Vývoj aplikací pro mobilní platformy
Týden 2 - iOS + cvičení 1
Povinná přednáška
Přednášející - Jiří Dutkevič & Felix Acero Salazar (Avast)
iOS - we will look into continuous integration, UI and unit testing, test-driven development and dependency management and do demos of the concepts while presenting some not-entirely-basic iOS SDK features
Security (inspired by our talk from last year)
Přednášející - Jiří Dutkevič & Felix Acero Salazar (Avast)
SwiftiOS - we will look into continuous integration, UI and unit testing, test-driven development and dependency management and do demos of the concepts while presenting some not-entirely-basic iOS SDK features
Security (inspired by our talk from last year)
- code signing and AppStore distribution
- jailbreaking, reverse engineering