Ing.Ing. ZbynZbyněěk Burek Burešš, Ph.D., Ph.D. zbynekzbynek..buresbures@@unobunob..czcz Mgr. VojtMgr. Vojtěěchch KrmKrmííččekek vojtec@vojtec@icsics..munimuni..czcz PIC12F629 / 675 Interrupt PIC12FPIC12F629 / 675629 / 675 InterruptInterrupt IrqIrq schemescheme IrqIrq -- basicsbasics 7 sources of interrupt:7 sources of interrupt: External interrupt GP2/INT,External interrupt GP2/INT, GPIO change interrupts,GPIO change interrupts, TMR0 overflow interrupt,TMR0 overflow interrupt, TMR1 overflow interrupt,TMR1 overflow interrupt, EEPROM Data Write interrupt,EEPROM Data Write interrupt, Comparator interrupt,Comparator interrupt, A/D Interrupt (for 12F675)A/D Interrupt (for 12F675) Interrupts registersInterrupts registers Interrupt Control RegisterInterruptInterrupt ControlControl RegisterRegister Peripheral Interrupt Enable Reg.PeripheralPeripheral InterruptInterrupt EnableEnable RegReg.. Peripheral Interrupt RegisterPeripheralPeripheral InterruptInterrupt RegisterRegister