Vývoj aplikací pro mobilní platformy

Týden 3 - Windows 10 Mobile + cvičení 2

Povinná přednáška
Přednášející: Honza Koběrský


outline (lecture will be in czech language)
  • Security; C++ modules

    • decompiling the app from store - sniffing into others code

    • using C++ modules for security and performance apps

  • Windows Mobile development

    • where and how to start

    • how to structure the code and architecture of the app

    • best practices; beginners mistakes; performance of the app

    • designing and graphics

    • live demo app implementation step-by-step

  • overview of Windows Mobile platform

    • WM development went through a lot of changes in last years and it’s good to know why and what are the consequences

    • what do you need to develop for Windows Mobile

pros and cons of the platform; comparison with Android and iOS; is it still worth it to develop on this platform?


​Akceptace odpovědí do týdne od přednášky.

Cvičení 2
