Team project intermezzo & (Process modeling leftowers in case of spare time) PV207 – Business Process Management Spring 2015 Jiří Kolář ● Student Project: ○ Organization ● Project phases ○ Responsibilities ○ Requirements ○ Time plan & deadlines ○ Project defense, examination & evaluation ● Questions, discussion Lecture overview Warning This document serve as authoritative sources for rules and deadlines of the project and examination! It may be updated Always get most recent version from IS! Team project goals ● Improve teamwork skills ● Understand different roles in BPM ● Learn about whole process life-cycle ● Learn how to bridge the gap between analysis and implementation ● Exercise domain analysis ● Exercise precession in analysis documents ● Hands-on BPM related technologies ● Improve presentation and soft skills Team project Phase1: Domain analysis ● Tasks: ○ Learn about your domain and context ○ Collect real-world information about domain ○ Define Strategy and vision of your organization ○ Define goals, objectives and measuring indicators ○ Define structure of your organization ● Roles involved: ○ Mainly work of business analyst ○ Discussed with all team members ○ Agreement of whole team ● Deliverables ○ Up to 5 lines describing context of your organization ○ cca ¼ page describing strategy, vision and mission ■ Simple clear and expressive ■ Your goals should be based your vision, but do not repeat the vision in goal definition ○ 2+ well defined and described goals ○ 10+ well described objectives linked to goals ○ Description of KRI/RI/KPI/PI linked to G&O ○ Description of organization structure (text or tree) ■ Roles and responsibilities ■ Departments and responsibilities Team project Phase1: Domain analysis (cont.) Team project Phase2: Process analysis ● Tasks: ○ Identify important processes in your organization ○ Link processes to your goals and objectives ○ Define measurement of your indicators on processes ○ Describe your processes in detail ● Roles involved: ○ Process analyst, Business analyst ○ Validate with all team members Team project Phase2: Process analysis (cont.) ● Deliverables ○ List of identified 8+ identified processes ○ Linked to G&O ○ Linked to indicators ○ Short text description for every process ○ Short description of every data object used in the in process ○ Valid BPMN 2.0 Level 2 for every process Team project Phase3: Implementation ● Tasks: ○ Implement described processes ○ Implement some service stubs (service tasks) ○ Implement monitoring (if available) ○ Test your solution ■ User side testing ■ Do backup for presentation (eg. another laptop) ● Roles involved: ○ Process developer, Process analyst ○ Validate with all team members Team project Phase3: Implementation (cont.) ● Deliverables Implementation of 4 executable processes containing: ○ jBPM BPM Integration of 3 web services/java/DB services/rules, email interaction, 10 human tasks (4 full featured forms) in all processes together,15 - 30 modeling elements in all processes together (based on the nature of the process) ○ Bizagi ■ Integration of 3 web services/java/DB services, email interaction, 10 human tasks (4 full featured forms), 2 Queries (BAM), 15 - 30 modeling elements in all processes together (based on the nature of the process) ○ IBM BPM - Requiements will be provided upon request ■ For all the processes prepare testing data ! Team project Phase4: Presentation ● 15 minutes presentation (whole team!) ● Presentation will consist of ○ Project & members introduction (roles) 1min ○ Each member explain what have he done 4 min ○ Implementation demo 5min ○ Questions& discussion 5 min Team project Phase4: Presentation (cont.) ● Requirements ○ Bring 2 PRINTED copies of your analysis document for the presentation (Phase 1-4) ○ Submit slides for presentation and analysis document 24hrs prior to your presentation ○ Precise timing required !!!!! ○ Projection ■ Presentation and live demo will be from your laptop ■ Do not rely on faculty WIFI Document templates (in IS MUNI) ● We provide 2 templates ○ Analysis document template (text doc, .odt) ○ Presentation template (presentation .ods) ● Submit 24h before presentation(”project” folder) ○ Analysis document pdf (projectName_analysis.pdf) ○ Presentation pdf (projectName_presentation.pdf) ○ zip with documented deployable implementation, and short howto ( ● Fill template, use openoffice export to PDF, do not change templates too much Schedule (may be updated) ● Phase 1: Domain analysis ○ Recommended: ~9.3 - ~30.4. ● Phase 2: Process analysis ○ Recommended: ~30.3 - ~11.5. ● Phase 3: Implementation ○ Recommended: ~28.4 - ~18.5. ● Phase 4: Presentation ● Preparation: Recommended: ~1.5 - ~18.5. Presentations & Written exam (test cca 1hr no materials): ~~ 25.5 – 22.6. Examination: ○ Team project presentation ○ Automagically generated, written multiple-choice test (no materials) Grades: ■ A 100-86 % ■ B 85-82 % ■ C 81-79 % ■ D 78-75 % ■ E 74-70 % Evaluation & examination Evaluation: ○ Homework assignments 20% ○ Test 30% ○ Team project 50% = ■ Analysis 20% ■ Implementation 20% ■ Presentation 10% ● Scoring less than 60% in any of above means immediate FAIL (F) ! ● Candy Hunt = up to 10% extra can save you from F ! Feedback Questions? Break 10mins Process modeling section leftovers ;) Different motivations for BPM-based development ● Human-centric BPM ○ Management of human-centric processes ○ Large amount of human-tasks (forms, portlets etc.) ○ A comprehensive technology for User-interface needed ● Integration of systems ○ Integration of WS and other interfaces of various systems together ○ Involves middleware (Messaging , ESBs etc) ○ Orchestration of inter-system communication ● Document-oriented BPM ○ Management of document-flow ○ Often combined with Human-centric systems Two kinds of work ● Routine work ○ Work process can be easily defined in advance ○ Sequences of tasks (processes) are repeated frequently ○ Uniformity of sequences is desired ○ BPM helps to achieve the uniformity ○ Easy from process modeling perspective ○ High process rigidity desired ● Knowledge-intensive work ○ Sequence of tasks is defined by decisions of the worker ○ Many exceptional situations possible ○ Knowledge of the worker plays key role ○ Ad-hoc process welcomed/wanted Flexiblity of process models Dynamic aspects of process models: Dynamism How the process evolves over time Adaptability How the process handle the exceptional situations Flexibility How the process handle the on-fly activity ordering Dilema of knowledge intensive processes and BPM approach ● Traditional process models define activity ordering explicitly In knowledge-intensive processes we need to ad-hoc ordering of activities ● Traditional processes codify know-how in the model structure Ad-hoc processes codify know-how by recording historical instances (ACM - principle) ● Ad-hoc ordering is usually needed in small part of the whole process We need to isolate the ad-hoc parts from the rest Ad-hoc/ knowledge-int. processes: Possible solutions ● Manage things ad-hoc “from the table”, do not automate ○ Good solution in small scale ○ Loss of control, reliable knowledge-workers needed ● Use Adaptive Case Management ○ Specific approach, specific situations ● Use specific ad-hoc patterns ○ A way how to use Ad-hoc processes in BPM context ● Model complex process models ○ Often results in chaotic process models and consequent chaotic implementations Ad-hoc process modelling pattern example Adaptive Case Management basics ● Knowledge workers are handling larger volumes of processes with heterogenous structure = “cases” ● A “case” is a set of activities to be performed, however the order is not important = “ad-hoc process” ● Similar cases means processing similar information = “utilization of similar resources” (documents) ● There is a need for continuous definition of a bestpractice walk through the process = “continuous process discovery” ACM concepts image source: FIN Questions? PV207 – Business Process Management Jiří Kolář