IS MU - PV167 Project Faculty of Informatics Radek Oslejsek Use Case Diagram Overview IS MU Mail People search Study Agenda Teacher's Notebook Supervisor Agenda Publications Student Agenda Timetable Course Catalogue Documents Noticeboard Discussion Group External Services Meeting People E-learning Accomodation Shopping Center Electronic Application Office for Studies Student Mail Server Teacher Active MU member Google Alumnus Guest User MU member < < Include> > < < Include> > < < Include> > < < Include> > < < Include> > < < Include> > < < Include> > Visua l Pa ra digm for UML Sta nda rd Edition(Ma sa ryk Unive rsity) Name Value Name Overview Show Extend Condition false Summary Name Documentation Office for Studies Employee of the office for studies. MU member Alumnus Ex-student, e.g. a past student with no active study at MU. Active MU member User with active relationship with MU, e.g. active student, internal or external teacher, employee, etc. Student Active student, i.e. a student with at least one active study at MU. Teacher Internal or external teacher. This role includes PhD students as well. Google Currently, this actor covers Google Apps, Google Mail and Google Disk. Mail Server SMTP server for sending e-mail. Incoming mails are stored directly in IS MU. Guest User Non-authenticated user, e.g. guest users, applicants, etc. Electronic Application Shopping Center Accomodation E-learning Meeting People External Services Discussion Group Noticeboard Documents Course Catalogue Timetable Student Agenda Publications Supervisor Agenda Teacher's Notebook Study Agenda People search Mail IS MU Class Diagram Problem Domain Model -timetableAttr Course Student CourseStudyRec Teacher User M ailAccount Docum ent ShoppingCenterCourseCatalogue ElectronicApplication Publication Noticeboard Contribution DiscussionGroup Thesis BcThesis M asterThesis Product StudyBranch FacultyStudyRec JobRecord Alum nus Applicant Docum entServer 1 * solver 1* * * * * is employed at * * * * contributor 1 * * * study material 1 * superviser * * * 1 1 * * applies for studies has accredited is related to owns forewer teaches Visua l Pa ra digm for UML Sta nda rd Edition(Ma sa ryk Unive rsity) Name Value Name Problem Domain Model Show Attributes Property Modifiers 2 Summary Name Documentation MailAccount Publication User DocumentServer BcThesis MasterThesis Document Thesis Student Teacher Alumnus Applicant JobRecord CourseStudyRec Contribution ElectronicApplication StudyRec Faculty Noticeboard StudyBranch Course DiscussionGroup CourseCatalogue Product ShoppingCenter N/A Many use cases e.g. study agenda, e-learning, schoolmates, etc. represent just an interface to the data (instances, attributes, links) handled by this problem domain model. Therefore, they have no explicit class present in the model. N/A Each user can play multiple roles, e.g. a teaching student. This decomposition is therefore ok for early stages of the analysis phase but must be re-designed in future.