IA159 Formal Verification Methods Theorem Prover ACL2 Jan StrejĖ‡cek Department of Computer Science Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University Theorem provers Theorem provers are software tools, which assist human experts in construction of formal proofs can be used in software and hardware verification work only with statements (and corresponding axioms and inference rules) in a suitable formal notation Do they work automatically? only simple theorems can be proven fully automatically nearly all proofs result from interaction of a tool and a user success depends primarily on user's skill IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 2/28 ACL2 "A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp" ACL2 is 1 a functional programming language based on Common Lisp 2 a first-order, quantifier-free mathematical logic 3 a mechanical theorem prover IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 3/28 History of ACL2 1971: Robert S. Boyer and J Strother Moore created Nqthm - the first theorem prover for Lisp 1989: Boyer and Moore started to work on ACL2 since 1993, ACL2 is systematically developed by Matt Kaufmann and J Strother Moore now in version 3.6.1 (September, 2009) ACL2 is available under GNU General Public License http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/ IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 4/28 ACL2 achievements ACL2 has been used to verify that the functionality of FPU in AMD K5, Athlon, and Opteron (described on register-transfer level, RTL) follows the corresponding IEEE standard the microarchitectural model of a Motorola DSP processor implements a given microcode engine and that certain microcode in ROM implements certain DSP algorithms the microcode for the Rockwell Collins AAMP7 implements a given security policy concerning process separation the bytecode produced by the Sun compiler javac on certain simple Java classes has the claimed functionality a BDD package written in Lisp is sound and complete a Lisp program that checks proofs produced by the Ivy theorem prover is sound . . . IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 5/28 Back to the ground the proof of correctness of the floating point division microcode in AMD K5 required approx. 1200 lemmas the verification has not been done directly on RTL of the FPU, but on its automatically translated Lisp model; correctness of the translation has been "verified" by 80 000 000 test computations the proof of correspondence between the Motorola DSP microarchitecture and its microcode engine involved formulas of 25 MB per formula; finding one subtle generalization took Moore many days . . . IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 6/28 The mechanics of using ACL2 Two buffers in Emacs 1 buffer with definitions and lemmas, typically concluding with the main theorem we want to prove 2 shell with ACL2 Typical working cycle 1 send the subsequent definition or theorem to ACL2 2 if it succeeds, go to 1 3 inspect the output of ACL2 and analyze the failure 4 if the command is faulty (e.g. with a syntax error), fix it if the command is a theorem ACL2 is unable to prove, then suggest, formulate, and prove additional lemmas and then try to prove the theorem again IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 7/28 Syntax of ACL2 Supported data objects numbers (integer, rational and complex) characters strings ("Hello world!") symbols (t, nil, 'ok, 'quick-sort,. . . ) ordered pairs Lists in fact nested pairs: 1, 2, 3, nil or 1, 2, 3 written in list notation: '(1 2 3) or '(1 2 . 3) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 8/28 Syntax of ACL2 Some primitive (built-in) functions (cons x y) constructs the ordered pair x, y (car x) left component of x, if x is a pair; nil otherwise (cdr x) right component of x, if x is a pair; nil otherwise (consp x) t if x is a pair; nil otherwise (if x y z) z if x is nil; y otherwise (equal x y) t if x is y; nil otherwise Meaning of the single quote mark '(car x) evaluates to the list car, x, nil (car x) application of the function car to x IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 9/28 Syntax of ACL2 Function definition (defun f (a1 a2 . . . an) ) creates the function f with arguments a1, a2, . . . , an and body (Built-in) Lisp definitions of standard logic connectives (defun not (p) (if p nil t)) (defun and (p q) (if p q nil)) (defun or (p q) (if p p q)) (defun implies (p q) (if p (if q t nil) t)) (defun iff (p q) (and (implies p q) (implies q p))) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 10/28 Examples of recursive function definitions dup - duplicates each element in a list (defun dup (x) (if (consp x) (cons (car x) (cons (car x) (dup (cdr x)))) nil)) app - concatenates two lists (defun app (x y) (if (consp x) (cons (car x) (app (cdr x) y)) y)) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 11/28 Axioms in ACL2 Some primitive (built-in) axioms 1 t = nil 2 x = nil (if x y z) = y 3 x = nil (if x y z) = z 4 (equal x y) = nil (equal x y) = t 5 x = y (equal x y) = t 6 (consp x) = nil (consp x) = t 7 (consp (cons x y)) = t 8 (consp nil) = (consp t) = (consp 'ok) = (consp 0) = . . . = nil 9 (car (cons x y)) = x 10 (cdr (cons x y)) = y 11 (consp x) = t (cons (car x) (cdr x)) = x IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 12/28 Proofs in ACL2 (a sketch) ACL2 contains ordinals up to a well-founded relation o< on such ordinals axioms definining the size of ACL2 objects (measured with the function acl2-count) and particularly definition principle induction principle simplification based on rewrite rules linear arithmetic rules (inequality chaining) . . . (approx. 12 kinds of rules in total) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 13/28 Definition principle when a recursive function definition is submitted, ACL2 must prove that a there is a well-founded measure such that arguments of recursive calls are decreasing with respect to this measure existence of such a measure ensures that the evaluation of the function terminates after a finite number of steps. the definition is admitted by ACL2 (as a new axiom) only if the existence of such a measure is proven; a user can assist with the proof IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 14/28 Induction principle (a sketch) Structural induction on lists and binary trees If we want to prove (x, y), it is sufficient to prove 1 base case (x, y) holds in the case that x is an empty tree 2 induction step if x = (l, r) and (l, y) and (r, y), then (x, y) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 15/28 Induction principle (a sketch) Induction on binary trees in ACL2 If we want to prove ( x y), it is sufficient to prove 1 base case (implies (not (consp x)) ( x y)) 2 induction step (implies (and (consp x) ( (car x) y) ;induction hypothesis 1 ( (cdr x) y)) ;induction hypothesis 2 ( x y)) ;induction conclusion induction hypothesis can be any ( ) such that we can prove (implies (consp x) (o< (acl2-count ) (acl2-count x)) axioms imply that (car x), (cdr x) are smaller than x IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 16/28 A proof (defun treecopy (x) (if (consp x) (cons (treecopy (car x)) (treecopy (cdr x))) x)) Theorem: (equal (treecopy x) x). Proof: Name the formula above *1. Perhaps we can prove *1 by induction. One induction scheme is suggested by this conjecture - namely the one that unwinds the recursion in treecopy. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 17/28 A proof If we let ( x) denote *1 above then the induction scheme we'll use is (and (implies (not (consp x)) ( x)) (implies (and (consp x) ( (car x)) ( (cdr x))) ( x))). IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 18/28 A proof This induction is justified by the same argument used to admit treecopy, namely, the size of x is decreasing according to a certain well-founded relation. When applied to the goal at hand the above induction scheme produces the following two nontautological subgoals. Subgoal *1/2 (implies (not (consp x)) (equal (treecopy x) x)). But simplification reduces this to t, using the definition of treecopy and the primitive axioms. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 19/28 A proof Subgoal *1/1 (implies (and (consp x) (equal (treecopy (car x)) (car x)) (equal (treecopy (cdr x)) (cdr x))) (equal (treecopy x) x)). But simplification reduces this to t, using the definition of treecopy, and the primitive axioms. That completes the proof of *1. Q.E.D. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 20/28 Simplification of Subgoal *1/1 (implies (and (consp x) ;hypothesis 1 (equal (treecopy (car x)) (car x)) ;hypothesis 2 (equal (treecopy (cdr x)) (cdr x))) ;hypothesis 3 (equal (treecopy x) x)). (treecopy x) = (if (consp x) ;treecopy definition (cons (treecopy (car x)) (treecopy (cdr x))) x) = (if t ;hypothesis 1 (cons (treecopy (car x)) (treecopy (cdr x))) x) = (cons (treecopy (car x)) ;axioms 1 and 2 (treecopy (cdr x))) = (cons (car x) ;hypothesis 2 (treecopy (cdr x))) = (cons (car x) ;hypothesis 3 (cdr x)) = x ;axiom 11 and ;hypothesis 1 IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 21/28 Proofs in ACL2: induction ACL2 uses heuristics to choose a suitable induction scheme induction scheme is based on recursively defined function occurring in the theorem the resulting scheme can be a combination of two or more recursive schemes used in the theorem the user can specify an induction scheme with a hint choosing the right induction is crucial to a successful proof even more important is to choose the right theorem to prove by induction - the theorem has to be general enough in order to provide a sufficiently strong induction hypothesis IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 22/28 Proofs in ACL2: simplification via rewriting simplification means the reduction of the formula to some preferred form by the use of rewrite rules rules are derived from axioms, definitions, and previously proved theorems a definition generates the rule rewriting function calls by the instantiated body of the function a formula of the form (implies (and hyp1 . . . hypn) (equal l r)) generates the rule replacing instances of l by the corresponding instance of r, provided the corresponding instances of hyp1, . . . , hypn rewrite to t equivalent formulae (like (equal l r) and (equal r l)); may give rise to radically different rules some rule combinations can lead to cyclic rewriting IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 23/28 Proofs in ACL2: simplification via inequality chaining there is a large set of rewrite rules allowing to put arithmetic expressions into a preferred form there are books (i.e. collections of such rules) for elementary algebraic properties of numbers, modulo arithmetic, floating point arithmetic, . . . ACL2 also maintains a graph of terms involved in the current formula, where edges correspond to inequalities edges are added by a decision procedure for linear arithmetics when submitting a theorem, we can specify what kind of rule should be generated when the theorem is proved (it is a rewrite rule by default) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 24/28 Proofs in ACL2: simplification via inequality chaining Example consider a theorem concluding with (<= O (* x x)) if it is used to generate a rewrite rule, the rule replace certain instances of (<= O (* x x)) by t this rule cannot be used to prove (implies (and (< 0 a) (rationalp b)) (< 0 (+ a (* b b)))) if we say that an arithmetic rule should be gerenated from the theorem, the the rule can be used to add some edges to the graph of inequalities There are many other kinds of simplification. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 25/28 ACL2 working cycle when ACL2 receives a syntactically correct theorem, it 1 simplifies the theorem 2 uses an induction 3 go to 1 it exits the cycle if the simplification results in t, or there is no suggested induction scheme if the theorem is proved, a corresponding rule is derived . . . and everything is vividly commented IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 26/28 ACL2 Demonstration IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 27/28 Coming next week Model checking: quick overview Model checking once again? Yes, but very quickly. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Theorem Prover ACL2 28/28