Table 7.2 Steps and strategies for writing a literature review Steps Strategies Locate relevant literature Identify key authors and journals Use state-of-the-art articles Use computerized searches Use Google Scholar Scan tables of contents from key journals Use reference lists from articles, books and chapters Read primary sources Avoid the popular press Critically read the literature Identify themes in the literature Identify strengths and weaknesses of individual articles Identify strengths and weaknesses of the field as a whole Collect photocopies of articles Investigate expected length and format of the literature review Make a preliminary outline Organize the literature you will cover Limit the scope of the review to the topic at hand Write the introduction Write sub-sections Use transition markers and metatext Synthesize and critically evaluate the literature Be careful not to plagiarize Practise summarizing and paraphrasing actives Use the review to lead to your study and research question/s Prepare to write Write the review Indicate the gap