Spring 2012 Juyeon Kang qkang@fi.muni.cz B410, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Rep. IA165 Combinatory Logic for Computational Semantics 2 PART I ● General Information about the course on ”CL for CS” 3 ● 12 lectures + 1 revision session from 24.02.2012 to 18.05.2012 ● Class composition: lecture (1h) + classwork (45h) ● Friday from 12h to 1:50p.m ● Evaluation: Homework (30%) + Final exam. (50%) + Attendance (10%) + Participation (10%) ● Contact teacher: qkang@fi.muni.cz office: B206 ● Course web page: https://is.muni.cz/auth/course/fi/spring2012/IA165 4 Objectives ● Introduce the Combinatory Logic and its application to Computational Semantics : How the CL can be applied to semantic analysis of natural language ● Be familiar with a practical technique of constructing semantic representations of natural language and discover the properties of natural language 5 Main readings ● H. Curry and R. Fey, Combinatory Logic, Vol1&2, 1958. ● P. Blackburn and Johan Bos, Representation and Inference for Natural Languages: A First Course in Computational Semantics, CSLI Publications, 2005. ● J.R. Hindley and J.P. Seldin, λ-calculus and Combinators: An introduction. Cambridge Univ. Press. 6 PART II Background on Computational Semantics 7 Why the Computational Semantics? ● Promising approach for many domain-embedded applications is to use the benefits of statistical models for disambiguation at a lexical/syntactic level, and then to use logical semantic representations for detailed interpretations 8 Overview on Formal semantics Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Syntax Syntax Landscape from M. Kohlhase's working paper (2010) World knowledge Semantic/ pragmatic analysis Inference Lexicon Lexical Semantics Semantic composition Lexicon Discourse 9 Traditional Topics of CS ● Construction of meaning representation ● Semantic underspecification ● Anaphora resolution ● Presupposition projection ● quantifier scope resolution-formal semantics ● Statistical semantics → point of contact with lexical semantics word sense disambiguation, semantic role labeling 10 What to do ● How can we automate the process of associating semantic representations with expressions of natural language? Language MeaningRepresentation 11 Logical tools used in builiding meaning representation ● Use of First-Order Logic ● Use of Lamda-Calculus ● Use of Combinatory Logic ● Use of Type Theory ● Use of Propositional Logic ● Use f Modal Logic ● Various dynamic approaches (DRT, DPL...) → translating such simple sentences as ”John loves Mary” and ”A woman walks” into formal semantic representations being→ systematic 12 Building a Semantic representation ● We need to complete he next three steps: step 1: specify the reasonable syntax for the natural language fragment of interest step 2 Specify semantic representations for the lexical items. step 3 Specify the translation of constituents compositionally. ∀x(MAN(X) → WALK(x) in first-order formula (λx.love(x, mary))(john) ⇒ love(john, mary) in lambda term 13 What we mean by ”systematic” ● In First-Order Logic, John loves Mary Semantic content is captured by the first-order formula : LOVE(JOHN, MARY) abstract denotation 14 How to be systematic ● Notion of syntactic structure John loves Mary (S) LOVE(JOHN, MARY) John (NP) loves Mary (VP) JOHN LOVE (?, MARY) loves (TV) MARY (NP) LOVE (?,?) MARY 15 Summing up ● Building meaning representation 1)lexical items 2)syntactic structure 3)from syntax to semantics → tell us how the semantic constructions of the parts of a sentence are to be joined together. 16 Syntax-semantic interface ● How to build a complete first-order formula? - The mecanism we're can mention is λ−calculus. That is, lambda calculus is viewed as a notational extension of firstorder logic : new operator for binding variables → λ ex: simple λ−expression λx.woman(x) 17 Function -argument structure « A function is a rule of correspondence by which when anything is given (as argument) another thing (the value of the function for that argument) may be obtained. That is, a function is an operation which may be applied on one thing (the argument) to yield another thing (the value of the function)... » -A.Church (1941) 18 Concepts for Functional application vs. #Non chronological order • Incomplete expression theory of Frege (1879) • ”Logische Untersuchungen” (the distinction between dependent expression and independent expression) of Husserl (1900) ● operator ● Function ● Syncategoreme ● Incomplete expression ● operator ● Function ● Syncategoreme ● Incomplete expression ● operand ● Argument ● Categoreme ● Complete expression ● operand ● Argument ● Categoreme ● Complete expression 19 ● All linguistic expression are viewed as operators or operands. Conventional notation: (operator(operand)) operator operator operand operand @ Verbes, adverbes, prepositions, conjonctors, negation, punctuation... Noun phrase, Sentence 20 ● One example: John eats an icecream eats an icecream John @ @ @ (an (icecream)) (eats(an (icecream))) ((eats(an (icecream)))John) S NP VP PN TV NP DET N John Eats an icecream 21 Computing semantic representation ● How do we automate the process of assigining semantic representations to sentences of human language? Human languagesentences Semantic represenction Input Output 22 ● Two main approaches 1) use of the unification 2) use of the lambda calculus → They both requires a grammar describing the syntactic structure of the fragment of language of interest. 23 ∃x(WOMAN(x)∧WALK(x))∃x(WOMAN(x)∧WALK(x)) 24 Semantic construction system ● One example of a modular implementation of a semantic construction system by Burchardt, Koller and Walter S sSem(λp.p(john)@λx.walk(x)) NP VP npSem(λp.p(john)) vpSem(λx.walk(x)) PN IV pnSem(λp.p(john)) ivSem(λx.walk(x)) John walks lexicon lexicon Combine with Semantic Macros Semantic Macros DCG 25 ● Various ways to construct logical formulae as meaning representations for sentences → How to do useful work with such meaning representation? Finding out what can be inferred from the formula constructed for a sentence is a very important task in Computation Semantics. Finding out what can be inferred from the formula constructed for a sentence is a very important task in Computation Semantics. 26 Next week... ● We will view the Combinatory Logic as a logical tool for representing a semantic meaning.