Spring 2012 Juyeon Kang qkang@fi.muni.cz B410, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Rep. IA165 Combinatory Logic for Computational Semantics Summing up: last lecture ● How to apply the combinators to natural language analysis 1) using introduction and elimination rules by beta-reduction of combinators: control heurstic of combinatorial application and bracketing 2) using a syntactic tool for controlling the application of combinators : CCG assumes the preliminary steps to find a well-structured normal form, that is, a formal semantic structure 3 Coordination (Φ) x:e1  CONJ  x:e2 ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­> (> )Φ x:   CONJ e1 e2 Φ e1 of type x coordinated with e2 of type x by the conjonction 'and'   (S\NP)/NP:pick    CONJ:'and'    (S\NP)/NP:eat        ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­> (>Φ) (S\NP)/NP:   Φ and pick eat e1 of type x coordinated with e2 of type x by the conjonction 'and'   (S\NP)/NP:pick    CONJ:'and'    (S\NP)/NP:eat        ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­> (>Φ) (S\NP)/NP:   Φ and pick eat Remind 1... 4 Extraction asymmetries 1. subject-object asymmetry 2. NP shifted arguement 3. type-raised argument 4. leftward extraction of ”non-peripheral argument” ==> Such asymmetries exist in SVO languages because of the possibility of ”scrambling” arguments across clause boundaries. 5 1. subject-object asymmetry of English (1) *Brazil is the team_i that John knew that t_i would beat Germany. (2) Germany is the team_i that John knew that Brazil would beat t_i. Comment: We see in (1) that extraction of the subject from the embedded clause to form the relative clause is ungrammatical, whereas the object is accessible for extraction, as shown in (2). Unlike the situation with many island violations, there is nothing semantically incoherent about a relative clause such as that in (1), and the grammar apparently disallows it for entirely syntactic reasons. 6 2. NP shifted arguement (1) I shall buy today and cook tomorrow the mushrooms          (1’) I shall buy the mushrooms today          (1’’) I shall cook the mushrooms tomorrow CONJ: and CONJ: and (Shall and ((today (buy (the mushrooms))) ((tomorrow (cook  (the mushrooms))) I) Semantic classes of adv: speech-act modifier(peripheral: core as argument), subjectoriented modifier, sentence modifier, VP modifier (nonperipheral: subparts as argument), ... Semantic classes of adv: speech-act modifier(peripheral: core as argument), subjectoriented modifier, sentence modifier, VP modifier (nonperipheral: subparts as argument), ... 7 3. type-raised argument (1) I will give to my sister an engraving by Rambrandt The complement object (NPobj) ”to my sister” is type-raised. To + NPobj= PP as derteminant of verb give Type­raising rule with C* X:e1(=NPobj) ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­  X/Z  (C*) 3/ S/NP: B(C* Germany) is 4/ ((NP\NP)/S):that S/(S\NP):C*John (S\NP)/NP:knew (NP/(S/NP)):that S/ (S\NP):C*Brazil ((S\NP)/NP):would beat 5/  ((NP\NP)/S):that S/NP:(B(C*John)knew) (NP/(S/NP)):that S/NP: (B(C*Brazil)  would beat) 6/   ((NP\NP)/S):that S/NP:(B(C*John)knew) NP:(that (B(C*Brazil) would beat)) 11 6/   ((NP\NP)/S):that S/NP:(B(C*John)knew) NP:(that (B(C*Brazil) would  beat)) 7/ ((NP\NP)/S):that S:((B(C*John)knew)(that (B(C*Brazil) would beat))) 8/ (NP\NP):(that((B(C*John)knew)(that (B(C*Brazil) would beat)))) 9/NP:(((NP\NP):(that((B(C*John)knew)(that (B(C*Brazil) would beat)))))the  team) 10/(that((C*John)(knew(that (B(C*Brazil) would beat))))))the team) 11/(that((knew(that (C*Brazil)( would beat)))))(John))the team) 12/(that((knew(that(would beat)(Brazil)))))(John))the team) Germany is the team that John knew that Brazil would beat (that((knew(that(would beat)(Brazil)))))(John)) the team) Germany is the team that John knew that Brazil would beat (that((knew(that(would beat)(Brazil)))))(John)) the team) 12 Extraction aymmetries analyzed in terms of the combinators-2 2. NP shifted arguement (1) I buy today and cook tomorrow the mushrooms VP=(S\NP) 1/NP:I VP/NP:buy VP\VP:today CONJ:and VP/NP:cook VP\VP:tomorrow NP:  the mushrooms 2/S/(S\NP):C*I 3/ VP/NP:(Bx today buy) CONJ:and VP/NP:(Bx tomorrow cook) (B) 3/ S/VP:B((C*I) will) (VP/NP):(Bx(to(my sister))give)  NP:(an((by  Rambrandt) engraving))   (>Bx) 4/ (S/VP):B((C*I) will) VP:((Bx(to(my sister))give)(an((by Rambrandt)  engraving)))   (>) 5/ S:(B((C*I) will)((Bx(to(my sister))give)(an((by Rambrandt)  engraving))))   (>) 15 5/ S:(B((C*I) will)((Bx(to(my sister))give)(an((by Rambrandt)  engraving))))   (>) 6/ ((C*I)( will((Bx(to(my sister))give)(an((by Rambrandt)  engraving))))) (e.B)  7/(( will((Bx(to(my sister))give)(an((by Rambrandt) engraving)))) (I)) (e.C*)  8/ (( will(to(my sister)(give(an((by Rambrandt) engraving)))))(I)) (e.B)  I will give to my sister an engraving by Rambrandt (( will(to(my sister)(give(an((by Rambrandt) engraving)))))(I)) I will give to my sister an engraving by Rambrandt (( will(to(my sister)(give(an((by Rambrandt) engraving)))))(I)) 16 Extraction aymmetries analyzed in terms of the combinators-4 4. leftward extraction of ”non-peripheral argument” (1) (articles) which I will file tomorrow VP=(S\NP) 1/ N: articles (N\N)/(S/NP):which  (S/(S\NP)):(C*I) (VP/VP):will  VP/NP:file VP\VP:tomorrow 2/ N: articles (N\N)/(S/NP):which  (S/VP):(B(C*I)will) (VP/NP):file  VP\VP:tomorrow 3/ N: articles (N\N)/(S/NP):which  (S/VP):(B(C*I)will) (VP/NP):(Bx  tomorrow file)           (B) 5/ N: articles (N\N):which (B((B(C*I)will)(Bx tomorrow file)))    (>) 6/ N: (which (B((B(C*I)will)(Bx tomorrow file))) articles)    (<) 17 6/ N: (which (B((B(C*I)will)(Bx tomorrow file))) articles)    (<) 7/(which ((B(C*I)will)(Bx tomorrow file)) articles))   (e­B) 8/ (which ((C*I)(will(Bx tomorrow file)) articles)))   (e­B) 9/ (which (will(Bx tomorrow file)) articles))(I))   (e­C*) 10/ (which (will(tomorrow ((file)articles)))(I))    (e­Bx) articles which I will file tomorrow (which(will(tomorrow((file)articles)))(I)) articles which I will file tomorrow (which(will(tomorrow((file)articles)))(I)) 18 Next week... ● Continue about the application of the combinators to natural language analysis: surbodination with ccg tools and passivisation without CCG tools