Simple scenario (Discounts) ERP Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018w1 Created by : Jaromír Skorkovský Date : 21.10.2019 For : MPH_AOMA and AOPR and BPH_EPS1 Database : MS Dynamics NAV 2018w1 Keys : Ctrl-N=New, F4=Look-up, Ctrl-F7-entries, F7-statistics, F9-post Shorthands : G/L General Ledger, TO-Transfer Order Tutor-TU 1. Find Customer card and Customer with code 10000. 2. On the Toolbar, you will see in Navigation section three icons. Directly from the list of items 3. The similar area with slightly different icon names you can access from Bar about item card see second picture below From the list From the card Prices=Set Special prices, Line discount =Set Special Discounts 4. Open icon Prices and enter in this window Customer (it should be already there) and enter item 1964-W. Standard Unit price from the item card supposed to be 292. 5. Enter 3 pcs and enter a new price for this quantity and a higher amount 290 and 5 for 280. Confirm by OK and go to the icon Line Discount and enter different quantity and % values as shown below. Be aware that this is only to show how ERP NAV 2018w1 can calculate discounts. Pcs Unit Price % Final unit price Total 1 292,00 0,00 292,00 292,00 3 290,00 0,00 290,00 870,00 5 280,00 0,00 280,00 1 400,00 7 280,00 7,00 260,40 1 822,80 9 280,00 9,00 252 2268 Create Sales Order with several lines. Our example in a normal business situation is pointless. After posting created Sales order, you can go to General Ledger->Archive->G/L Registers Below you see printed posted SO = Sales Invoice 6. Go back to the Customer 10000 and in the Tool area find and use icon Invoice Discount to set this type of discount The meaning of setup is clear. If the total amount related to created Sales Order will be higher the set limits, the customer will get setup % off discount for this document. 7. Create a new Sales Order with Customer 10000 in its header with enough quantity of item 1964-W to exceed the set limit for invoice discount. See only Sales Order lines There is only a Price discount applied but not Invoice discount, which has to be activated by selling person manually. Before calculation of an Invoice, see discount Statistics of this Sales Order by use of key F7. You could see that the filed Invoice Discount is empty so far. When using icon Calculate Invoice Discount, you will see calculated Invoice Discount by use of Statistics window, or you can see this field with the show column (right mouse click on the line description area. Czech word Přidat means Add Statistics F7 will show total amount 870 British pounds and 870 x 0.92 =800,4 and 870-800,4=69,60. If you change the number of items to 7 pcs to get at least some % discount um the line and you will recalculate Invoice Discount, you will get Post Sales Order by use of key F9 and see General register and General Ledger Entries. Financial Management->General Ledger->Archive ->History->G/L Register and last line and upper left corner icon General Ledger General Ledger Entries looks like The new set price was 290. Total is 1960, and after 5% line discount we have got 1960*0,95=1862. And after Invoice Discount of 8% is applied, we have got 1862*0,92=1713,04. If we will get posted document from G/L Register via Customer Ledger Entries->Navigate we will get: