Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Experimental methodology1 Ondˇrej Krˇc´al DXH MET1, MUNI 24.–25. 11. 2022 1Some sources: James Tremewan’s course thought at MUNI in May 2022, Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Experimental Economics and Handbook of Experimental Economic Methodology Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References MU Experimental Economics Laboratory (MUEEL) We offer research infrastructure: • experimental laboratory – hroot, otree programmers, support (lab manager, payments) • access to software and equipment (Qualtrics, Veyon, Air Quality, ...) • experience with lab/field/survey experiments and agent-based models • network of experts – local (CERGE-EI, VˇSE, WU) and broader Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Using experiments in your research? Experiments popular in many fields: • Gender and labor market – huge literature in the lab and field Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Using experiments in your research? Experiments popular in many fields: • Gender and labor market – huge literature in the lab and field • Enviromental economics – common lab and field studies Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Using experiments in your research? Experiments popular in many fields: • Gender and labor market – huge literature in the lab and field • Enviromental economics – common lab and field studies • Integration of immigrants – lab studies: (1, 2, 3) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Using experiments in your research? Experiments popular in many fields: • Gender and labor market – huge literature in the lab and field • Enviromental economics – common lab and field studies • Integration of immigrants – lab studies: (1, 2, 3) • Management/adaption – common experiments: (1, 2) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Using experiments in your research? Experiments popular in many fields: • Gender and labor market – huge literature in the lab and field • Enviromental economics – common lab and field studies • Integration of immigrants – lab studies: (1, 2, 3) • Management/adaption – common experiments: (1, 2) • Impact investing – lab studies: (1, 2) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Using experiments in your research? Experiments popular in many fields: • Gender and labor market – huge literature in the lab and field • Enviromental economics – common lab and field studies • Integration of immigrants – lab studies: (1, 2, 3) • Management/adaption – common experiments: (1, 2) • Impact investing – lab studies: (1, 2) • DSGE – lab studies: (1, 2) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Using experiments in your research? Experiments popular in many fields: • Gender and labor market – huge literature in the lab and field • Enviromental economics – common lab and field studies • Integration of immigrants – lab studies: (1, 2, 3) • Management/adaption – common experiments: (1, 2) • Impact investing – lab studies: (1, 2) • DSGE – lab studies: (1, 2) Many observational studies use quasi-experiments or natural experiments (ˇStˇep´an Mikula) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Overview Experiments (as compared to surveys) have two main features: • randomization (exception: preference measurement) • incentivization (exception: survey experiment) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Overview Experiments (as compared to surveys) have two main features: • randomization (exception: preference measurement) • incentivization (exception: survey experiment) Running experiments: • Design • based on literature review (novelty/replication) • informed by theory • to be able to analyze data efficiently (power, avoid assumptions) • Admin • Pre-registration • Ethics approval • Personal information • Data collection (depends by the type of the experiment) • Data analysis Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Measuring preferences Scientific disciplines are as precise as the measurements of basic concepts. Preferences (consistency, stability, values/distributions) • risk preferences • time preferences: discount rate, present bias • social preferences: e.g. altruism, trust, reciprocity Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Measuring preferences Scientific disciplines are as precise as the measurements of basic concepts. Preferences (consistency, stability, values/distributions) • risk preferences • time preferences: discount rate, present bias • social preferences: e.g. altruism, trust, reciprocity Global preference survey: Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Theory and experiments (1/2) Economic theory provides structure for the examination of how people behave in economic situations. Experiments not motivated by theory may lead to duplication of effort. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Theory and experiments (1/2) Economic theory provides structure for the examination of how people behave in economic situations. Experiments not motivated by theory may lead to duplication of effort. Experiments are best at: • testing theories – make comparative-static predictions (about direction and not about size/parameters of the model) • testing assumptions field work is based on Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Theory and experiments (2/2) Economic theory • is strong and works: e.g. market experiments • is strong and does not work: e.g. expected utility theory • is weak: e.g. ultimatum game • selfish preferences are not theory • experience Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Theory and experiments (2/2) Economic theory • is strong and works: e.g. market experiments • is strong and does not work: e.g. expected utility theory • is weak: e.g. ultimatum game • selfish preferences are not theory • experience Adjustments to make theory more useful, e.g. • other-regarding preferences (Fehr & Schmidt, 1999; Bolton & Ockenfels, 2000) • quantal response equilibrium (McKelvey & Palfrey, 1995) • one-one shot interactions – level-k theory (Stahl & Wilson, 1995) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Design choices: treatments Random assignment to treatment → causal inference Treatments should differ only in one thing! Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Design choices: treatments Random assignment to treatment → causal inference Treatments should differ only in one thing! Sometimes experiments involve multiple factors, e.g. communication (with/without) and stake-size (low/high) in a dictator game. Full factorial design would lead to 2 x 2 = 4 designs. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Design choices: treatments Random assignment to treatment → causal inference Treatments should differ only in one thing! Sometimes experiments involve multiple factors, e.g. communication (with/without) and stake-size (low/high) in a dictator game. Full factorial design would lead to 2 x 2 = 4 designs. Rule of thumb: Use the minimum number of treatments possible to test your hypothesis! • Why? • More treatments – problem of multiple testing. • Fewer treatments = more observations per treatment • Avoid • intermediate treatment unless interested in non-linearities. • full factorial design unless interested in the interaction term. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Design choices: within/between subject design Within-subject design: Each subject in more than one treatments • Advantages: • Effect on individual • Greater power • Disadvantages: • Subjects may want to choose the same to be consistent • Experimental demand effect = changes in behavior due to cues about what constitutes appropriate behavior • Potential order effects = order of tasks affects decisions Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Design choices: within/between subject design Within-subject design: Each subject in more than one treatments • Advantages: • Effect on individual • Greater power • Disadvantages: • Subjects may want to choose the same to be consistent • Experimental demand effect = changes in behavior due to cues about what constitutes appropriate behavior • Potential order effects = order of tasks affects decisions Between-subject design: Each subject only in one treatment • Advantages – solves problems of demand effects and consistency • Disadvantages – power and subjective judgment (Birnbaum, 1999) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Other design choices • One-shot vs. repeated play of a game/situation • advantages: allow learning, interested in learning effects • distadvantages: dilutes incentives (random lottery incentive mechanism to avoid wealth effects) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Other design choices • One-shot vs. repeated play of a game/situation • advantages: allow learning, interested in learning effects • distadvantages: dilutes incentives (random lottery incentive mechanism to avoid wealth effects) • Partner vs. stranger matching • Partner matching – play with the same subjects each time • Stranger matching – randomly rematched every time in a given matching group (perfect stranger matching if played always with someone else) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Other design choices • One-shot vs. repeated play of a game/situation • advantages: allow learning, interested in learning effects • distadvantages: dilutes incentives (random lottery incentive mechanism to avoid wealth effects) • Partner vs. stranger matching • Partner matching – play with the same subjects each time • Stranger matching – randomly rematched every time in a given matching group (perfect stranger matching if played always with someone else) • Direct response vs. strategy method in sequential games: • direct-response: P1 makes a decision, P2 is informed of the decision then makes their own decision. • strategy method: P1 makes a decision, and simultaneously P2 decides for all possible choices of P1. The strategies of the two players are combined and the outcome determined. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Power calculations Power is the probability of finding an effect that is really there. Underpowered studies (too few subjects): • less likely to detect real treatment effects. • more likely to have a large effect, even when there is no real effect Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Power calculations Power is the probability of finding an effect that is really there. Underpowered studies (too few subjects): • less likely to detect real treatment effects. • more likely to have a large effect, even when there is no real effect Useful exercise. Problem: you need to know the effect size. Especially useful to get some idea about number of subjects when interested in more complicated effects (e.g. interaction effect) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Replication crisis • Psychology: 36/100 studies replicated, effect sizes 50% of original effect (Open Science Collaboration, Science, 2015) • Experimental economics: 11/18 (61%) studies in AER or QJE replicated, effect sizes 66% of original effect (Camerer et al, Science, 2016) • Social sciences: 13/21 (62%) studies in Nature or Science, effect sizes 50% of original effect (Camerer et al, Science, 2018) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Replication crisis • Psychology: 36/100 studies replicated, effect sizes 50% of original effect (Open Science Collaboration, Science, 2015) • Experimental economics: 11/18 (61%) studies in AER or QJE replicated, effect sizes 66% of original effect (Camerer et al, Science, 2016) • Social sciences: 13/21 (62%) studies in Nature or Science, effect sizes 50% of original effect (Camerer et al, Science, 2018) Reasons: • Publication bias • The way tests work (sample size, α, reasonable hypotheses) • P-hacking • Testing multiple hypotheses • ... Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References P-hacking • Selectively removing outliers • Running multiple tests – reporting lowest p-value • Running multiple regressions specifications and reporting only the one that works. • Including pilot data to the analysis • Stopping gathering data as soon as p < 0.05 Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Multiple testing Problem when using multiple simultaneous tests (common in experimental economics – multiple outcomes/subgroups/treatments). Family-wise error rate (FWER): Probability of at least one false rejection for k statistically independent tests at α level: FWER = 1−(1−α)k For α = 0.05 and k = 2, 3, 4, ..., FWER = 0.098, 0.143, 0.185,... Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Multiple testing Problem when using multiple simultaneous tests (common in experimental economics – multiple outcomes/subgroups/treatments). Family-wise error rate (FWER): Probability of at least one false rejection for k statistically independent tests at α level: FWER = 1−(1−α)k For α = 0.05 and k = 2, 3, 4, ..., FWER = 0.098, 0.143, 0.185,... There are methods used for adjusting for multiple hypotheses: • Bonferroni • Holm-Bonferonni • List (2019) • ... Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References When to adjust? Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References When to adjust? Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References When to adjust? Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References When to adjust? Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References When to adjust? Should we adjust for multiple hypotheses? • Yes, if the null hypothesis is that jelly beans cause acne. Why test it separately by color, then? • Perhaps not, if you want to test the link between colour and acne (if you have a theory why each tested color might cause acne) • Always important to report the tests to all hypotheses (and to pre-register) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Pre-registration You register your desing prior to data collection (AEA RCT Registry, AsPredicted). What do you register? • number of observations – problem with stopping • hypotheses – multiple comparisons Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Pre-registration You register your desing prior to data collection (AEA RCT Registry, AsPredicted). What do you register? • number of observations – problem with stopping • hypotheses – multiple comparisons When important/necessary? • design leads to many potential hypotheses (problematic for exploratory studies) • expected by journals – field experiment, now increasingly common in lab experiments Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Ethics approval • Design (social importance) • Procedures • Hiring • Ethics questions Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Ethics approval • Design (social importance) • Procedures • Hiring • Ethics questions Necessary/more important when • expected by the journal (in some countries obligatory whenever research on people) • we collect personal information • subjects can be harmed (e.g. we induce stress or strong emotions)/use of vulnerable population • we take biological material (measuring hormone levels) • we use deception Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Deception • widespread in (social) psychology, factually banned in laboratory experimental economics • reputational rather than ethical concerns (ex ante informed consent, ex post debriefing) • acts of commission (e.g. lying to subjects) vs. acts of omission (not telling subjects things) • evidence (Ortmann and Hertwig, 2002) shows that economists should avoid acts of commission and acts of omission that violate default assumptions • and what about field experiments? difficult to get informed consent ethically problematic (audit studies) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Examples: Milgram experiment Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral study of obedience. The Journal of abnormal and social psychology Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Examples: Color of a free ride Mujcic, R., Frijters, P. (2021). The colour of a free ride. The Economic Journal Controversy/opinion: Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Types of experiments • laboratory experiments • field experiments (experiment run outside of laboratory) • artefactual (lab-in-the-field) – non-standard subjects (Henrich et al. 2001) • framed – the same as an artefactual, except that it incorporates important elements of the context of the naturally-occurring environment • natural – natural environment and subjects do not know that they are participants in an experiment • strange category: survey experiments – often population-based, typically without incentives Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Laboratory experiments Subject pool management (hroot, Orsee, Sona, Prolific, mTurk, ...) • ethics (clear rules, ability to stop any time, anonymity) • motivation (monetary incentives, regular invitations to experiments, good/fair experience) Experimental laboratory (or online environment) • privacy during choices (dividers) • privacy during payments • experimental environment (zTree, oTree, Qualtrics, ...) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Field experiments • useful when the ”right”population • natural experiments are more valuable, but ethical concerns • cooperation with authorities often needed Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Hypotheses and p-values Tests: • null (H0) vs. alternative hypothesis (H1) • one-sided vs. two-sided test • strong theoretical reasons → one-sided • competing theories (direction is unclear) → two-sided Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Hypotheses and p-values Tests: • null (H0) vs. alternative hypothesis (H1) • one-sided vs. two-sided test • strong theoretical reasons → one-sided • competing theories (direction is unclear) → two-sided Interpret p-values carefully: • It is not the probability the null hypothesis is true • Never “accept the null”: p > 0.1 is not evidence the null is true • A small p-value does not mean an effect is important Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Types of tests Treatment tests: • Non-parametric tests do not assume that data comes from a particular probability distribution, e.g. normal distribution. • important because experimental data often has small sample size and is non-normally distributed • At the cost of stronger (typically untestable) assumptions about true distribution of data, parametric methods allow us to do more interesting stuff, e.g.: • regression analysis (controls, non-independent data) • treating with heterogenous types and zeros • structural models (estimating utility functions) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Types of tests Treatment tests: • Non-parametric tests do not assume that data comes from a particular probability distribution, e.g. normal distribution. • important because experimental data often has small sample size and is non-normally distributed • At the cost of stronger (typically untestable) assumptions about true distribution of data, parametric methods allow us to do more interesting stuff, e.g.: • regression analysis (controls, non-independent data) • treating with heterogenous types and zeros • structural models (estimating utility functions) • Exact tests calculate the p-value exactly (true asymptotically) • Non-exact tests are OK for a big-enough sample (but ”big enough“ depends on the true distribution of the data, which is unknown) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Overview of statistical methods used2 • Treatment tests • looking for least assumptions (non-parametric) and most power • depends on type of data (binary/multi-valued) and comparison (within/between subject) 2Moffatt, P. (2020). Experimetrics: Econometrics for experimental economics. Bloomsbury Publishing. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Overview of statistical methods used2 • Treatment tests • looking for least assumptions (non-parametric) and most power • depends on type of data (binary/multi-valued) and comparison (within/between subject) • Regression analysis (parametric) • testing effect of more than one treatment simultaneously • controlling for additional variables • accounting for dependence between observations 2Moffatt, P. (2020). Experimetrics: Econometrics for experimental economics. Bloomsbury Publishing. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Overview of statistical methods used2 • Treatment tests • looking for least assumptions (non-parametric) and most power • depends on type of data (binary/multi-valued) and comparison (within/between subject) • Regression analysis (parametric) • testing effect of more than one treatment simultaneously • controlling for additional variables • accounting for dependence between observations • Structural modelling = estimating parameters of a utility function 2Moffatt, P. (2020). Experimetrics: Econometrics for experimental economics. Bloomsbury Publishing. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References What is external validity External validity (ecological validity, generalizability) – validity of applying the conclusions of a scientific study outside the context of that study (across other situations, people, stimuli, and times). Internal validity – reflects how well the study is conducted and hence to what extent do the observed results describe in the population we are studying. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Levitt and List (2007) Levitt and List (2007) – behavior in the lab (when measuring social preferences) is influenced by factors other than monetary incentives: • the presence of moral and ethical considerations • the nature and extent of scrutiny of one’s actions by others • the context in which the decision is embedded • self-selection of the individuals making the decisions • the stakes of the game Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Camerer’s reply to Levitt and List Camerer (2011) comes with three arguments against the criticism: 1. The goal of experimental economics is to establish a general theory linking economic factors to behaviour. Generalizability from the lab to the field is not a primary concern in a typical experiment. 2. The factors listed by Levitt and List are not essential for all lab experiments (except for obtrusiveness, because of human subjects protection) and there is little evidence that typical lab features undermine generalizability. 3. Economics experiments designed to test lab-field generalizability show that laboratory findings could be generalized to comparable field settings. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Camerer’s reply to Levitt and List Camerer (2011) comes with three arguments against the criticism: 1. The goal of experimental economics is to establish a general theory linking economic factors to behaviour. Generalizability from the lab to the field is not a primary concern in a typical experiment. 2. The factors listed by Levitt and List are not essential for all lab experiments (except for obtrusiveness, because of human subjects protection) and there is little evidence that typical lab features undermine generalizability. 3. Economics experiments designed to test lab-field generalizability show that laboratory findings could be generalized to comparable field settings. Comparing lab and field: Laboratory experiments are more easily replicated whereas field experiments are less obtrusive. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Lab experiments focus on qualitative effect Kessler and Vesterlund (2015) argue that • the debate concentrates around a straw-man version of external validity that quantitative results are externally valid • for most laboratory studies it is only relevant to ask whether the qualitative results (= direction or the sign of the estimated effect) are externally valid • laboratory studies are conducted to identify general principles of behavior and therefore promise to generalize Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Lab experiments focus on qualitative effect Kessler and Vesterlund (2015) argue that • the debate concentrates around a straw-man version of external validity that quantitative results are externally valid • for most laboratory studies it is only relevant to ask whether the qualitative results (= direction or the sign of the estimated effect) are externally valid • laboratory studies are conducted to identify general principles of behavior and therefore promise to generalize Different methodologies are not in competition. They are complementary. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Case: Are bankers cheaters? (1/6) Cohn et al. (Nature, 2014) run a lab-in-the-field experiment with 128 bankers • Priming professional identity with seven questions • T: about their professional background (e.g. “At which bank are you presently employed?” or “What is your function at this bank?”) • C: that were unrelated tot heir profession (e.g. “How many hours per week do you watch television on average?”) • Playing a cheating game (10 coin throws earning $20 or 0 each) + paid only if higher than earnings of a randomly drawn person from a pilot • Manipulation check – converting word fragments into meaningful words ( oker = broker or smoker) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Case: Are bankers cheaters? (1/6) Cohn et al. (Nature, 2014) run a lab-in-the-field experiment with 128 bankers • Priming professional identity with seven questions • T: about their professional background (e.g. “At which bank are you presently employed?” or “What is your function at this bank?”) • C: that were unrelated tot heir profession (e.g. “How many hours per week do you watch television on average?”) • Playing a cheating game (10 coin throws earning $20 or 0 each) + paid only if higher than earnings of a randomly drawn person from a pilot • Manipulation check – converting word fragments into meaningful words ( oker = broker or smoker) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Case: Are bankers cheaters? (2/6) Several channels though which priming may have worked: • Competitive behaviour in banking is intrinsically desirable (no evidence) • Salience of competitive incentive schemes (no difference between core and support units) • Norm obedience – what I should do/what others do (no difference in beliefs what others will do) • Evidence on materialistic values below Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Case: Are bankers cheaters? (2/6) Several channels though which priming may have worked: • Competitive behaviour in banking is intrinsically desirable (no evidence) • Salience of competitive incentive schemes (no difference between core and support units) • Norm obedience – what I should do/what others do (no difference in beliefs what others will do) • Evidence on materialistic values below Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Case: Are bankers cheaters? (3/6) Other tests and robustness: • other industries • beliefs Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Case: Are bankers cheaters? (3/6) Other tests and robustness: • other industries • beliefs Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Case: Are bankers cheaters? (4/6) Criticism: • Vranka and Houdek (FrontPsy, 2015) criticize interpretation: • stereotype threat instead of social norms • what is treatment? control group primed by leisure activities – call for multiple control groups • priming bankers with money instead of professional identity • why not replicate when they had bankers giving expectations? • Hupe (2018) criticize the analysis (not published) • propose a different H0: cheating the same in all six groups • criticizes the use of MW test (ties) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Case: Are bankers cheaters? (5/6) Replications: • Rahnwan et al. (Nature, 2019) do not replicate the result (n = 768) • Cohn et al. (Nature, 2019) why the replication by Rahnwan not valid: • Media attention → selection (2 out of 27 banks) • Disclosed purpose at the beginning (demand effect) • Manipulation check did not work in Middle East • Basic retail services vs. investment/private banking • Study tests whether “prevailing scandals involving fraud and unethical behaviour in the banking industry were partly the result of a problematic business culture, rather than, for example, the employment of dishonest people in the banking industry.” instead of “the prevailing business culture in the banking industry weakens and undermines the honesty norm” • Huber and Huber (JEBO, 2020) Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Case: Are bankers cheaters? (6/6) • Huber and Huber (JEBO, 2020): • Lying game (T: 31; F: 37) in which individual lying is observed • Framing: • Abstract: Imagine there are two possible states of nature and one of your tasks is to report the current state. • Neutral: Imagine you are a security clerk at a museum and one of your tasks is to inform the manager each week about the average number of visitors in the preceding week. • Financial: Imagine you are the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a publicly listed company and one of your tasks is to inform shareholders each quarter about the course of business and the earnings per share. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Case: Are bankers cheaters? (6/6) • Huber and Huber (JEBO, 2020): • Lying game (T: 31; F: 37) in which individual lying is observed • Framing: • Abstract: Imagine there are two possible states of nature and one of your tasks is to report the current state. • Neutral: Imagine you are a security clerk at a museum and one of your tasks is to inform the manager each week about the average number of visitors in the preceding week. • Financial: Imagine you are the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a publicly listed company and one of your tasks is to inform shareholders each quarter about the course of business and the earnings per share. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Some more examples A good strategy is to combine experiments with observational data: • Bursztyn, Leonardo, Thomas Fujiwara, and Amanda Pallais. “’Acting Wife’: Marriage Market Incentives and Labor Market Investments.”American Economic Review 107.11 (2017): 3288-3319. • Kuziemko, I., Buell, R. W., Reich, T., Norton, M. I. (2014). “Last-place aversion”: Evidence and redistributive implications. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129(1), 105-149. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Some more examples A good strategy is to combine experiments with observational data: • Bursztyn, Leonardo, Thomas Fujiwara, and Amanda Pallais. “’Acting Wife’: Marriage Market Incentives and Labor Market Investments.”American Economic Review 107.11 (2017): 3288-3319. • Kuziemko, I., Buell, R. W., Reich, T., Norton, M. I. (2014). “Last-place aversion”: Evidence and redistributive implications. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129(1), 105-149. Some Czech examples: • Bartoˇs, V., Bauer, M., Cahl´ıkov´a, J., Chytilov´a, J. (2022). Communicating doctors’ consensus persistently increases COVID-19 vaccinations. Nature, 1-8. • Vranka, M., Frollov´a, N., Pour, M., Novakova, J., Houdek, P. (2019). Cheating customers in grocery stores: A field study on dishonesty. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 83, 101484. • Krˇc´al, O., Peer, S., Stanˇek, R., Karlinova, B. (2019). Real consequences matter: Why hypothetical biases in the valuation of time persist even in controlled lab experiments. Economics of Transportation, 20, 10013 Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Literature (1/3) • Birnbaum, M. H. (1999). How to show that 9>221: Collect judgments in a between-subjects design. Psychological Methods, 4(3), 243. • Bolton, G. E., & Ockenfels, A. (2000). ERC: A theory of equity, reciprocity, and competition. American economic review, 90(1), 166-193. • Butler, D. M., & Desposato, S. (2022). Proposing a Compensation Requirement for Audit Studies. Political Studies Review, 20(2), 201-208. • Camerer, C. (2011). The promise and success of lab-field generalizability in experimental economics: A critical reply to Levitt and List. Available at SSRN 1977749. • Camerer, C. F., Dreber, A., Forsell, E., Ho, T. H., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., ... & Wu, H. (2016). Evaluating replicability of laboratory experiments in economics. Science, 351(6280), 1433-1436. • Camerer, C. F., Dreber, A., Holzmeister, F., Ho, T. H., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., ... & Wu, H. (2018). Evaluating the replicability of social science experiments in Nature and Science between 2010 and 2015. Nature Human Behaviour, 2(9), 637-644. • Clot, S., Grolleau, G., & Ibanez, L. (2018). Shall we pay all? An experimental test of Random Incentivized Systems. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 73, 93-98. • Cohn, A., Fehr, E., & Mar´echal, M. A. (2014). Business culture and dishonesty in the banking industry. Nature, 516(7529), 86-89. • Cohn, A., Fehr, E., & Mar´echal, M. A. (2019). Selective participation may undermine replication attempts. Nature, 575(7782), E1-E2. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Literature (2/3) • Fehr, E., & Schmidt, K. M. (1999). A theory of fairness, competition, and cooperation. The quarterly journal of economics, 114(3), 817-868. • Fr´echette, G. R., & Schotter, A. (Eds.). (2015). Handbook of experimental economic methodology. Handbooks of Economic Methodol. • Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Camerer, C., Fehr, E., Gintis, H., ... & Tracer, D. (2001). Economic man in cross-cultural perspective: Behavioral experiments in fifteen small-scale societies (No. 01-11-063). • Huber, C., & Huber, J. (2020). Bad bankers no more? Truth-telling and (dis) honesty in the finance industry. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 180, 472-493. • Hup´e, J. M. (2018). Shortcomings of experimental economics to study human behavior: a reanalysis of Cohn et al. 2014, Nature 516, 86–89,“Business culture and dishonesty in the banking industry”. • Levitt, S. D., & List, J. A. (2007). What do laboratory experiments measuring social preferences reveal about the real world? Journal of Economic perspectives, 21(2), 153-174. • List, J. A., Shaikh, A. M., & Xu, Y. (2019). Multiple hypothesis testing in experimental economics. Experimental Economics, 22(4), 773-793. • List, J. A. (2020). Non est disputandum de generalizability? A glimpse into the external validity trial (No. w27535). National Bureau of Economic Research. • Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral study of obedience. The Journal of abnormal and social psychology, 67(4), 371. • McKelvey, R. D., & Palfrey, T. R. (1995). Quantal response equilibria for normal form games. Games and economic behavior, 10(1), 6-38. Design Admin Data collection Data analysis External validity Examples References Literature (3/3) • Mujcic, R., & Frijters, P. (2021). The colour of a free ride. The Economic Journal, 131(634), 970-999. • Open Science Collaboration. (2015). Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science. Science, 349(6251), aac4716. • Ortmann, A., & Hertwig, R. (2002). The costs of deception: Evidence from psychology. Experimental Economics, 5(2), 111-131. • Radner, R. (1980). Collusive behavior in noncooperative epsilon-equilibria of oligopolies with long but finite lives. Journal of economic theory, 22(2), 136-154. • Rahwan, Z., Yoeli, E., & Fasolo, B. (2019). Heterogeneity in banker culture and its influence on dishonesty. Nature, 575(7782), 345-349. • Schram, A., & Ule, A. (Eds.). (2019). Handbook of research methods and applications in experimental economics. • Stahl, D. O., & Wilson, P. W. (1995). On players models of other players: Theory and experimental evidence. Games and Economic Behavior, 10(1), 218-254. • Vranka, M. A., & Houdek, P. (2015). Many faces of bankers’ identity: How (not) to study dishonesty. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 302.