TEXTUR~21 ibm_white_logo_300dpi IBM IDC Brno © 2006 IBM Corporation OnDemand_wh_bl CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 CSC – Customer Service Center (Service Desk) Vladimír Neudert To replace the title / subtitle with your own: Click on the title block -> select all the text by pressing Ctrl+A -> press Delete key -> type your own text 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl 2 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OVERVIEW l SERVICE DELIVERY l IT DELIVERY STRUCTURE l IBM CSC STRATEGY l CSC WORKLOAD l ENVIRONMENT l MEASUREMENTS l GLOSARY l BREAK l TOOLS – STAFFING l TOOLS – TELEPHONY l TOOLS – CALL HANDLING, KNOWLEDGE BASIS l TOOLS – REPORTING l QUESTIONS A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation 1.You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. 2.Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. 3.You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. 4.Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template 1.Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation 2.You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. 3.Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. 4.Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master 1.You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. 2.Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. 3.Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. 4.Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer 1.Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential 2.Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. 3.Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl 3 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 SERVICE DELIVERY TRIPOID Service Quality Compliance I/T Security Cost About Customer Loss §1% of customers die §3% move to another location §4% like to change suppliers §5% change on a friend's advice §9% buy it cheaper somewhere else §10% are chronic complainers §68% leave because the company representatives § they deal with are indifferent to their needs § § Reasons for customers leaving a company’s products or services 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl 4 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 IT DELIVERY STRUCTURE Outsourcing of IT Services means to provide complex IT services for customer CSC ::: is customer oriented unit strongly supported by other competencies knowledge. Main role is to be interface with customer needs and play key role information flow inside IBM SSO, NSD, DCS, OIS, ITSec are strongly technical oriented competencies. Their main role is to provide proffesional service to customer – IT Specialist, Solution Architects, … CSC SHARED SERVICES SSO NSD ITSec OIS DCS bd07153_ CUSTOMER ITC SERVICE DELIVERY UNIT IT Outsourcing Model: 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl 5 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 IBM CSC STRATEGY IBM’s model for managing CSC operations is highlighted in the chart on this page. The model centres on having skilled Customer Service Representatives that will answer the vast majority of calls over the phone (or via Web/e-mail) with the customer. In a very small percentage of cases, the CSR will need to pass the call to another group for resolution. However, the IBM model is focused on keeping and resolving a maximum muber of calls theough the CSC. The Customer Service Representative will receive calls from 3 primary sources [Phone, Web or E-Mail] as illustrated below. On most accounts, the CSR will use a web-based or Lotus Notes knowledge base to query the customer’s problem and find an appropriate solution. These knowledge bases may vary slighty from account to account but the principle remains the same. Through the use of the knowledge base system, the CSR will be in a position to resolve most customer queries. As the CSR is speaking to the customer, he/she will also be documenting the details of the call in a ticketing system. The most common system in use is e-ESM. Each ticket will contain some basic customer details and machine information, problem description and steps taken to revolve the query. Once again, there may be slight variations from account to account. > CSRs Other Groups PHONE E-MAIL WEB VRU B ase K nowledge Typical CSC Workflow 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl 6 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 CSC WORKLOAD SAMPLE CALL ARRIVAL PATTERN As ever eventuality cannot be forecast [e.g. Virus], the CSC calls for flexibility in it’s staff in order to respond to changing call patterns. Therefore, on a given day, slight adjustments may need to be made to schedule to respond to incoming customer queries. WEB ::: IBM encourages the use of the web as a means of raising a query with the CSC. The web interface is often coupled with some self help options as these are designed to encourage users to search for responses themselves before calling the CSC. The CSC typically receives work through a number of different sources : Phone, Web and E-Mail. From account to account there can be some additional sources, however these tend to be the main ones. PHONE CALLS ::: Phone calls constitute the vast majority of the workload of a call centre. In order to manage these calls effectively, CSCs develop call arrival patterns through the use of historical data. This shows the times when customers are most likely to call – see the chart below for a sample of how calls can arrive throughout the day on a specific account.This data is then used to build the schedules. This is to ensure that the CSC has the optimum number of staff available at the appropriate times to answer the call. In order to ensure that accurate planning can be completed, there will always be an optimum call length that CSRs will need to achieve. This is fundamental to the principles of CSC Operations. 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl 7 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 CSC WORKLOAD The advantage of the web is that the CSC Operation can respond to these queries when there is a period of low phone call volume. This means there is less scheduling challenges. The disadvantage is that the CSR does not have the opportunity to ask the customer detailed problem determination questions (as he/she would over the phone) that may be required to resolve the issue. As a result, there may be insufficient information available to the CSR to answer the query. The net result of this is that the CSR may often be forced to get in contact with the customer to clarify details before the problem can to resolved. E-MAIL ::: E-mails are broadly similar to web-based queries in terms of submission by the customer and pickup by the CSR. The disadavanatge is that while the web-based solution can force the customer supply some critical information, the e-mail solution rarely does so. Furthermore, it is very diffcult to measure the effectiveness of the CSC Operation in managing e-mail requests. Therefore, IBM will try to encourage customers to use a combination of Web and Phone for raising queries with the CSC. 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl 8 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 ENVIRONMENT While the CSRs are usually grouped into Teams which are approximately 15 in size, the individual will perform most of his/her tasks alone. The call will be received, the CSR will work with the customer 1:1 and query the knowledge base as appropiate to retrieve the answers to customer queries. Should the query require the intervention of another group, the ticket is usually transferred electronically by the CSR. As previously mentioned, the CSC Operation is planned in great detail. Therefore, there is a requirement for each individual CSR to adhere very strictly to the pre-defined schedule. Therefore, punctuality is of utmost important for all team mebers. With the CSC being a stats-driven environment, each CSR will be measured againts several targets. These include punctuality, call duration, call quality and ticket quality. Given the nature of the business, data is available on a very regular basis to track performance versus targets. Each team will have a Team Leader who is responsible for the day-to-day performance of the Team. Each CSC Manager will have 2 – 3 teams reporting to him/her. While he/she has ultimate responsibility for the performance of the team, he/she is less likely to be invloved on the day-to-day management of the line. The CSC Manager owns the relationship with the Customer and the IBM Account Manager. From account to account there may be some additional roles within the team – e.g. a more senior technical person. 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl 9 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 MEASUREMENTS The CSC is a very heavily stats driven environment. Given the nature of the business, performance data is being produced minute by minute throughout the day. The key measurements are agreed with the customer in the contract. Please see below a list of some of the most common measurements. AVERAGE SPEED OF ANSWER ::: This measures how quickly the CSC Agent answers the phone. It is usually measure in seconds [10, 30, 60 etc]. SERVICE LEVEL ::: The Service Level is usually closely linked to the ASA as this measures the percentage of all calls that are answered within the defined ASA. If the Service Level is listed as 90%, this means that 90% of all call need to be answered within the ASA target [10, 30, 60 etc.] ABANDONMENT RATE ::: The Abandonment Rate measures the percentage of calls, where the customer hangs up before he/she reaches a Customer Service representative. Customers handing up is usually indicative of long wait times. Typical Abandonment rates are 2%, 5%, 10%. It is very rare to see Abandonment Rate targets that are higher than this. FIX RATE ::: There are several different Fix Rate calculation mechanisms. However, all of these measures are designed to calculate the percentage of calls resolved by the Customer Service Representatives. IBM’s goal to to resolve as many calls as possible through the Customer Service Representatives as this is the most efficient means of handling customer queries. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ::: On most accounts, the customers will be polled to measure their satisfaction with the service provided. This can be done in an automated fashion through a tool [Like IBM’s CSSR] or alternatively through a phone call to the customer. 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl 10 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 GLOSSARY ASA ::: Average Speed of Answer This is the average time it takes to pick up a customer telephone call CSAT ::: Customer Satisfaction This is a measure of how satisfied customers are with the service they have received from the CSC. CSC ::: Customer Service Centre This is the formal title given to IBM Helpdesks CSR ::: Customer Service representative This is the official title of the ‘agents’ who work within the CSC VRU ::: Voice Response Unit This is telephony function that requests a customer to press different buttons on their telephone keypad for different services [E.G. – Press 1 for Lotus Notes] SSO ::: System Server Operation This is the formal title given to IBM Server operations [1st level – command centre, 2nd level and 3rd level] NSD ::: Network Service Distribution This is the formal title given to IBM Networking operations [1st level – monitoring, 2nd level and 3rd level] ITSec ::: IT Security This is the formal title given to IBM IT Security services OIS ::: Operation Infrastructure Services This is the formal title given to IBM Asset, order management units DCS ::: Distributed Computing Services This is the formal title given to IBM SW distribution services 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl 11 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 The Tools New Building Backdrop 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl [USEMAP] 12 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 TOOLS SUITE STAFFING MODULE STAFFING / PERSONNEL AVAYA LINE MONITOR TICKETING CALL QUALITY MONITOR KNOWLEDGE BASE REPORTING MODULE TELEPHONY CALL HANDLING REPORTING A CSC operation will employ a complex system of tools in order to effectively manage the service it provides. These tools will usually be divided into the following categories : Staffing & Personnel Management, Telephony, Call Handling and Reporting. Please CLICK on the appropriate section to get more details on the associated tools. 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl [USEMAP] 13 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 STAFFING MODULE STAFFING / PERSONNEL AVAYA LINE MONITOR TICKETING CALL QUALITY MONITOR KNOWLEDGE BASE REPORTING MODULE TELEPHONY CALL HANDLING REPORTING STAFFING MODULE ::: As previously mentioned in this package, it is critical for the succcess of a CSC Operation to have the correct number of people staffed on the line through the day. This staffing is based on historical data which can be used to predict the number of calls expected. This, in turn, is used to calculate the associated number of people required to handle these calls. The Staffing Module can be a complex tool which is integrated into the phone system and extracts data on a real time basis while some CSC operations use more simplistic Spreadsheet based tools. Regardless of the solution, the Staffing Module will be responsible for itmes such as scheduling, vacation management, break management and training scheduling. TOOLS SUITE 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl [USEMAP] 14 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 STAFFING MODULE STAFFING / PERSONNEL AVAYA LINE MONITOR TICKETING CALL QUALITY MONITOR KNOWLEDGE BASE REPORTING MODULE TELEPHONY CALL HANDLING REPORTING TELEPHONY MODULE ::: The telephony module is the core of the CSC Operation. Without this, there is no Customer Service Centre. IBM uses AVAYA telephony systems in it’s callcentres. These systems gives the call centres their shape. All CSCs will use a tool in order to monitor real time call activity (how many calls in the queue, actual performance against targets etc). These systems also allow the management to monitor CSR activity (how many people are on calls, how many people are available to take calls etc). Such tools are very powerful but need to be leveraged to ensure that all targets are achieved. As a CSC is a customer-focused service, the quality of each and every call is of utmost importance to the Management. Therefore, it is commonplace to deploy a system which can record a sample of the calls received by the centre. These are then evaluated against a set of standards and the individual CSR may receive coaching, as required. TOOLS SUITE 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl [USEMAP] 15 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 STAFFING MODULE STAFFING / PERSONNEL AVAYA [USEMAP] LINE MONITOR TICKETING [USEMAP] CALL QUALITY MONITOR KNOWLEDGE BASE [USEMAP] REPORTING MODULE [USEMAP] TELEPHONY CALL HANDLING [USEMAP] REPORTING CALL HANDLING MODULE ::: Once a CSR has received a call, he/she is required to document all customer interactions in a ticketing system. It is imporant for the agent to carefully gather some basic information about the customer’s issue as these are essential for swift problem resolution. Furthermore, should the CSR be unable to resolve the query, the information will be passed electronically (though the ticketing system) to another group. These details will be by required by this group also so they need to be clearly documented in the ticket. In order to help the CSR with the resolution of the problem, he/she will use a knowledge base of information. These can be web or Lotus Notes based tools. By asking the customer clear problem determination questions and using this information to query the database, the CSR will be able to find detailed, step-by-step instructions to resolve the customer’s problem. TOOLS SUITE 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl [USEMAP] 16 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 STAFFING MODULE STAFFING / PERSONNEL AVAYA [USEMAP] LINE MONITOR [USEMAP] TICKETING CALL QUALITY MONITOR KNOWLEDGE BASE REPORTING MODULE [USEMAP] TELEPHONY CALL HANDLING REPORTING REPORTING MODULE ::: A CSC operation is measured against a number of key targets (ASA, Service Level, Abandonment Rate, First Call Resolution and Customer Satisfaction). While the exact nature of the targets may vary from account to account, the requirement to produce performance reports at regaular intervals does not. CSC Operations often deploy automated tools to produce the required customer reports. This can include a automated survey tool which sends an electronic survey to customers and tabulates the responses or web based solutions that report on the performance of the account versus telephony metrics (ASA, Service Level and Abandonment Rate). Given the volume of work handled by CSC Operations, it is imporant to automate as much of the reporting as possible as manual report generation is both time consuming and prone to error. TOOLS SUITE 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl 17 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 Questions New Building Backdrop 21 21 IBM IDC Brno © 2003 IBM Corporation ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi ‹#› CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 OnDemand_wh_bl 18 CSC - VUT FIT 18.5.2010 THANK YOU ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi