excel Solver. •xij : decision variable= level of operation activity specified by this variable •Bi : restrictive conditions , allowed deviations from the norm (in time and material) •cj : coefficient of the target function (in our case returns, meaning return 40 and 50 ) •Aij : restrictive coefficients: work and material for one unit (pcs) of the product • • Target function Z=Cx Example I (introduction to the problem – practical demonstration ) Target function: Z= 40*x1+50*x2, which we must maximize Maximal production capacity = 40 hours and Maximal quantity of material =120 kg (B1 and B2 in our mathematical expression) Specifications of task restrictions by use of 2x2 matrix: 1*x1 + 2*x2 =40 (work- no more than 40 hours) 4*x1 + 3*x2 =120 (material=kg of clay in our case)->x1=(40-2x2)+3x2=120…. Manual solving : -> x1=24 a x2=8 and after substitution od variables (24 pcs of Dish and 8 pcs of Mug) in target function we will get Z=40*24+50*8=1360 (optimal Return meets the point B – see next slide) Z = c1*x1+c2*x2+…..+cn*xn (classical equation from) Product Description Work /hour Material/pcs Return/pcs Dish x1 1 4 40 Mug x2 2 3 50 Graphical solution I apologize for the inappropriate graphic expression…. Use of Solver (Czech EXCEL) Excel setup Solver Comlements Supplement Solver Solver Use o solver (see actual Excel formulas on one of the next slides) Dish Mug Total Capacity Variables (x1, x2) 0 0 Return 40 50 0 Material 4 3 0 120 Work 1 2 0 40 x1=Dish , x2=Mug, max 40 hour (B1), max 120 kg (B2) Target function Z = x1*c1 + x2*c2 = 40*x1+50*x2 Z 4 * x1 + 3 *x2 =120 - capacity restrictions= max quantity of material =B1 1 * x1 + 2 *x2 = 40 -capacity restrictions by max work capacity=B2 x1 x2 Assignment Assignment entered in table Product Description Work /hour Material/pcs Return/pcs Dish x1 1 4 40 Mug x2 2 3 50 Solver start Use of Solver (Czech- not for MHP_AOPR ) Z = x1*c1 + x2*c2 = 40*x1+30*x2 E7=C7*C4+D7*D4=4*x1+3*x2=120 E8=C8*C4+D8*D4=x1+2*x2=40 E5 = Use of solver (for MPH_AOPR) Z = x1*c1 + x2*c2 = 40*x1+30*x2 F10=D10*D6+E10*E6=4*x1+3*x2=120 F11=D11*D6+E11*D6=x1+2*x2=40 Solve it Target Variables Restrictions F7 = Využití Řešitele (use of Solver) Use of Solver (English) New Excel List Změna úlohy- jiné výnosy jiná omezení typu práce na dvou strojích a jejich kapacitní omezení (Change of parameters- not necessary for MPH_AOPR !!!!!) OK ?