Predictive Learning on Data Streams Haixun Wang1 and Ying Yang2 1IBM T.J. Watson Research Center 2Monash University • • • •Please find the latest version of this tutorial at: Outline •Challenges –Volume, Speed, Time varying distribution •Part I: Learning models from streams –Accuracy, Efficiency –Intelligent model reusing •Part II: Applying models on streams –Efficiency, Accuracy –Intelligent load shedding Background •Many real-life data are data streams in nature: –data from large number of embedded sensors –high-speed real-time financial and retailer data –large-volume network traffic data •Resources are limited –CPU cycles, bandwidth, and memory •Resource allocation is a very important issue. Challenges in Classifying Streams •Cost of learning a model –impossible to mine the entire data at one time –can only afford constant memory per data sample •Concept Drifts –previously learned models are invalid –model updates can be costly •Cost of applying a model –classify data without seeing it? PART I Learning Classifiers from Streams •Issues: Accuracy, Cost, Model Reuse Methods for Classifying Streams •Decision Tree •Hoeffding Trees •VFDT and CVFDT •Ensemble of Classifiers •etc. The Decision Tree Classifier •Learning (Training) : –Input: a data set of (a, b), where a is a vector, b a class label –Output: a model (decision tree) •Testing: –Input: a test sample (x, ?) –Output: a class prediction for x The Decision Tree Classifier •A divide-and-conquer approach –Simple algorithm, intuitive model –No ‘optimal’ model •Compute information gain for data in each node –Super-linear complexity •Typically a decision tree grows one level for each scan of data –Multiple scans are required •The data structure is not ‘stable’ –Subtle changes of data can cause global changes in the data structure Idea of VFDT •Task: –Given enough samples, can we build a tree in constant time that is nearly identical to the tree a batch learner (C4.5, Sprint, etc.) would build? •Intuition: –With increasing # of samples, the # of possible decision trees becomes smaller •Forget about concept drifts for now. Hoeffding Bound •Also known as additive Chernoff Bound •Given –r : real valued random variable –n : # independent observations of r –R : range of r •Mean of r is at least ravg-e, with probability 1-d, or: •P(mr ³ ravg - e) = 1-d and Hoeffding Bound •Properties: –Hoeffding bound is independent of data distribution –Error e decreases when n (# of samples) increases •At each node, we shall accumulate enough samples (n) before we make a split yes no Packets > 10 Protocol = http Protocol = ftp yes yes no Packets > 10 Bytes > 60K Protocol = http Data Stream Data Stream (Gehrke’s SIGMOD tutorial) Building a Hoeffding Tree Nearly Identical? •Categorical attributes –with a high probability, the attribute we choose for split is the same attribute as would be chosen by a batch learner –identical decision tree •Continuous attributes –discretize them into categorical ones • Building a Hoeffding Tree •G(Xi) : the heuristic measure used to split a node (Xi is a discrete attribute) •Xa, Xb : the attributes with the highest and second-highest G() after n examples •DG = G(Xa) – G(Xb) ³ 0 Building a Hoeffding Tree •If DG > e, the Hoeffding bound states that : P(mDG ³ DG - e > 0) = 1 - d •mDG > 0 Þ mG(Xa) - mG(Xb) > 0 Þ mG(Xa) > mG(Xb) •Conclusion: we have found a best attribute for split (Xa) with probability 1- d Hoeffding Tree: Pros and Cons •Scales better than traditional DT algorithms –Incremental –Sub-linear with sampling –Small memory requirement •Cons: –Only consider top 2 attributes –Tie breaking takes time –Grow a deep tree takes time –Discrete attribute only VFDT •Very Fast Decision Tree –Domingos, Hulten, 2000 •Various Improvement over Hoeffding Tree –Break near-ties more aggressively –G computed every nmin tuples (instead of for every tuple) –Deactivating unpromising leaf nodes –Dropping poor attributes –… –Better time and memory performance •Still does not handle concept drifts Concept Drifts •Time-changing data streams •Incorporate new samples and eliminate effect of old samples •Naïve approach –Place a sliding window on the stream –Reapply C4.5 or VFDT whenever window moves –Time consuming! CVFDT •Concept-adapting VFDT –Hulten, Spencer, Domingos, 2001 •Goal –Classifying concept-drifting data streams •Approach –Make use of Hoeffding bound –Incorporate “windowing” –Monitor changes of information gain for attributes. –If change reaches threshold, generate alternate subtree with new “best” attribute, but keep on background. –Replace if new subtree becomes more accurate. Sliding Windows •Mining data streams = Mining windows of static data ? •Why we should be concerned whether sample size is large enough (even in the streaming environment). Robert Hendrickson Hackensack River Panorama, oil on canvas Pitfalls of Sliding Windows •Window-based incremental algorithm –incorporate new samples and eliminate effects of old samples •One interpretation: –Old samples = samples outside the window = samples arrived T time units ago –How to decide T? Data Distribution and Optimal Decision Boundaries tc Overfitting! tc3 Data Distribution and Optimal Decision Boundaries Conflicting Concepts! Summary •How to ‘forget’ old samples? –Discard instances after a fixed time period T –T is too large: conflicting concepts –T is too small: overfitting •Other issues of a single model approach –Runtime performance –Ease of use –Parallelizability –… Classifier Ensemble Method time-dist Colorful Oil Painting Of A Musician Ensemble First we want to prove that the classifier ensemble method can be more accurate than a single classifier builted on the whole data set. Then we discuss how to set the weights of the classifiers. In many applications, we can do some pruning. Finally, I will show some experiment results of this method. Basic Idea •Steam data is partitioned into sequential chunks •Train a weighted classifier from each chunk •The weight is based on the expected prediction accuracy on the current test examples •Only top K classifiers are kept • Giving each classifier a weight based on it’s expected prediction accuracy on the current examples This can avoid overfitting and solve the problems of concept drifts. Bias Variance Decomposition •The expected added error of a classifier is expressed by: • • • –s is a constant independent of training model – denotes the variance – Accuracy Weighted Ensemble Single Classifier •Probability Output: • • • •Assuming each partition is of the same size • – Ensemble Classifier •Probability Output: • • •Naïve assumption: the variances of different classifiers are independent. • • • •Conclusion: ensemble has smaller error But in reality … •We do not know –Error or variance or the function being learned •Solution: –Use estimation! –Apply the i-th classifier on the current training data to estimate the error of the classifier Weight Estimation partcolor Problem I: Learning cost is still high •Tree construction has super-linear complexity –Much effort has been made to build a decision tree faster (CLOUD, Rainforest, etc.) •Approximate methods: Hoeffding bound –We still need to evaluate G() –Incremental updating a non-stable structure •Learn/update a model is costly – Do we care about the shape of the tree? – •The Hoeffding method tries to build decision trees “nearly identical” to trees that a batch classifier (ID3, C4.5, Sprint) would build •But batch learner builds decision trees in a divide-and-conquer greedy manner (not optimal anyway) How about using Random Trees? •Build an ensemble of N random trees •At each node, randomly choose an attribute to split •Throw samples into each tree •Use class label distribution in the leaf nodes as probability output •Constant cost of tree construction •Maximize structural diversity in N trees Problem II: dependence on the last window •Incrementally maintain a single classifier –tracking patterns in the recent window –the recent window contains the sole training data •Maintain a set of classifiers (an ensemble) –each trained from historical data –Validate classifiers by the most recent data to find “good” classifiers. •There is a flaw: –too much dependence on the most recent data Fundamental challenge: Overfitting •Overfitting: models are too specific, or too sensitive to the particulars of the training dataset. •Symptom: the validation error increases while the training error steadily decreases. •Cause: the training dataset is not large enough, or not representative enough 800px-Overfitting Overfitting in supervised learning (e.g. decision tree, neural network). validation error training error Overfitting is prevalent in the streaming environment •Inadequacy of training data. –We must avoid conflicting concepts –Small windows are used •Unrepresentative training data. –Stream data is bursty. –Samples may concentrate in a small region of the sample space. Inadequacy of training data – single classifier •Traditional solutions do not work in the streaming environment. •Change detection –differences in data distributions ¹ concept drifts. –computational intensive •Difficult to find the optimal rate to expire the old data. Overfitting hazard Changing decision boundary Unrepresentative training data – ensemble classifier Totally different class distribution Perfect validation result Extremely low classification accuracy How to suppress overfitting in data streams? •For static data, only sample size matters. –enlarging the training dataset to include more instances will help reducing overfitting. •For stream data, we must consider 3 factors: –Size –Space –Time Time, Space, Size Training data of time t has more authority than t-1, t-2, … In this particular region, training data t-1 has more authority over t or t-2 Classifier has more authority if it is backed up by a large cluster of training samples What is the most likely real class distribution at time t? Summary •To find the most likely current class distribution, consider the time, the space, and the size factors in combining historical classifiers. •How to quantify a historical classifier by time, space, and size? •We formulate the problem from an optimization viewpoint. • Modeling •Distribution changes can occur abruptly –Previous work models smooth, continuous changes •At any given time, the underlying data generating mechanism is in one of multiple states –Within each state, class distribution is stable •State changes are modeled by a Markov model –The aggregated ingress rate is l Modeling •We partition the stream into a sequence of time windows –Time-based windows make more sense than count-based windows for concept drifts •We partition the feature space V into a set of non-overlapping regions. –Bursty arrivals may concentrate in one region. •Weight classifiers by time and region. Modeling The probability that the most recent state transition occurs between time window i and i+1 is: txp_fig i-1 i i+1 n-1 n time most recent distribution change … … After time i, class distribution in the region remain the same Modeling •fi: observed positive class distribution •x: posterior positive class distribution •Ni : total # of instances we have observed •The probability that we observe Nifi positive instances out of the Ni total instances is txp_fig Modeling •qj : the event that a randomly drawn instance is positive •P(qj ): the positive class distribution •P(qj|Ci): the positive class distribution given Ci (last concept drifts occurs at time i) •the probability we observe what we have observed in all historical windows up to Wn is: • • txp_fig Modeling •We conclude that when • • • • Li is maximized. •In other words, given the observations in each window Wi and the assumption that the most recent concept drift occurs between time i and i+1, above is the most likely current class distribution. • txp_fig Conclusion •Given our observation of past windows, the most likely current class distribution is: • • • •Weight by time (exponentially), and size (linearly) in each region. txp_fig Summary •To handle concept drifts –we keep on learning new models –we keep throwing away old models –the data we rely on is a tiny portion of the infinite stream But history always repeats itself •Assumption: the data generation mechanism works in different states •In each state, the class distribution is stable •State transition can occur anytime •The total number of states are limited Tasks 1.Learn from historical models, identify distinct concepts 2.Learn transition patterns among concepts 3.Predict next concept 4.Use models that correspond to the next concept to classify incoming data RePro [KDD’05] •Trigger –Using a current model, and monitor whether accumulated error exceeds a threshold •Finding a concept –If error > threshold, learn a new concept c –Compare c with historical concepts xi –If similarity between c and any xi is less than a threshold, add c into historical concepts •Transition matrix –A first order Markov chain of concepts – RePro: Concept Similarity •Let x and y be two concepts. •Let D be a dataset •The similarity of x and y is proportional to the number of same predictions they make for items in D. Unsolved Issue #1 •Concept similarity does not have transitivity. –A is similar to B and B is similar to C does not mean A is similar to C –Without pair-wise comparison, we cannot find concepts when change occurs slowly –Online pair-wise comparison is too time consuming to be practical for the stream environment Unsolved Issue #2 •Concept similarity is hard to measure. –RePro relies on a dataset D to measure the similarity of two concepts –D’s data distribution and class distribution has significant impact on the similarity measure Unsolved Issue #3 •RePro is heavily dependent on parameters –The stable threshold –The trigger threshold –The concept similarity threshold • • Cluster-based Model •Phase 1: –Build concept models offline –Using clustering to discover all underlying concepts •Phase 2: –For incoming data, find the probability it belongs to each concept –Make weighted prediction – Clustering by concept Clustering by concept PART II Applying Classifiers on Streams •Issues: Accuracy, Cost (CPU, bandwidth, …), Load Shedding Background: Load Shedding •Load shedding — dropping certain data when the system is overloaded. •Current studies on load shedding focus on answering traditional (aggregation) queries, not on mining data streams. •Cost is a major concern in classifying data streams –E.g. a large number of sensors simultaneously send data to central server for real time analysis –Central server cannot afford enough bandwidth and CPU resource to handle them 1.In this paper, we focus on load shedding in data stream mining, here are some new challenges that we are facing: Optimization Problem •Resource allocation as optimization problems: –minimizes resource usage subjective to a lower bound on precision –maximizes the precision subjective to an upper bound on resource Possible Solutions •Randomly shedding load –degradation of classification quality – •Using user-provided QoS metrics to shed load –QoS metric is often unavailable in dynamically changing stream environment Load shedding makes a difference (A motivating example) •Two cameras are placed on two different spots on the highway •Each camera takes a picture at each time unit and sends it to the central server •The server can only process one of the two pictures at each time unit •Goal: catch as many speeding cars as possible in real-time. Load shedding makes a difference (A motivating example) •Assumptions: –At any time, highway A contains a speeding car with probability pA; highway B contains a speeding car with probability pB –pA and pB change with time –The classifier is always accurate •Scheme 1 (Naïve): at each time unit, choose A or B equally likely: • • •Scheme 2: depending on the most recent history of pictures from the two directions: if one contains a speeding car and the other does not, give it higher chance (q>0.5) to be chosen, otherwise, equally likely: Load shedding makes a difference (A motivating example) •Scheme 2 automatically focuses on data with higher benefits; •Scheme 2 does not depends on the parameters pA and pB, so if they drift with time, the scheme can adapt to the new parameters automatically. Load shedding makes a difference (A motivating example) 1.Although this is a very simple example •it assumes only 2 streams •It assumes perfect classification Resource may not make a difference (Another motivating example) •You are to identify a person in a picture •The picture quality is not good, and you haven’t seen the real person for a long time, so you need time for a good look at the picture. •But if you don’t know the person to begin with, or if the person in the picture is beyond recognition, then everything is wasted … Summary •We are concerned with the loss of classification quality due to lack of data observation, not the inherent “incompetence” of a classifier. •Observations: –For certain instances, no matter how much time/bandwidth/observations you use, you cannot improve the quality of classification. –For certain instances, quality of classification can be improved greatly if more time/bandwidth/observations is used on these instances. •Problem: –What are the instances that observations make a difference? –What kind of observations to make for those instances? LoadStar [SDM 2004] •A Quality of Decision (QoD) measure –If QoD is high, then we don’t want to spend more time on the input: the current classification is already good. –If QoD is low, then we should give the classifier more resource so that it can make a better decision •QoD is based on the prediction of feature value at the next time unit Quality of Decision—Discriminant Functions 1.If we decide to shed load from a data stream in the next time unit, we still need to give a classification decision for the stream. Such a decision has to be made without seeing the real feature values and we need a measure of quality for the decision. 2.One way to view a classifier is to consider it as a set of discriminant functions, and assign class label to the discriminant function that has the greatest value. 3.In this example shown in the figure, there are 2 classes—blue and red; 4.So there are 2 discriminant functions; 5.For example, if the feature value turns out to be 2, the decision is that the class is red; 6.Similarly, if the feature value is 1.5, the decision is still red; 7.In traditional classification methods, only the ranks of the discriminant functions are important in decision making, i.e., we only care if we are right or wrong, and do not care how far off we are. 8.However, from the figure we can see that in the case of 2, the classifier is much more sure about the decision; addition, in the case 2, if we have reasons to believe that the feature value will not change dramatically in the next step, then we will believe that the class label is unlikely to change in the next step; 10.We cannot say the same thing about the case of 1.5. 11.Now we define measures to quantify the quality of decision. Quality of Decision Based on Log Ratio •Assume that we can derive a distribution of the feature value in the next time unit: • •We can compute the expected value of a discriminant function: • •The decision: •The Quality of Decision (QoD): • 1.Now we define our first Quality of Decision, which is based on the log ratio. Quality of Decision Based on Log Ratio •Q1 ≥ 0, the higher the Q1, the more confident we are. •We hope more resources can improve the confidence of tasks with low Q1 •Problem: what if best decision and the 2nd best decision are equally bad? • Quality of Decision Based on Overall Risk • •At a point x in the feature space, if we decide the class is ci, then the conditional risk of our decision is: • •We assume zero-one loss: • •The expected risk is: 1.Now we introduce another Quality of Decision, which is based on the overall risk. Quality of Decision Based on Overall Risk •The decision based on the expected risk: • •The Bayesian risk: • •The Quality of Decision (QoD) is defined as the difference of expected risk: • • Quality of Decision—Based on Overall Risk •0≤Q2≤1, the higher the Q2, the more confident we are. •Q2=1 if and only if ck is the minimum-risk decision at all region of the feature space with non-zero probability. •We did not use the expected risk itself as the quality of decision because we are judging the decision, not the classifier. Q1 vs. Q2 1.Assume the feature value follows this distribution; 2.Assume that we decide blue is the class label; 3.Let’s look at Q1: among these 3 positions, these two are positive, because blue has higher (log) discriminant function; at this position, the value is negative 4.The overall quality is the weighted sum of the 3 values; 5.Let’s look at Q2: among these 3 positions, at these two there is no penalty to the quality of decision, because the decision blue has the minimum risk; at this position, there is penalty of this distance, because here blue is not the minimum risk decision. 6.The overall risk is the weighted sum, 0’s here and here, non-zero here; the quality of decision is 1 minus the overall risk. Quality of Decision—Naïve Bayesian Classifier •By “naïve”, we assume that the distributions of the feature values are conditionally independent given the class labels; •By “Bayesian”, we restrict our discriminant functions to be the posterior distributions of each class. •It has been shown that the performance of naïve Bayesian classifiers are competitive with other sophisticated classifiers. •The computation is simplified with the assumption of conditional independence. 1.Now we study a particular case, in which we assume that the distributions of the feature values are conditionally independent given the class labels. 2.With this assumption, a very simple classifier, the naive Bayesian classifier, can be applied. Quality of Decision—Naïve Bayesian Classifier •For Q1, instead of computing the expectation over the joint distribution, we can compute the expectation over each feature separately, and then take the sum. Therefore, the computation becomes simpler: • • •For Q2, the Monte Carlo method becomes easier, because when sampling, we can draw samples for each feature following its own marginal distribution, independent of other features, and then put them together. Q1 under Naïve Bayesian Classifier Q2 under Naïve Bayesian Classifier • • • • • • •The Monte Carlo method becomes easier, because when sampling, we can draw samples for each feature following its own marginal distribution, independent of other features, and then put them together. Feature Prediction—Challenges •The feature distribution in the next time unit: •We can simply use the prior distribution. •However, we can do better—taking advantage of temporal locality: –sensors that measure temperature or river water level –images of consecutive snapshots from satellite •In addition, the data characteristics may drift with time—time-varying models. 1.For the previous discussion, in order to determine the decision and to compute the quality of decision, we need the feature distribution in the next time unit. Movement prediction •To make intelligent load shedding decisions at time t, we need to know the distribution of a point’s position at time t+1. •Our assumption: –a point’s location in the feature space at time t+1 solely depends on its location at time t. –features are independent to each other with regard to points’ movement •We build a Markov model for each feature Markov Model •Let X be a feature that has M distinct values. •We learn a state transition matrix K of size M£M, where entry Kij is the probability that X will take value j at time t+1 given X=i at time t. •We derive K through MLE (maximum likelihood estimation): Kij = nij / åk nik the fraction of transitions from i to j among all transitions from i to k, for all possible k. Feature Prediction—Finite-Memory Markov-Chains •A discrete-time Markov-chain is defined over a set of M states, s1,…, sM, and an M×M state transition probability matrix P, where Pij is the probability of moving to state sj in the next time unit given the current state being si ; •Can handle both categorical and numerical features; •If a data stream gets load at time t0, then p0(x)=ei ; •If a data stream does not get load at time tj, then pj(x)=pj-1(x)P ; 1.So we propose to use Markov-chains to predict the feature values in the next time unit. Feature Prediction—Learning Parameters for the MCs •The parameters of the Markov-chains are updated using the most recent W historic transactions to adapt to drifts. •Without load shedding, we can have the maximum-likelihood estimation: • • •With load shedding, some observations are missing, so EM algorithms are needed, which are time consuming. •An approximate algorithms: when a data stream gets loads, it always gets a pair of consecutive loads (whenever possible), then we still use the most recent W transitions. Multi-attribute/ Multi-stream Problem •A central classifier –monitors n×k streams from n tasks, –has capacity to process m out of the n×k input streams. •which of the input streams should be inspected so that the classification quality is least affected? Task movement in the feature space •For A, it is more beneficial to observe X2 than X1; •For C, X1 than X2; •For B, neither observation is critical for classification. Intuition Dissecting the risk •Let p(C1|x) and p(C2|x) be the posterior distributions of two classes C1 and C2. •If X1=x at time t+1, we predict C1 if p(C1|x) > p(C2|x) •If x distributes uniformly in range [a, b], the unavoidable, lowest expected risk is shown as the shaded area. • Dissecting the risk •If we don’t know x at time t+1, we still need to make a prediction. •Assume we predict C2, then the risk is the shaded area •We call the enlarged area “observational risk”, because it is caused by our failure to observe the value of X1 Dissecting the risk •Which attribute X1 or X2 to observe? •E[X2] has much lower risk. •However, observing X1 reduces a much larger amount of observational risk Analysis •The optimal decision at location is • • •Risk decomposition: TP_tmp TP_tmp TP_tmp TP_tmp TP_tmp TP_tmp Lowest possible, unavoidable risk TP_tmp TP_tmp TP_tmp Risk introduced by lack of knowledge of true data Analysis •Risk to minimize: • •Risk after observing feature xj: • •Our metric (we use expected value of xj to replace xj) • • TP_tmp TP_tmp TP_tmp Load Shedding through Data Transform •Progressive classifier –{I1,I2,…} is partial information of x – predicts x’s class based on I1 – predicts x’s class based on I1 and I2 – •The central node takes the following steps to classify x: – make prediction based on partial information received from x –Decide what additional partial information Ik can best improve the confidence of prediction – based on how much confidence Ik can improve, decide if the source node should send Ik. •Partial information Ik can be the value of x on the k-th dimension. – Progressive classifier •A progressive classifier based on such partial information may not be optimal. a b Progressive classifier •We want to design a progressive classifier which has the following properties: –The “class information” concentrates on the first few features –The features are independent of each other •Prevents a classifier from inspecting a feature whose “class information” is covered by features already inspected • Transform •To compress class information into a few feature values, a transform is required. •However, many traditional transforms are not suitable for supervised learning. • Transform to minimize mean square error Transform to maintain class separability Transform •To compress class information into a few feature values, a transform is required. •However, many traditional transforms are not suitable for supervised learning. • This transform is desired Transform to maintain class separability Temporal locality •In many stream applications, data exhibits temporal locality. –temperatures of a region usually do not change dramatically over a short period of time –temporal locality allows us to focus on changes in the data rather than the data itself. •We hope that the transform can preserve temporal locality. Architecture algorithm •Overview •Class Preserving Transform •Data Acquisition Scheme •Data Acquisition Scheme Overview of LOCI •Two phases: •Training phase: –learn a data transform matrix U –learn a data acquisition scheme –learn the progressive classifier •Testing phase: –Incoming record is transformed with U –Using the learned data acquisition scheme, the central server queries source nodes for partial information of the data –classifier classifies the data using the partial information Class Preserving Transform •principal component analysis (PCA) – x is the vector in d-dimensional space X – is the mean of x –Covariance matrix is – Let be the eigenvalues of and satisfy • –U=(u1,u2,…,ud) is the transform matrix of PCA, where ui is the eigenvector of – for each vector x, the new vector after transform •y = U’x –But PCA doesn’t consider the class information Class Preserving Transform •KL-3 – assume is the mean of all examples and is the mean of examples in class Ci –Use to replace •Where –A new transform matrix U=(u1,u2,…,ud) is obtained from Sw –The transformed space is Y=(Y1,Y2,…,Yd)=U’X –(Y1,Y2,…,Yd) is ranked according to •Where Class Preserving Transform •KL-3 satisfies all the requirements: – independence • – temporal locality preserving • with Parseval’s theorem, we get • hence we get – class information preserving • the new criterion J(Yi) aims at maximizing intra-class similarity and minimizing inter-class similarity Data Acquisition Scheme •Temporal locality –In many cases, for a feature, the values at adjacent time unit is similar –If yt is the same as yt-1, source node only needs tell central node no change happens •First source nodes send boolean flag –0 means no change happens –1 means change happens •Then, if necessary, source nodes send real values –If 0, no need –If 1 •If yt ≠ yt-1 has similar class information with yt, no need •If yt ≠ yt-1 has much less class information with yt, need Data Acquisition Scheme •We consider three cases: • • – – means ,called negative knowledge –at the first two cases, 1 bit is needed. –At the third case, 1+s bits are needed. •Our goal is to design a data acquisition schema that mostly operates in the first two cases. Reference Vector and Boolean Vector •Source nodes compare the new vector with that in reference vector to decide whether change happens –Each source node Si has a reference vector –Each Vi has a mirror vector Vi’ in central node •Source nodes use boolean vector to tell central node which values change –To facilitate measuring communication cost, boolean vector has the same size with real value –Boolean vector is composed of L ‘0’ or ‘1’. –L is the size of real value –At each time unit, each source node generates boolean vectors Example •At time t, S1 generates a new 8-dimensional KL-3 vector {1,2,3,4,4,5,3,1} •Assume L=4 •V1=V1’={1,4,3,3,4,2,3,1} •Then S1 has 2 boolean vectors: {0,1,0,1} and {0,1,0,0} •When S1 sends {0,1,0,1} to central node, central node obtains partial information as {1,¬4,3, ¬3}. •When S1 sends {0,1,0,0}, central node has {1,¬4,3, ¬3,4, ¬2,3,1} •With 2 4-bit transmissions, central node obtain 5 specific values plus some negative knowledge. •When S1 sends 2nd value, central nodes has {1,2,3, ¬3,4, ¬2,3,1}. V1 and V1’ change to {1,4,3,3,4,2,3,1}. • More definitions •Let (y1,y2,…,yd) be the new KL-3 vector at Si and (vi1,vi2,…,vid) be the reference vector at Si •next boolean vector • If Si already sends k boolean vector, (k+1)-th boolean vector is called as next boolean vector, denoted as bvn(i) •changed value • if yk≠vik, yk is called a changed value. The set of them is denoted as cv(i) • if a changed value is already sent to central node, it is called as sent • changed value. The set of them is denoted as cvs(i) • otherwise it is called as un-sent changed value. The set of them is denoted as cvu(i) More definitions •Current partial knowledge –Assume Si already sent k boolean vectors, central node’s current partial knowledge of Si is denoted as dc(i)={d1,d2,…,dkL} • • • • continue the above example –After receiving {0,1,0,1}, bvn(1)={0,1,0,0}, cv(1)={2,4}, cvs(1)=Æ, cvu(1)={2,4}, dc(i)={1,¬4,3,¬3} –If at next step, Si sends 2nd value, bvn(1)={0,1,0,0}, cv(1)={2,4}, cvs(1)={2}, cvu(1)={4}, dc(i)={1,2,3,¬3} Data Acquisition Scheme •At each time unit, it contains multiple steps •1 each source node sends the first boolean vector •2 central node selects a source node to query one more value •3 after deciding source node, central node selects whether real value or boolean vector is sent, and which one •4 this process continues until central node receives C values – Select source node •Central node queries a source node for more value if –Its current classification is of low quality –More information form it can improve the quality •Classification quality –Where c is the class whose posterior probability is highest and is the second best class. •Consumed bandwidth –Where and •The criterion of selecting source node is – Select value •There are |cvu(i)| unsent changed values and (éd/Lù -k) unsent boolean vectors. Central node will decide whether boolean vector or changed value is sent and which one. •The most beneficial boolean vector –Since KL feature is sorted in descending order of class separability, next unsent boolean vector is most beneficial –We assume the selected boolean vector is {0,…,0}. The benefit of it is estimated as: – – Select value •The most beneficial boolean vector –select changed value is more difficult •Because central node already obtains negative knowledge of it •Although certain value has more class information, if its negative knowledge contains similar class information as it, its benefit is still small –We select the value which can bring most additional class information given that its negative knowledge is known – – – • –H(j) is used to measure decrease of uncertainty after knowing yj. The feature with biggest H is selected as next changed value. –we define its benefit as • overview •At each step, central node computes Q for each source node, and selects one with smallest Q • •Assume selected source node is Si, central node computes gb(i) and gc(i), then compare them. –If gb(i) ³ gc(i), Si sends next boolean vector –If gb(i) < gc(i), Si sends next changed value – •This process repeats until C is reached Progressive Classification •The progressive classifier is –Then what is Ij? •We define each Ij contains certain number of KL feature values –I1={y1,y2,…,yL} –I2={yL+1,yL+2,…,y2L} •yj is either positive information or negative knowledge – uses {y1,y2,…,yL} to make prediction – uses {y1,y2,…,y2L} to make prediction –… – Progressive Classification •Each sub-classifier is a naïve Bayesian classifier •It assigns y to class ci if – •According to Bayes theorem – – –Where •For negative knowledge ¬v – Conclusion •Classification is a most important task on stream data analysis •Data volume and change of data distribution pose challenges to learning models and using models •Intelligent model reusing and intelligent load shedding are good solutions Fair Use Agreement This agreement covers the use of all slides on this CD-Rom, please read carefully. • • You may freely use these slides for teaching, if • You send me an email telling me the class number/ university in advance. • My name and email address appears on the first slide (if you are using all or most of the slides), or on each slide (if you are just taking a few slides). • You may freely use these slides for a conference presentation, if • You send me an email telling me the conference name in advance. • My name appears on each slide you use. • You may not use these slides for tutorials, or in a published work (tech report/ conference paper/ thesis/ journal etc). If you wish to do this, email me first, it is highly likely I will grant you permission. (c) Haixun Wang,