Seminar Task for Students of the Course Public Finance 2 1. Each student works by herself/himself. 2. Select a country. It does not need to be your homeland. 3. Focus on the sphere of fiscal imbalance, specifically on the public debt management and applied fiscal rules in the selected country. 4. Prepare short presentation (PPT)/document (DOC, PDF) about the country. Your presentation should more or less cover following issues: • main objectives of the debt management (both general and operational), • scope of the debt management, • characteristics of the debt portfolio (value, structure, interests etc.), • organizational structure of the debt management, • cooperation with fiscal and monetary policy, • division of responsibilities within the debt management, • existence of the debt management strategy, • risk management (which risks and how they are managed), • fiscal rules (type, when and why they were introduced, who apply them), • fulfilment of fiscal rules (supervision, punishment when not met, exceptions), • evaluate the situation in the selected country based on your findings. 5. As a source use website of the local ministry of finance/state treasury/debt management office. You can also utilize materials from IMF, OECD, WB or European Commission. There are links to useful materials in the interactive syllabi in the Information system. 6. Upload your presentation/document to the Information system to Homework Vaults by Monday 12/12 at the latest. This task may be awarded up to 10 points to the final grading system.