Finance (Basic) Ludek Benada Department of Finance Office 533 Personal Finance qMonetary decisions of an individual (family). qAnalyses how the individuals (family unit) obtain, budget, save and spend money. qThe personal income could be allocated towards expenses, saving, debt repayment. Sample budget Category Monthly amount Annual amount Percentage Housing Food Automobile Tax Insurance School Medical Clothing Saving Example of budged allocation What happened if the total expanses are not equal to the total income? The phases of personal finance by age nPhase of low saving nPhase of debt nPhase of investment nPhase of use accumulated wealth The phases of personal finance by age age 0 25 50 75 Part-time job, casual job Employment, wedding Purchase of a car Own housing, mortgage Child/children Financing of child’s study Financial planning for retirement Repayment of mortgage Retirement Expenditure on personal health care Personal financial planning qAssessment qSetting goals qCreating a plan qExecution qMonitoring/Reassessment Personal financial planning Analysis of the financial situation Definition of goals Creation of financial plan Execution Monitoring/examination Saving qRegular payment over time q qThe task is to identify FV The relation between IP and PP: §IP = PP §IP > PP §IP < PP Annuity in within one interest period: §Ahead a period §After a period § o o Linear interest in one IP S ... total amount saved m … number of deposits x … amount of money i … interest rate Arithmetic serie, Geometric serie Long-term Saving a … annuity (a regular payment of a same amount) Combined Saving, or IP>PP Ahead a period After a period ? Retirement plan Pension is a way to ensure a regular income for people, which are no longer earning a regular income from employment. Retirement plane (individuals, employers, unions, insurance companies, government). The main types of income in Retirement plan qImmediate income: §Ahead a period §After a period qDeferred income qIncome paid m-times a year qPerpetual income q qThe task is to identify PV q Immediate Income Ahead a period v … 1/(1+i) D … present value of total income After a period Income paid m-times in one IP Ahead a period After a period Deferred Income (ahead a period) vk … postponement of income payment Perpetual Income Immediately Deferred Repayment plan Consists of: Debt, Annuity, Interest, Amortization Amortization of debt: qEqual annuity qUnequal annuity Thank you for your attention