Box S.6 Typical content of individual chapters Chapter I: Introduction General background information on the project The research problem Purpose of the study Hypotheses or research questions Scope of the study Significance of the study Definitions of key terms Organization of the thesis Chapter 2: Literature review General review of relevant literature Specific topics directly relating to the issue under investigation How previous research suggests the study is important to do The gap in the research that the study will fill Chapter 3: Conceptual frameu-ork and!or methodology Research design Methods used to collect data Research instruments Methods used to analyse the data Details about who, how, when and why For ethnography, description of the setting and participants Issues of ethics and consent Chapter 4: Remits The findings of the study, described under themes that emerged from the data, under the research questions or under the data collection techniques that were used Chapter 5: Discussion and conclusions A re-statement of the research problem A re-statement of results Discussion of what was found in relation to previous research on the topic Limitations of the study Implications for future research Consent Box S.I A'simple' traditional thesis Degree: MEd Study area: Education Title: Rater consistency andjudgment in the direct assessment of second-language writing ability Chapter I: Introduction The nature of the problem Origins of the study Focus and structure of the thesis Chapter 2: Literature review Introduction Performance assessment Performance assessment and reliability Conclusion Chapter 3: Methodology Introduction Selection of research design, setting, informants and texts Data collection and analysis Conclusion Chapter 4: Results Introduction Degree of rater consistency Interpretation and application of performance criteria Raters' reading strategies Influences on rater judgments of writing ability Conclusion Chapter 5: Discussion Introduction Degree of rater consistency Interpretation and application of performance criteria Raters' reading strategies Influences on rater judgments of writing ability Conclusion Chapter 6: Conclusions and recommendations Source: Paltridge 2002: 138-1 39 Box S3 A topic-based thesis Degree: MA Study area: Cultural studies Title: Unworldly places: Myth, memory arid tbe Pink and White Terraces Chapter 1: Introduction Disappearing wonders Chapter 2: Plotting Travels of colonial science Plotting destinations Chapter 3: Sightseeing Topophilic tourism Site specifics Painting the place and myth Souvenering the site Chapter 4: Astral travel Mnemonic tours in the new wonderland" Memory tours The buried village: Embalmed history Living out the past Museumising the past: Sanctioned memory Chapter 5: Postscript Source: Paltridge 2002: 140