Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems 19. 3. 2013 Sven Dražan Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Contents • What is Robustness? • Dynamic reaction systems • Behavior and properties • Computing robustness Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Motivation / Bioreactors Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Motivation / Photosynthesis photosystem I - PSI Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems What is robustness Is stability robustness? Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems What is robustness Is homeostasis robustness? Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems What is robustness Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems What is robustness Is multistability or instability robustness? Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems What is robustness? Robustness is a property that allows a system to maintain its function against internal and external perturbations. Kitano, 2004a Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems What is robustness… Robustness is a property that allows a system to maintain its function against internal and external perturbations. Kitano, 2004a function ~ behavior ~ property Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems What is robustness… Robustness is a meta-property! Robustness is a property that allows a system to maintain its property against internal and external perturbations. Kitano, 2004a Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems What is robustness Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Robustness and tradeoffs Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems What is a dynamic reaction system Demo Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Dynamic reaction systems – Example S → 2 S W + S → 2 W W → k1 k2 k3 Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Dynamic reaction systems – Bigger example Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems What is a behavior? 98.8% common DNA Any difference in behavior? Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems What is a behavior ~ property Reachability - F(x>3) Response - G((x<1)  F(x>3)) Oscillation - G((x<1)  F(x>2)  (x>2)  F(x<1)) t x 0 3 2 1 t x 0 3 2 1 t x 0 3 2 1 Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Computing robustness t S 0 3 2 1 Wolfinitialcount Sheep birth rate G((S<1)  F(S>2)  (S>2)  F(S<1)) 0 Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Computing robustness t S 0 3 2 1 Wolfinitialcount Sheep birth rate G((S<1)  F(S>2)  (S>2)  F(S<1)) 0 k1_min k1_max w(t0)minw(t0)max Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Computing robustness t S 0 3 2 1 Wolfinitialcount Sheep birth rate G((S<1)  F(S>2)  (S>2)  F(S<1)) 0 Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Computing robustness t S 0 3 2 1 Wolfinitialcount Sheep birth rate G((S<1)  F(S>2)  (S>2)  F(S<1)) 0 Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Computing robustness t S 0 3 2 1 Wolfinitialcount Sheep birth rate G((S<1)  F(S>2)  (S>2)  F(S<1)) 0 Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Computing robustness t S 0 3 2 1 Wolfinitialcount Sheep birth rate G((S<1)  F(S>2)  (S>2)  F(S<1)) 0 Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Computing robustness t S 0 3 2 1 Wolfinitialcount Sheep birth rate G((S<1)  F(S>2)  (S>2)  F(S<1)) 0 Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Computing robustness t S 0 3 2 1 Wolfinitialcount Sheep birth rate G((S<1)  F(S>2)  (S>2)  F(S<1)) 0 Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Computing robustness – continuity problem Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Computing robustness – continuity problem Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Computing robustness – continuity problem Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Computing robustness – continuity problem Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Current approaches BioCham Breach (Donzé A. and Maler O. 2010) Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Breach – Key concepts How does a neighborhood behave? Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Breach – Key concepts How does a neighborhood behave? Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Breach – Key concepts How does a neighborhood behave? Sensitivity analysis Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Breach – Key concepts Local property robustness G((S<1)  F(S>2)  (S>2)  F(S<1)) Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Breach – Key concepts G((S<1)  F(S>2)  (S>2)  F(S<1)) 2 1 Local property robustness Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Breach – Key concepts G((S<1)  F(S>2)  (S>2)  F(S<1)) 2 1 Local property robustness Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Breach – Key concepts Hierarchical refinement Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Breach – Key concepts Hierarchical refinement Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Breach – Key concepts Hierarchical refinement Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Breach – Key concepts Hierarchical refinement Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Breach – Key concepts Hierarchical refinement Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Breach – Key concepts Hierarchical refinement Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Breach – Key concepts Hierarchical refinement Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Breach – Key concepts Hierarchical refinement Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Robustness of Stochastic systems Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Robustness of Stochastic systems Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Summary and Conclusion What have you seen • What is robustness • Models of biological systems • Expressing properties • Current approaches to robustness of continuous systems • Robustness of Stochastic systems Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Questions and comments are welcome Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Thank you for your attention. Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Sources • LTL – Linear Temporal Logic • Amir Pnueli. The temporal logic of programs. In Proc. 18th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), pages 46–57, 1977. • STL – Signal Temporal Logic • O. Maler and D. Nickovic. Monitoring temporal properties of continuous signals. In FOR- MATS/FTRTFT, pages 152–166, 2004. • Donzé, A., & Maler, O. (2010). Robust satisfaction of temporal logic over real-valued signals. Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, 92–106. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-15297-9_9 Analyzing robustness of biological reaction systems Sources • Google Images • • • • Photosynthesis model • Lazár Dušan (2009) Modelling of light-induced chlorophyll a fluorescence rise (O-J-I-P transient) and changes in 820 nm-transmittance signal of photosynthesis. Photosynthetica 47(4):483-498, DOI:10.1007/s11099-009-0074-8 • • Software • NetLogo – • Copasi - • Biocham - • Breach - • Wikipedia • • • • Other • Jan Papoušek’s Bacelor thesis: • Human vs. Chimp: