Bioinformatika I

Doplňková literatura

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Tyto a dalsi xeroxy v knihovne:
J.Barker and J.Thornton (2004). Software engineering challenges in bioinformatics. Proceedings of ICSE 2004
B.Rost et al. (2003). Automatic prediction of protein function, CMLS 60, 2637-2650.
Z.Storchova (200X). Molekuly na povel I. Jak muzeme molekuly DNA strihat a zase spojovat. Vesmir 77(5). -RX-xerox-
Z.Storchova (200X). Molekuly na povel II. I jedina molekula DNA se hleda mnohem lepe nez jehla v kupce sena. Vesmir 77(6). -RX-xerox-
Z.Storchova (200X). Molekuly na povel III. Jak to udelat, aby molekula byla dobre viditelna. Vesmir 77(7). -RX-xerox-
Z.Storchova (200X). Molekuly na povel IV. Z mala mnoho neni totez jako z komara velbloud. Vesmir 77(9). -RX-xerox-
Z.Storchova (200X). Molekuly na povel V. Cteni (genomu) na dobrou noc. Vesmir 77(10). -RX-xerox-
L.Hunter 2004. Life and its molecules. A brief introduction. AI Magazine Spring 2004, 9-22
E.Pennisi (2003). Gene counters struggle to get the right answer. Science 301,1040-1041
C.A.Ouzounis and A.Valencia (2003). Early bioinformatics: the birth of a discipline - a personal view. Bioinformatics 19(17),2176-2190
J.Glasgow, I.Jurisica, B.Rost (2004). AI and Bioinformatics. AI Magazine, Spring, 7-8