Related Rates Related Rate Equations Suppose that a particle P͑x, y͒ is moving along a curve C in the plane so that its coordinates x and y are differentiable functions of time t. If D is the distance from the origin to P, then using the Chain Rule we can find an equation that relates dDրdt, dxրdt, and dyրdt. D ϭ ͙xෆ2ෆϩෆ yෆ2ෆ ᎏ d d D t ᎏ ϭ ᎏ 1 2 ᎏ͑x2 ϩ y2͒Ϫ1ր2 (2xᎏ d d x t ᎏ ϩ 2yᎏ d d y t ᎏ) Any equation involving two or more variables that are differentiable functions of time t can be used to find an equation that relates their corresponding rates. EXAMPLE 1 Finding Related Rate Equations (a) Assume that the radius r of a sphere is a differentiable function of t and let V be the volume of the sphere. Find an equation that relates dV/dt and dr/dt. (b) Assume that the radius r and height h of a cone are differentiable functions of t and let V be the volume of the cone. Find an equation that relates dVրdt, drրdt, and dhրdt. SOLUTION (a) V ϭ ᎏ 4 3 ᎏ pr3 Volume formula for a sphere ᎏ d d V t ᎏ ϭ 4pr2 ᎏ d d r t ᎏ (b) V ϭ ᎏ p 3 ᎏr2h Cone volume formula ᎏ d d V t ᎏ ϭ ᎏ p 3 ᎏ(r2 • ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ϩ 2rᎏ d d r t ᎏ • h)ϭ ᎏ p 3 ᎏ(r2ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ϩ 2rhᎏ d d r t ᎏ) Now try Exercise 3. Solution Strategy What has always distinguished calculus from algebra is its ability to deal with variables that change over time. Example 1 illustrates how easy it is to move from a formula relating static variables to a formula that relates their rates of change: simply differentiate the formula implicitly with respect to t. This introduces an important category of problems called related rate problems that still constitutes one of the most important applications of calculus. We introduce a strategy for solving related rate problems, similar to the strategy we introduced for max-min problems earlier in this chapter. 246 Chapter 4 Applications of Derivatives 4.6 What you’ll learn about • Related Rate Equations • Solution Strategy • Simulating Related Motion . . . and why Related rate problems are at the heart of Newtonian mechanics; it was essentially to solve such problems that calculus was invented. Strategy for Solving Related Rate Problems 1. Understand the problem. In particular, identify the variable whose rate of change you seek and the variable (or variables) whose rate of change you know. 2. Develop a mathematical model of the problem. Draw a picture (many of these problems involve geometric figures) and label the parts that are important to the problem. Be sure to distinguish constant quantities from variables that change over time. Only constant quantities can be assigned numerical values at the start. continued 5128_Ch04_pp186-260.qxd 1/13/06 12:37 PM Page 246 Section 4.6 Related Rates 247 We illustrate the strategy in Example 2. EXAMPLE 2 A Rising Balloon A hot-air balloon rising straight up from a level field is tracked by a range finder 500 feet from the lift-off point. At the moment the range finder’s elevation angle is p/4, the angle is increasing at the rate of 0.14 radians per minute. How fast is the balloon rising at that moment? SOLUTION We will carefully identify the six steps of the strategy in this first example. Step 1: Let h be the height of the balloon and let u be the elevation angle. We seek: dh/dt We know: du/dt ϭ 0.14 rad/min Step 2: We draw a picture (Figure 4.55). We label the horizontal distance “500 ft” because it does not change over time. We label the height “h” and the angle of elevation “u.” Notice that we do not label the angle “p/4,” as that would freeze the picture. Step 3: We need a formula that relates h and u. Since ᎏ 5 h 00 ᎏ ϭ tan u, we get h ϭ 500 tan u. Step 4: Differentiate implicitly: ᎏ d d t ᎏ(h) ϭ ᎏ d d t ᎏ(500 tan u) ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ϭ 500 sec2 u ᎏ d d u t ᎏ Step 5: Let du/dt ϭ 0.14 and let u ϭ p/4. (Note that it is now safe to specify our moment in time.) ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ϭ 500 sec2 ΂ᎏ p 4 ᎏ ΃(0.14) ϭ 500(͙2ෆ)2 (0.14) ϭ 140. Step 6: At the moment in question, the balloon is rising at the rate of 140 ft/min. Now try Exercise 11. EXAMPLE 3 A Highway Chase A police cruiser, approaching a right-angled intersection from the north, is chasing a speeding car that has turned the corner and is now moving straight east. When the cruiser is 0.6 mi north of the intersection and the car is 0.8 mi to the east, the police determine with radar that the distance between them and the car is increasing at 20 mph. If the cruiser is moving at 60 mph at the instant of measurement, what is the speed of the car? continued 3. Write an equation relating the variable whose rate of change you seek with the variable(s) whose rate of change you know. The formula is often geometric, but it could come from a scientific application. 4. Differentiate both sides of the equation implicitly with respect to time t. Be sure to follow all the differentiation rules. The Chain Rule will be especially critical, as you will be differentiating with respect to the parameter t. 5. Substitute values for any quantities that depend on time. Notice that it is only safe to do this after the differentiation step. Substituting too soon “freezes the picture” and makes changeable variables behave like constants, with zero derivatives. 6. Interpret the solution. Translate your mathematical result into the problem setting (with appropriate units) and decide whether the result makes sense. Figure 4.55 The picture shows how h and u are related geometrically. We seek dh/dt when u ϭ p/4 and du/dt ϭ 0.14 rad/min. (Example 2) h 500 ft Range finder Balloon θ Unit Analysis in Example 2 A careful analysis of the units in Example 2 gives dh/dt ϭ (500 ft)(͙2ෆ)2 (0.14 rad/min) ϭ 140 ft и rad/min. Remember that radian measure is actually dimensionless, adaptable to whatever unit is applied to the “unit” circle. The linear units in Example 2 are measured in feet, so “ft и rad ” is simply “ft.” 5128_Ch04_pp186-260.qxd 1/13/06 12:37 PM Page 247 SOLUTION We carry out the steps of the strategy. Let x be the distance of the speeding car from the intersection, let y be the distance of the police cruiser from the intersection, and let z be the distance between the car and the cruiser. Distances x and z are increasing, but distance y is decreasing; so dy/dt is negative. We seek: dx/dt We know: dz/dt ϭ 20 mph and dy/dt ϭ Ϫ60 mph A sketch (Figure 4.56) shows that x, y, and z form three sides of a right triangle. We need to relate those three variables, so we use the Pythagorean Theorem: x2 ϩ y2 ϭ z2 Differentiating implicitly with respect to t, we get 2x ᎏ d d x t ᎏ ϩ 2y ᎏ d d y t ᎏ ϭ 2z ᎏ d d z t ᎏ, which reduces to x ᎏ d d x t ᎏ ϩ yᎏ d d y t ᎏ ϭ zᎏ d d z t ᎏ. We now substitute the numerical values for x, y, dz/dt, dy/dt, and z (which equals ͙x2 ϩ y2ෆ ): (0.8)ᎏ d d x t ᎏ ϩ (0.6)(Ϫ60) ϭ ͙(0.8)2ෆϩ (0.6ෆ)2ෆ(20) (0.8)ᎏ d d x t ᎏ Ϫ 36 ϭ (1)(20) ᎏ d d x t ᎏ ϭ 70 At the moment in question, the car’s speed is 70 mph. Now try Exercise 13. EXAMPLE 4 Filling a Conical Tank Water runs into a conical tank at the rate of 9 ft3 րmin. The tank stands point down and has a height of 10 ft and a base radius of 5 ft. How fast is the water level rising when the water is 6 ft deep? SOLUTION 1 We carry out the steps of the strategy. Figure 4.57 shows a partially filled conical tank. The tank itself does not change over time; what we are interested in is the changing cone of water inside the tank. Let V be the volume, r the radius, and h the height of the cone of water. We seek: dh/dt We know: dV/dt = 9 ft3/min We need to relate V and h. The volume of the cone of water is V ϭ ᎏ 1 3 ᎏ pr2h, but this formula also involves the variable r, whose rate of change is not given. We need to either find dr/dt (see Solution 2) or eliminate r from the equation, which we can do by using the similar triangles in Figure 4.57 to relate r and h: ᎏ h r ᎏ ϭ ᎏ 1 5 0 ᎏ, or simply r ϭ ᎏ h 2 ᎏ. Therefore, V ϭ ᎏ 1 3 ᎏp ΂ᎏ h 2 ᎏ ΃ 2 h ϭ ᎏ 1 p 2 ᎏ h3. continued 248 Chapter 4 Applications of Derivatives Figure 4.56 A sketch showing the variables in Example 3. We know dy/dt and dz/dt, and we seek dx/dt. The variables x, y, and z are related by the Pythagorean Theorem: x2 ϩ y2 ϭ z2. y x z Figure 4.57 In Example 4, the cone of water is increasing in volume inside the reservoir. We know dV/dt and we seek dh/dt. Similar triangles enable us to relate V directly to h. h 10 ft 5 ft r 5128_Ch04_pp186-260.qxd 1/13/06 12:37 PM Page 248 Section 4.6 Related Rates 249 Differentiate with respect to t: ᎏ d d V t ᎏ ϭ ᎏ 1 p 2 ᎏ • 3h2 ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ϭ ᎏ p 4 ᎏ h2 ᎏ d d h t ᎏ. Let h ϭ 6 and dV/dt ϭ 9; then solve for dh/dt: 9 ϭ ᎏ p 4 ᎏ(6)2 ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ϭ ᎏ p 1 ᎏ Ϸ 0.32 At the moment in question, the water level is rising at 0.32 ft/min. SOLUTION 2 The similar triangle relationship r ϭ ᎏ h 2 ᎏ also implies that ᎏ d d r t ᎏ ϭ ᎏ 1 2 ᎏ ᎏ d d h t ᎏ and that r ϭ 3 when h ϭ 6. So, we could have left all three variables in the formula V ϭ ᎏ 1 3 ᎏ␲r2h and proceeded as follows: ᎏ d d V t ᎏ ϭ ᎏ 1 3 ᎏp ΂2r ᎏ d d r t ᎏhϩr2 ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ΃ ϭ ᎏ 1 3 ᎏp ΂2r ΂ᎏ 1 2 ᎏ ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ΃hϩr2 ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ΃ 9 ϭ ᎏ 1 3 ᎏp ΂2(3) ΂ᎏ 1 2 ᎏ ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ΃(6)ϩ(3)2 ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ΃ 9 ϭ 9p ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ϭ ᎏ p 1 ᎏ This is obviously more complicated than the one-variable approach. In general, it is computationally easier to simplify expressions as much as possible before you differentiate. Now try Exercise 17. Simulating Related Motion Parametric mode on a grapher can be used to simulate the motion of moving objects when the motion of each can be expressed as a function of time. In a classic related rate problem, the top end of a ladder slides vertically down a wall as the bottom end is pulled horizontally away from the wall at a steady rate. Exploration 1 shows how you can use your grapher to simulate the related movements of the two ends of the ladder. The Sliding Ladder A 10-foot ladder leans against a vertical wall. The base of the ladder is pulled away from the wall at a constant rate of 2 ft/sec. 1. Explain why the motion of the two ends of the ladder can be represented by the parametric equations given on the next page. continued EXPLORATION 1 5128_Ch04_pp186-260.qxd 1/13/06 12:37 PM Page 249 250 Chapter 4 Applications of Derivatives Figure 4.58 This 5-step program (with the viewing window set as shown) will animate the ladder in Exploration 1. Be sure any functions in the “Yϭ” register are turned off. Run the program and the ladder appears against the wall; push ENTER to start the bottom moving away from the wall. For an enhanced picture, you can insert the commands “:Pt-On(2,2ϩ͙ෆ(100Ϫ(2A)2),2)” and “:Pt-On(2ϩ2A,2,2)” on either side of the middle line of the program. PROGRAM For (A, 0, 5, .25) ClrDraw Line(2,2+ (100– (2A)2), 2+2A, 2) If A=0 Pause End : LADDER : : : : : √ WINDOW Xmin=2 Xmax=20 Xscl=0 Ymin=1 Ymax=13 Yscl=0 Xres=1 : X1T ϭ 2T Y1T ϭ 0 X2T ϭ 0 Y2T ϭ ͙102 Ϫෆ(2T)2ෆ 2. What minimum and maximum values of T make sense in this problem? 3. Put your grapher in parametric and simultaneous modes. Enter the parametric equations and change the graphing style to “0” (the little ball) if your grapher has this feature. Set Tminϭ0, Tmaxϭ5, Tstepϭ5/20, XminϭϪ1, Xmaxϭ17, Xsclϭ0, YminϭϪ1, Ymaxϭ11, and Ysclϭ0. You can speed up the action by making the denominator in the Tstep smaller or slow it down by making it larger. 4. Press GRAPH and watch the two ends of the ladder move as time changes. Do both ends seem to move at a constant rate? 5. To see the simulation again, enter “ClrDraw” from the DRAW menu. 6. If y represents the vertical height of the top of the ladder and x the distance of the bottom from the wall, relate y and x and find dyրdt in terms of x and y. (Remember that dxրdt ϭ 2.) 7. Find dyրdt when t ϭ 3 and interpret its meaning. Why is it negative? 8. In theory, how fast is the top of the ladder moving as it hits the ground? Figure 4.58 shows you how to write a calculator program that animates the falling ladder as a line segment. Quick Review 4.6 (For help, go to Sections 1.1, 1.4, and 3.7.) In Exercises 1 and 2, find the distance between the points A and B. 1. A͑0, 5͒, B͑7, 0͒ ͙74ෆ 2. A͑0, a͒, B͑b, 0͒ ͙a2 ϩ bෆ2ෆ In Exercises 3–6, find dyրdx. 3. 2xy ϩ y2 ϭ x ϩ y ᎏ 2x 1 ϩ Ϫ 2y 2 Ϫ y 1 ᎏ 4. x sin y ϭ 1 Ϫ xy Ϫᎏ x y ϩ ϩ x s c in os y y ᎏ 5. x2 ϭ tan y 2x cos2y 6. ln ͑x ϩ y͒ ϭ 2x 2x ϩ 2y Ϫ 1 In Exercises 7 and 8, find a parametrization for the line segment with endpoints A and B. 7. A͑Ϫ2, 1͒, B͑4, Ϫ3͒ 8. A͑0, Ϫ4͒, B͑5, 0͒ In Exercises 9 and 10, let x ϭ 2 cos t, y ϭ 2 sin t. Find a parameter interval that produces the indicated portion of the graph. 9. The portion in the second and third quadrants, including the points on the axes. 10. The portion in the fourth quadrant, including the points on the axes. 8. One possible answer: x ϭ 5t, y ϭ Ϫ4 ϩ 4t, 0 Յ t Յ 1. One possible answer: p/2 Յ t Յ 3p/2 One possible answer: 3p/2 Յ t Յ2p 7. One possible answer: x ϭ Ϫ 2 ϩ 6t, y ϭ 1 Ϫ 4t, 0 Յ t Յ 1. 5128_Ch04_pp186-260.qxd 1/13/06 12:37 PM Page 250 Section 4.6 Related Rates 251 Section 4.6 Exercises In Exercises 1–41, assume all variables are differentiable functions of t. 1. Area The radius r and area A of a circle are related by the equation A ϭ pr2. Write an equation that relates dAրdt to drրdt. ᎏ d d A t ᎏ ϭ 2pr ᎏ d d r t ᎏ 2. Surface Area The radius r and surface area S of a sphere are related by the equation S ϭ 4pr2. Write an equation that relates dSրdt to drրdt. ᎏ d d S t ᎏ ϭ 8prᎏ d d r t ᎏ 3. Volume The radius r, height h, and volume V of a right circular cylinder are related by the equation V ϭ pr2h. (a) How is dVրdt related to dhրdt if r is constant? (b) How is dVրdt related to drրdt if h is constant? (c) How is dVրdt related to drրdt and dhրdt if neither r nor h is constant? 4. Electrical Power The power P (watts) of an electric circuit is related to the circuit’s resistance R (ohms) and current I (amperes) by the equation P ϭ RI2. (a) How is dPրdt related to dRրdt and dIրdt? (b) How is dRրdt related to dIրdt if P is constant? 5. Diagonals If x, y, and z are lengths of the edges of a rectangular box, the common length of the box’s diagonals is s ϭ ͙x2 ϩ yෆ2 ϩ z2ෆ. How is dsրdt related to dxրdt, dyրdt, and dzրdt? See below. 6. Area If a and b are the lengths of two sides of a triangle, and u the measure of the included angle, the area A of the triangle is A ϭ ͑1ր2͒ ab sin u. How is dAրdt related to daրdt, dbրdt, and duրdt? 7. Changing Voltage The voltage V (volts), current I (amperes), and resistance R (ohms) of an electric circuit like the one shown here are related by the equation V ϭ IR. Suppose that V is increasing at the rate of 1 voltրsec while I is decreasing at the rate of 1ր3 ampրsec. Let t denote time in sec. (a) What is the value of dVրdt? (b) What is the value of dIրdt? (c) Write an equation that relates dRրdt to dVրdt and dIրdt. (d) Writing to Learn Find the rate at which R is changing when V ϭ 12 volts and I ϭ 2 amp. Is R increasing, or decreasing? Explain. 8. Heating a Plate When a circular plate of metal is heated in an oven, its radius increases at the rate of 0.01 cmրsec. At what rate is the plate’s area increasing when the radius is 50 cm? p cm2/sec 9. Changing Dimensions in a Rectangle The length ᐍ of a rectangle is decreasing at the rate of 2 cmրsec while the width w is increasing at the rate of 2 cmրsec. When ᐍ ϭ 12 cm and w ϭ 5 cm, find the rates of change of See page 255. (a) the area, (b) the perimeter, and (c) the length of a diagonal of the rectangle. (d) Writing to Learn Which of these quantities are decreasing, and which are increasing? Explain. 10. Changing Dimensions in a Rectangular Box Suppose that the edge lengths x, y, and z of a closed rectangular box are changing at the following rates: ᎏ d d x t ᎏ ϭ 1 mրsec, ᎏ d d y t ᎏ ϭ Ϫ2 mրsec, ᎏ d d z t ᎏ ϭ 1 mրsec. Find the rates at which the box’s (a) volume, (b) surface area, and (c) diagonal length s ϭ ͙xෆ2ෆϩෆ yෆ2ෆϩෆ zෆ2ෆ are changing at the instant when x ϭ 4, y ϭ 3, and z ϭ 2. 11. Inflating Balloon A spherical balloon is inflated with helium at the rate of 100p ft3 րmin. (a) How fast is the balloon’s radius increasing at the instant the radius is 5 ft? 1 ft/min (b) How fast is the surface area increasing at that instant? 12. Growing Raindrop Suppose that a droplet of mist is a perfect sphere and that, through condensation, the droplet picks up moisture at a rate proportional to its surface area. Show that under these circumstances the droplet’s radius increases at a constant rate. See page 255. 13. Air Traffic Control An airplane is flying at an altitude of 7 mi and passes directly over a radar antenna as shown in the figure. When the plane is 10 mi from the antenna ͑s ϭ 10͒, the radar detects that the distance s is changing at the rate of 300 mph. What is the speed of the airplane at that moment? ᎏ d d x t ᎏ ϭ mph Ϸ 420.08 mph 14. Flying a Kite Inge flies a kite at a height of 300 ft, the wind carrying the kite horizontally away at a rate of 25 ftրsec. How fast must she let out the string when the kite is 500 ft away from her? 20 ft/sec 15. Boring a Cylinder The mechanics at Lincoln Automotive are reboring a 6-in. deep cylinder to fit a new piston. The machine they are using increases the cylinder’s radius one-thousandth of an inch every 3 min. How rapidly is the cylinder volume increasing when the bore (diameter) is 3.800 in.? 3000 ᎏ ͙51ෆ V+ – R I y x x s7 mi ᎏ d d V t ᎏ ϭ pr2 ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ᎏ d d V t ᎏ ϭ 2prhᎏ d d r t ᎏ ᎏ d d V t ᎏ ϭ pr2 ᎏ d d h t ᎏ ϩ2prhᎏ d d r t ᎏ 4. (a) ᎏ d d P t ᎏ ϭ 2RI ᎏ d d I t ᎏ ϩ I2 ᎏ d d R t ᎏ (b) 0 ϭ 2RI ᎏ d d I t ᎏ ϩ I2 ᎏ d d R t ᎏ, or, ᎏ d d R t ᎏ ϭ ΂Ϫᎏ 2 I R ᎏ ΃΂ᎏ d d I t ᎏ ΃ϭ ΂Ϫᎏ 2 I P 3 ᎏ ΃΂ᎏ d d I t ᎏ ΃ ᎏ d d A t ᎏ ϭ ᎏ 1 2 ᎏ ΂b sin ␪ ᎏ d d a t ᎏ ϩ a sin ␪ ᎏ d d b t ᎏ ϩ ab cos ␪ ᎏ d d ␪ t ᎏ ΃ (a) 1 volt/sec (b) Ϫᎏ 1 3 ᎏ amp/sec (c) ᎏ d d V t ᎏ ϭ Iᎏ d d R t ᎏ ϩ Rᎏ d d I t ᎏ (d) ᎏ d d R t ᎏ ϭ ᎏ 3 2 ᎏ ohms/sec. R is increasing since ᎏ d d R t ᎏ is positive. (a) 2 m3/sec (b) 0 m2/sec (c) 0 m/sec 40p ft2/min ᎏ 2 1 5 9 0 p 0 ᎏ Ϸ 0.0239 in3/min 5. ᎏ d d s t ᎏ ϭ x ᎏ d d x t ᎏ ϩ y ᎏ d d y t ᎏ ϩ z ᎏ d d z t ᎏ ᎏᎏᎏ ͙x2 ϩ yෆ2 ϩ z2ෆ 5128_Ch04_pp186-260.qxd 2/3/06 4:31 PM Page 251 252 Chapter 4 Applications of Derivatives 16. Growing Sand Pile Sand falls from a conveyor belt at the rate of 10 m3 րmin onto the top of a conical pile. The height of the pile is always three-eighths of the base diameter. How fast are the (a) height and (b) radius changing when the pile is 4 m high? Give your answer in cmրmin. 17. Draining Conical Reservoir Water is flowing at the rate of 50 m3 րmin from a concrete conical reservoir (vertex down) of base radius 45 m and height 6 m. (a) How fast is the water level falling when the water is 5 m deep? (b) How fast is the radius of the water’s surface changing at that moment? Give your answer in cmրmin. 18. Draining Hemispherical Reservoir Water is flowing at the rate of 6 m3 րmin from a reservoir shaped like a hemispherical bowl of radius 13 m, shown here in profile. Answer the following questions given that the volume of water in a hemispherical bowl of radius R is V ϭ ͑pր3͒y2͑3R Ϫ y͒ when the water is y units deep. (a) At what rate is the water level changing when the water is 8 m deep? (b) What is the radius r of the water’s surface when the water is y m deep? r ϭ ͙169 Ϫෆ (13 Ϫෆ y)2ෆ ϭ ͙26y Ϫෆ y2ෆ (c) At what rate is the radius r changing when the water is 8 m deep? 19. Sliding Ladder A 13-ft ladder is leaning against a house (see figure) when its base starts to slide away. By the time the base is 12 ft from the house, the base is moving at the rate of 5 ftրsec. 20. Filling a Trough A trough is 15 ft long and 4 ft across the top as shown in the figure. Its ends are isosceles triangles with height 3 ft. Water runs into the trough at the rate of 2.5 ft3 րmin. How fast is the water level rising when it is 2 ft deep? ᎏ 1 1 6 ᎏ ft/min 21. Hauling in a Dinghy A dinghy is pulled toward a dock by a rope from the bow through a ring on the dock 6 ft above the bow as shown in the figure. The rope is hauled in at the rate of 2 ftրsec. (a) How fast is the boat approaching the dock when 10 ft of rope are out? ᎏ 5 2 ᎏ ft/sec (b) At what rate is angle ␪ changing at that moment? 22. Rising Balloon A balloon is rising vertically above a level, straight road at a constant rate of 1 ftրsec. Just when the balloon is 65 ft above the ground, a bicycle moving at a constant rate of 17 ftրsec passes under it. How fast is the distance between the bicycle and balloon increasing 3 sec later (see figure)? 11 ft/sec In Exercises 23 and 24, a particle is moving along the curve y ϭ f ͑x͒. 23. Let y ϭ f ͑x͒ ϭ ᎏ 1 ϩ 10 x2ᎏ. If dxրdt ϭ 3 cmրsec, find dyրdt at the point where (a) x ϭ Ϫ2. (b) x ϭ 0. (c) x ϭ 20. 24. Let y ϭ f ͑x͒ ϭ x3 Ϫ 4x. If dxրdt ϭ Ϫ2 cmրsec, find dyրdt at the point where (a) x ϭ Ϫ3. (b) x ϭ 1. (c) x ϭ 4. r y 13 m Water level Center of sphere x x(t)0 u y(t) y 13-ft ladder 2 ft 3 ft 15 ft 2.5 ft3/min 4 ft Ring at edge of dock 6 u ' x(t) s(t) y(t) y x 0 (a) How fast is the top of the ladder sliding down the wall at that moment? 12 ft/sec (b) At what rate is the area of the triangle formed by the ladder, wall, and ground changing at that moment? Ϫᎏ 11 2 9 ᎏ ft2/sec (c) At what rate is the angle u between the ladder and the ground changing at that moment? Ϫ1 radian/sec (a) ᎏ 1 3 1 2 2 p 5 ᎏ Ϸ 11.19 cm/min (b) ᎏ 3 8 7 p 5 ᎏ Ϸ 14.92 cm/min (a) ᎏ 9 3 p 2 ᎏ Ϸ 1.13 cm/min (b) Ϫᎏ 3 8 p 0 ᎏ Ϸ Ϫ8.49 cm/min Ϫᎏ 24 1 p ᎏ Ϸ Ϫ0.01326 m/min or Ϫᎏ 6 2 p 5 ᎏ Ϸ Ϫ1.326 cm/min Ϫᎏ 28 5 8p ᎏ Ϸ Ϫ0.00553 m/min or Ϫᎏ 7 1 2 2 p 5 ᎏ Ϸ Ϫ0.553 cm/min Ϫᎏ 2 3 0 ᎏ radian/sec (a) Ϫ46 cm/sec (b) 2 cm/sec (c) Ϫ88 cm/sec (a) ᎏ 2 5 4 ᎏ cm/sec (b) 0 cm/sec (c) Ϫᎏ 16 1 0 2 , 0 8 0 01 ᎏ Ϸ Ϫ0.00746 cm/sec 5128_Ch04_pp186-260.qxd 1/13/06 12:37 PM Page 252 Section 4.6 Related Rates 253 25. Particle Motion A particle moves along the parabola y ϭ x2 in the first quadrant in such a way that its x-coordinate (in meters) increases at a constant rate of 10 mրsec. How fast is the angle of inclination u of theline joining the particle to the origin changing when x ϭ 3? 1 radian/sec 26. Particle Motion A particle moves from right to left along the parabolic curve y ϭ ͙Ϫෆxෆ in such a way that its x-coordinate (in meters) decreases at the rate of 8 mրsec. How fast is the angle of inclination u of the line joining the particle to the origin changing when x ϭ Ϫ4? ᎏ 2 5 ᎏ radian/sec 27. Melting Ice A spherical iron ball is coated with a layer of ice of uniform thickness. If the ice melts at the rate of 8 mLրmin, how fast is the outer surface area of ice decreasing when the outer diameter (ball plus ice) is 20 cm? 1.6 cm2/min 28. Particle Motion A particle P͑x, y͒ is moving in the coordinate plane in such a way that dxրdt ϭ Ϫ1 mրsec and dyրdt ϭ Ϫ5 mրsec. How fast is the particle’s distance from the origin changing as it passes through the point ͑5, 12͒? 29. Moving Shadow A man 6 ft tall walks at the rate of 5 ftրsec toward a streetlight that is 16 ft above the ground. At what rate is the length of his shadow changing when he is 10 ft from the base of the light? Ϫ3 ft/sec 30. Moving Shadow A light shines from the top of a pole 50 ft high. A ball is dropped from the same height from a point 30 ft away from the light as shown below. How fast is the ball’s shadow moving along the ground 1ր2 sec later? (Assume the ball falls a distance s ϭ 16t2 in t sec.) Ϫ1500 ft/sec 31. Moving Race Car You are videotaping a race from a stand 132 ft from the track, following a car that is moving at 180 mph (264 ftրsec) as shown in the figure. About how fast will your camera angle u be changing when the car is right in front of you? a half second later? 32. Speed Trap A highway patrol airplane flies 3 mi above a level, straight road at a constant rate of 120 mph. The pilot sees an oncoming car and with radar determines that at the instant the line-of-sight distance from plane to car is 5 mi the line-of-sight distance is decreasing at the rate of 160 mph. Find the car’s speed along the highway. 80 mph 33. Building’s Shadow On a morning of a day when the sun will pass directly overhead, the shadow of an 80-ft building on level ground is 60 ft long as shown in the figure. At the moment in question, the angle u the sun makes with the ground is increasing at the rate of 0.27°րmin. At what rate is the shadow length decreasing? Express your answer in in.րmin, to the nearest tenth. (Remember to use radians.) 7.1 in./min 34. Walkers A and B are walking on straight streets that meet at right angles. A approaches the intersection at 2 mրsec and B moves away from the intersection at 1 mրsec as shown in the figure. At what rate is the angle u changing when A is 10 m from the intersection and B is 20 m from the intersection? Express your answer in degrees per second to the nearest degree. Ϫ6 deg/sec 35. Moving Ships Two ships are steaming away from a point O along routes that make a 120° angle. Ship A moves at 14 knots (nautical miles per hour; a nautical mile is 2000 yards). Ship B moves at 21 knots. How fast are the ships moving apart when OA ϭ 5 and OB ϭ 3 nautical miles? 29.5 knots x Light 30 x(t) 1/2 sec later Shadow Ball at time t ϭ 0 NOT TO SCALE 0 50-ft pole Race Car 132' Camera θ NOT TO SCALE Plane x(t) Car 0 x 3 mi s(t) 80' ␪ 60' O ␪ A B Ϫ5 m/sec In front: 2 radians/sec; Half second later: 1 radian/sec 5128_Ch04_pp186-260.qxd 1/13/06 12:37 PM Page 253 254 Chapter 4 Applications of Derivatives Standardized Test Questions You may use a graphing calculator to solve the following problems. 36. True or False If the radius of a circle is expanding at a constant rate, then its circumference is increasing at a constant rate. Justify your answer. 37. True or False If the radius of a circle is expanding at a constant rate, then its area is increasing at a constant rate. Justify your answer. 38. Multiple Choice If the volume of a cube is increasing at 24 in3/ min and each edge of the cube is increasing at 2 in./min, what is the length of each edge of the cube? A (A) 2 in. (B) 2͙2ෆ in. (C) ͙ 3 12ෆ in. (D) 4 in. (E) 8 in. 39. Multiple Choice If the volume of a cube is increasing at 24 in3/ min and the surface area of the cube is increasing at 12 in2/ min, what is the length of each edge of the cube? E (A) 2 in. (B) 2͙2ෆ in. (C) ͙ 3 12ෆ in. (D) 4 in. (E) 8 in. 40. Multiple Choice A particle is moving around the unit circle (the circle of radius 1 centered at the origin). At the point (0.6, 0.8) the particle has horizontal velocity dx/dt ϭ 3. What is its vertical velocity dy/dt at that point? C (A) Ϫ3.875 (B) Ϫ3.75 (C) Ϫ2.25 (D) 3.75 (E) 3.875 41. Multiple Choice A cylindrical rubber cord is stretched at a constant rate of 2 cm per second. Assuming its volume does not change, how fast is its radius shrinking when its length is 100 cm and its radius is 1 cm? B (A) 0 cm/sec (B) 0.01 cm/sec (C) 0.02 cm/sec (D) 2 cm/sec (E) 3.979 cm/sec Explorations 42. Making Coffee Coffee is draining from a conical filter into a cylindrical coffeepot at the rate of 10 in3 րmin. 43. Cost, Revenue, and Profit A company can manufacture x items at a cost of c͑x͒ dollars, a sales revenue of r͑x͒ dollars, and a profit of p͑x͒ ϭ r͑x͒ Ϫ c͑x͒ dollars (all amounts in thousands). Find dcրdt, drրdt, and dpրdt for the following values of x and dxրdt. (a) r͑x͒ ϭ 9x, c͑x͒ ϭ x3 Ϫ 6x2 ϩ 15x, and dxրdt ϭ 0.1 when x ϭ 2. (b) r͑x͒ ϭ 70x, c͑x͒ ϭ x3 Ϫ 6x2 ϩ 45րx, and dxրdt ϭ 0.05 when x ϭ 1.5. 44. Group Activity Cardiac Output In the late 1860s, Adolf Fick, a professor of physiology in the Faculty of Medicine in Würtzberg, Germany, developed one of the methods we use today for measuring how much blood your heart pumps in a minute. Your cardiac output as you read this sentence is probably about 7 liters a minute. At rest it is likely to be a bit under 6 Lրmin. If you are a trained marathon runner running a marathon, your cardiac output can be as high as 30 Lրmin. Your cardiac output can be calculated with the formula y ϭ ᎏ Q D ᎏ, where Q is the number of milliliters of CO2 you exhale in a minute and D is the difference between the CO2 concentration (mLրL) in the blood pumped to the lungs and the CO2 concentration in the blood returning from the lungs. With Q ϭ 233 mLրmin and D ϭ 97 Ϫ 56 ϭ 41 mLրL, y ϭ Ϸ 5.68 Lրmin, fairly close to the 6 Lրmin that most people have at basal (resting) conditions. (Data courtesy of J. Kenneth Herd, M.D., Quillan College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University.) Suppose that when Q ϭ 233 and D ϭ 41, we also know that D is decreasing at the rate of 2 units a minute but that Q remains unchanged. What is happening to the cardiac output? Extending the Ideas 45. Motion along a Circle A wheel of radius 2 ft makes 8 revolutions about its center every second. (a) Explain how the parametric equations x ϭ 2 cos u, y ϭ 2 sin u can be used to represent the motion of the wheel. (b) Express u as a function of time t. (c) Find the rate of horizontal movement and the rate of vertical movement of a point on the edge of the wheel when it is at the position given by u ϭ pր4, pր2, and p. 46. Ferris Wheel A Ferris wheel with radius 30 ft makes one revolution every 10 sec. (a) Assume that the center of the Ferris wheel is located at the point ͑0, 40͒, and write parametric equations to model its motion. [Hint: See Exercise 45.] (b) At t ϭ 0 the point P on the Ferris wheel is located at ͑30, 40͒. Find the rate of horizontal movement, and the rate of vertical movement of the point P when t ϭ 5 sec and t ϭ 8 sec. 233 mLրmin ᎏᎏ 41 mLրL 6" 6" How fast is this level falling? How fast is this level rising? 6" (a) How fast is the level in the pot rising when the coffee in the cone is 5 in. deep? (b) How fast is the level in the cone falling at that moment? 36. True. Since ᎏ d d C t ᎏ ϭ 2p ᎏ d d r t ᎏ, a constant ᎏ d d r t ᎏ results in a constant ᎏ d d C t ᎏ. 37. False. Since ᎏ d d A t ᎏ ϭ 2pr ᎏ d d r t ᎏ, the value of ᎏ d d A t ᎏ depends on r. ᎏ d d y t ᎏ ϭ ᎏ 1 4 6 6 8 6 1 ᎏ Ϸ 0.277 L/min2 ᎏ d d c t ᎏ ϭ 0.3 ᎏ d d r t ᎏ ϭ 0.9 ᎏ d d p t ᎏ ϭ 0.6 ᎏ d d c t ᎏ ϭ Ϫ1.5625 ᎏ d d r t ᎏ ϭ 3.5 ᎏ d d p t ᎏ ϭ 5.0625 (a) ᎏ 9 1 p 0 ᎏ Ϸ 0.354 in./min (b) ᎏ 5 8 p ᎏ Ϸ 0.509 in./min 5128_Ch04_pp186-260.qxd 01/16/06 11:59 AM Page 254 Section 4.6 Related Rates 255 47. Industrial Production (a) Economists often use the expression “rate of growth” in relative rather than absolute terms. For example, let u ϭ f ͑t͒ be the number of people in the labor force at time t in a given industry. (We treat this function as though it were differentiable even though it is an integer-valued step function.) 9% per year Let v ϭ g͑t͒ be the average production per person in the labor force at time t. The total production is then y ϭ uv. If the labor force is growing at the rate of 4% per year ͑duրdt ϭ 0.04u͒ and the production per worker is growing at the rate of 5% per year ͑dvրdt ϭ 0.05v͒, find the rate of growth of the total production, y. (b) Suppose that the labor force in part (a) is decreasing at the rate of 2% per year while the production per person is increasing at the rate of 3% per year. Is the total production increasing, or is it decreasing, and at what rate? Increasing at 1% per year Quick Quiz for AP* Preparation: Sections 4.4–4.6 You may use a graphing calculator to solve the following problems. 1. Multiple Choice If Newton's method is used to approximate the real root of x3 ϩ 2x Ϫ 1 ϭ 0, what would the third approximation, x3, be if the first approximation is x1 ϭ 1? B (A) 0.453 (B) 0.465 (C) 0.495 (D) 0.600 (E) 1.977 2. Multiple Choice The sides of a right triangle with legs x and y and hypotenuse z increase in such a way that dzրdt ϭ 1 and dxրdt ϭ 3 dyրdt. At the instant when x ϭ 4 and y ϭ 3, what is dxրdt ? B (A) ᎏ 1 3 ᎏ (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) ͙5ෆ (E) 5 3. Multiple Choice An observer 70 meters south of a railroad crossing watches an eastbound train traveling at 60 meters per second. At how many meters per second is the train moving away from the observer 4 seconds after it passes through the intersection? A (A) 57.60 (B) 57.88 (C) 59.20 (D) 60.00 (E) 67.40 4. Free Response (a)Approximate ͙26ෆ by using the linearization of y ϭ ͙xෆ at the point (25, 5). Show the computation that leads to your conclusion. (b) Approximate ͙26ෆ by using a first guess of 5 and one iteration of Newton's method to approximate the zero of x2 Ϫ 26. Show the computation that leads to your conclusion. (c) Approximate ͙ 3 26ෆ by using an appropriate linearization. Show the computation that leads to your conclusion. Chapter 4 Key Terms absolute change (p. 240) absolute maximum value (p. 187) absolute minimum value (p. 187) antiderivative (p. 200) antidifferentiation (p. 200) arithmetic mean (p. 204) average cost (p. 224) center of linear approximation (p. 233) concave down (p. 207) concave up (p. 207) concavity test (p. 208) critical point (p. 190) decreasing function (p. 198) differential (p. 237) differential estimate of change (p. 239) differential of a function (p. 239) extrema (p. 187) Extreme Value Theorem (p. 188) first derivative test (p. 205) first derivative test for local extrema (p. 205) geometric mean (p. 204) global maximum value (p. 177) global minimum value (p. 177) increasing function (p. 198) linear approximation (p. 233) linearization (p. 233) local linearity (p. 233) local maximum value (p. 189) local minimum value (p. 189) logistic curve (p. 210) logistic regression (p. 211) marginal analysis (p. 223) marginal cost and revenue (p. 223) Mean Value Theorem (p. 196) monotonic function (p. 198) Newton’s method (p. 235) optimization (p. 219) percentage change (p. 240) point of inflection (p. 208) profit (p. 223) quadratic approximation (p. 245) related rates (p. 246) relative change (p. 240) relative extrema (p. 189) Rolle’s Theorem (p. 196) second derivative test for local extrema (p. 211) standard linear approximation (p. 233) 9. (a) ᎏ d d A t ᎏ ϭ 14 cm2/sec (b) ᎏ d d P t ᎏ ϭ 0 cm/sec (c) ᎏ d d D t ᎏ ϭ Ϫᎏ 1 1 4 3 ᎏ cm/sec (d) The area is increasing, because its derivative is positive. The perimeter is not changing, because its derivative is zero. The diagonal length is decreasing, because its derivative is negative. 12. V ϭ ᎏ 4 3 ᎏpr3, so ᎏ d d V t ᎏ ϭ 4pr2 ᎏ d d r t ᎏ. But S ϭ 4pr2, so we are given that ᎏ d d V t ᎏ ϭ kS ϭ 4kpr2. Substituting, 4kpr2 ϭ 4pr2 ᎏ d d r t ᎏ which gives ᎏ d d r t ᎏ ϭ k. 5128_Ch04_pp186-260.qxd 1/13/06 12:37 PM Page 255