Introduction to R programming language Karel Vaculík Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Motivation: R example library(RWeka) library(partykit) weather <- read.csvC'weather.csv") model <- J48(play ~ ., data = weather) plot(model) 1 -00.0 Introduction What is R ► free software environment and programming language primarily designed for statistical computing and graphics ► object-oriented, multi-paradigm, interpreted language (console, scripts) ► can be downloaded from ► RStudio IDE: (recommended!) R is useful for ► easy manipulation with files ► various operations on vectors, matrices and data frames ► statistical computing / data analysis / machine learning / data mining ► graphical output 1 -00.0 Introduction Some other advantages ► multi-platform ► allows integration of C, C++, .. . code for higher performance ► a lot of packages available (CRAN, Bioconductor, .. .) ► available in many tools (SAS, SPSS, Matlab, RapidMiner, .. .) Some drawbacks by default, objects must be stored in physical memory (however, there are some solutions) ► authors of packages are responsible for the state of the packages ► not ideal for all purposes 1 -00.0 R basics ► prompt > ► commands separated by a new line or ; ► help as ? or"string_to_be_found") or Fl key ► # comments begin with a hashtag ► libraryO for loading packages ► paths are relative to current working directory, use functions getwd and setwd to get it or change it 1 -00.0 R basics Variables ► no declaration ► assignment: x <- 5 names can contain . (dot), e.g.: y.l <- 10 Data types R has five atomic classes: ► character (strings) ► numeric (real numbers) integer ► complex ► logical (possible values: TRUE, T, FALSE, F) xl <- "Hello everyone!" x2 <- 5.4 x3 <- 20L x4 <- 1 + li x5 <- TRUE 1 -00.0 Data types Vectors ► basic data type ► all elements of the same atomic class ► creation by enumeration: x <- 5 y <- c(l,1,2,3,5,8) p <- c("one", "two", "three") r <- c(T, F, TRUE, FALSE) r ## [1] TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE The first element has index IN! In output: [i] means that the following element has index i 1 -00.0 Data types ► creation by range specification zl <- 1:10 zl <- seq(l, 10, 1) # from, to, by zl ## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 z2 <- 5:-5 z2 <- seq(5, -5, -1) z2 ## [1] 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 ► length of a vector: length(z2) ## [1] 11 Data types ► creation of an empty vector: a <- numeric(0) length(a) ## [1] 0 b <- numeric(5) b ## [1] 0 0 0 0 0 ► similarly by functions character, logical, etc. Data types Lists ► can contain elements of different types, example: listl <- listC'a", FALSE, 4) list2 <- list(l, listl) # nested list list2 ## [[1]] ## [1] 1 ## ## [[2]] ## [[2]][[1]] ## [1] "a" ## ## [[2]][[2]] ## [1] FALSE ## ## [[2]][[3]] ## [1] 4 Data types Matrices ► all elements of the same atomic class ► function matrix(data = NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL) ml <- matrixd: 8, nrow = 2, ncol = 4) ml ## [1,] ## [2,] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] 13 5 7 2 4 6 8 m2 < m2 matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = 2) ## [1,] ## [2,] [,1] [,2] 0 0 0 0 1 Data types Data frames ► each column contains elements of only one class ► function data, frame () first =1:3 second = c("a", "b", "cd") d <- data.frame(first, second) d ## first second ## 1 1 a ## 2 2 b ## 3 3 cd Data types Factors ► for categorical (nominal) data ► internally represented by numbers used by many functions by default, e.g. read.csvO, data, frame() char.vector <- cC'male", "female", "female", "male") f <- factor(char.vector) f ## [1] male female female male ## Levels: female male levels(f) ## [1] "female" "male" 1 -00.0 Operators ► mostly element-wise (help: ?Arithmetic): 1 + 1 ## [1] 2 0(1,1,2) - c(3,5,8) ## [1] -2 -4 -6 0(1,1,2) * 3 ## [1] 3 3 6 ► character concatenation: paste(c("You", "are", "welcome!"), collapse = " ") ## [1] "You are welcome!" Operators ► dot product: c(2,3,5) 1*1 0(1,2,3) ## [,1] ## [1,] 23 ► matrix multiplication: a <- matrix(l:4, 2, 2) ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 1 3 ## [2,] 2 4 a 1*1 a ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] 7 15 ## [2,] 10 22 Operators ► relational and logical operators: y <- c(l,1,2,3,5,8) y > 1 ## [1] FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE !(y > 1) ## [1] TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE y > 1 & y < 8 # AND ## [1] FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE y == 2 I y == 5 # OR ## [1] FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE Operators ► matching operator: y <- c(l,1,2,3,5,8) y t/.int/. 2:5 ## [1] FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE Control Structures ► if-else: x <- 2 if (x > 4) { print("YES") } else { print("NO") } ## [1] "NO Control Structures ► for loop: for(i in c("a", "b", "c")) { print(i) } ## [1] "a ## [1] "b ## [1] "c ► useful functions: seq, seq_along, seq_len Control Structures ► while loop: x <- 1 while(x < 5) { print(x) x <- x+1 } ## [1] 1 ## [1] 2 ## [1] 3 ## [1] 4 Control Structures ► repeat loop: x <- 1 repeat { if (x == 3) { x <- x+1 next # continue } if (x > 5) { break } print(x) x <- x+1 } ## [1] 1 ## [1] 2 ## [1] 4 ## [1] 5 User-defined functions ► example: myFunc <- function(x, y = 3) { x + y } myFunc(2) ## [1] 5 myFunc(2, 5) ## [1] 7 ■= -0<\O Data indexing ► indexing vectors y <- c(l,1,2,3,5,8) y[3] ## [1] 2 y[c(F, F, T, T, F, F)] ## [1] 2 3 y[2:4] ## [1] 12 3 y[-c(2,3)] ## [1] 13 5 8 Data indexing y <- c(l,1,2,3,5,8) y[y >= 2] # returns values ## [1] 2 3 5 8 which(y >= 2) # returns indices ## [1] 3 4 5 6 which(c(T,F,T)) ## [1] 1 3 Data indexing ► indexing data frames d <- data.frame(first = 4:6, second d ## first second ## 1 4 a ##2 5 b ##3 6 c d[2,2] ## [1] b ## Levels: a b c d[2, 1:2] # also: d[2, ] ## first second ##2 5 b Data indexing d <- data.frame(first = 1:3, second = c("a", "b", "c")) d$first ## [1] 12 3 d[[l]] ## [1] 12 3 d[2, "first"] ## [1] 2 s -00.0 ile reading and writing ► read.csv, read.table, write.csv, write.table weather <- read.csvC'weather.csv") weather[1:3, ] ## outlook temperature humidity windy play ## 1 sunny 85 85 false no ## 2 sunny 80 90 true no ## 3 overcast 83 86 false yes ► readLines and writeLines functions ► XML package ► xlsx package ► foreign package (SAS, SPSS, Weka, Octave, .. .) Data inspection ► inspecting data frames weather <- read.csv("weather.csv") head(weather) # see also tail function ## outlook temperature humidity windy play ## 1 sunny 85 85 false no ## 2 sunny 80 90 true no ## 3 overcast 83 86 false yes ## 4 rainy 70 96 false yes ## 5 rainy 68 80 false yes ## 6 rainy 65 70 true no 4 (5 ► 4 S ► 4 S ► 1 -o^o Data inspection summary(weather) ## outlook ## overcast:4 ## rainy :5 ## sunny :5 ## ## ## str(weather) ## 'data.frame' : ## $ outlook ## $ temperature ## $ humidity ## $ windy ## $ play temperature Min. 64 00 1st Qu. 69 25 Median 72 00 Mean 73 57 3rd Qu. 78 75 Max. 85 00 humidity Min. 65 00 1st Qu. 71 25 Median 82 50 Mean 81 64 3rd Qu. 90 00 Max. 96 00 windy play false:8 no :5 true :6 yes:9 14 obs. of 5 variables: Factor w/ 3 levels "overcast","rainy",..: 3 3 int 85 80 83 70 68 65 64 72 69 75 ... int 85 90 86 96 80 70 65 95 70 80 ... Factor w/ 2 levels "false","true": 12 111 Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": 112 2 2 12 ata inspection table(weather$outlook) ## ## overcast rainy sunny ##455 table(weather$outlook, weather$play) ## ## no yes ## overcast 0 4 ## rainy 2 3 ## sunny 3 2 Data inspection dim(weather) ## [1] 14 5 nrow(weather) ## [1] 14 ncol(weather) ## [1] 5 # dimension # number of rows # number of columns Missing values ► special value NA; for each atomic class a <- c(l,2,3,NA,5,NA) ► checking for NA values: ## [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE Plots plot(x = weather$temperature, y = weather$humidity) wea1her$1empera1ure Plots plot(x = weather$temperature, y = weather$humidity, col = weather$play, pch = 20, cex = 2, xlab = "temperature", ylab = "humidity", main = "Weather data") legend("topright", levels(weather$play), col =1:2, pch = 20) Weather data m Ol • • • • • no • yes Si ~~ m co • • • o co • • lo _ ■ o _ • • • in CD • 1 65 1 70 1 75 1 80 1 85 temperature < □ ► < fi? ► 4 = Plots random_values <- rnorm(1000, mean =25, sd = 10) head(random_valTies) ## [1] 17.90690 28.69438 18.28820 31.42117 30.80640 34.86196 hist(random_values) Histogram of random_values 20 40 60 randomvalues Plots plot(1:20, random_values[l:20], type = "1") R example - once again library(RWeka) library(partykit) weather <- read.csvC'weather.csv") model <- J48(play ~ ., data = weather) plot(model) 1 -00.0 Other resources R in general ► Quick-R tutorials: ► RDocumentation: Machine learning / data mining ► Wikibook Data Mining Algorithms In R: Data_Mining_Algorithms_In_R ► RDataMining: 1 -00.0