Real World iOS Development Felix J. Acero iOS/OSX Developer Demo App News Digest • Simple app • Relies on Yahoo APIs • Apple Design Award News Digest • Proof of Concept • Based on NYT APIs DEMO News Digest 1 3 News Digest NYT Servers 2 4 1. Fetch most viewed stories during the last week 2. Format retrieved data. Present list to the user 3. Fetch details and image for story ID: 123 4. Format retrieved data. Present details and image to the user Demo App – High level interactions Demo App – Dependency Mesh • NYTRestClient - Mediates communications with the NYT servers • NYTData - Contains basic data structures - e.g NYTStory • AlamoFireImage - An image component library for Alamofire • AlamoFire - Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift NYTRestClient NYTData AlamofireImage Alamofire Real World iOS Development Dependency Management Testing Continuos Integration – Anonymous “With great projects come huge dependencies” Dependency Management WHAT IS A DEPENDENCY MANAGER? A tool that automates the process of - Installing - Upgrading - Configuring … software packages Dependency Management – Under the Hood Package Contains the source files and metadata (name, description, version, etc) Resolves the dependency graph respecting the version requirements Dependency Analyser Package Managers for Swift Cocoa pods • First one to appear • Easy to use • Modifies your project setup Carthage • More recent • Minimalistic • Requires more manual steps Swift Package Man. • On its early days • Will hopefully become standard • project DEMO Dependency Management Real World iOS Development Dependency Management Testing Continuos Integration – Edsger Dijkstra “Program testing can be a very effective way to show the presence of bugs, but is hopelessly inadequate for showing their absence” Software Testing WHAT SOFTWARE TESTING IS • Activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program • The purpose of testing is to show that the software works WHAT SOFTWARE TESTING IS NOT • Testing does NOT demonstrate the absence of bugs • Testing is Quality Assurance NOT Quality Insertion Testing in Xcode 7 XCTestCase setUp() tearDown() CustomTest testFunc1() testFunc2() … testFuncN() • Test are grouped into classes that subclass XCTestCase • Every test has a setUp and and tearDown phase: - setUp() - testFunc() - tearDown() • Each method name should start with the word: test – e.g. testSum • Each method should contain at least one assertion Testing in Xcode 7 Assertions are boolean expressions that check certain aspect of you code XCTAssert XCTFail [ ]XCTAssertEquals XCTAssertNotEquals, , … XCTAssertTrue XCTAssertFalse, , XCTAssertNil XCTAssertNotNil, , Testing in Xcode 7 func testSum() { // setUp() // Given: A calculator let calculator = Calculator() // When: Summing two integers let result = calculator.sum(2,3) // Then: It should return their arithmetic sum XCTAssertEqual(result, 5, "Incorrect result") // tearDown() } FIRST Principle FAST Test should be able to be executed often ISOLATED Tests on their own cannot depend on external factors or on the results of other tests REPEATABLE Test should have the same result every time you run them SELF-VERIFIABLE Test should include assertions. No human intervention should be needed TIMELY Tests should be written along with (before) production code TDD Workflow (red > green > refactor) 1 Write a failing test – red 2 Write enough code to make it pass – green 3 Refactor your code – refactor 4 Rinse and repeat :) TDD Benefits • Focus your work: - Know what you are trying to build before you build it - Know when you are done - Modify only the pieces that are required to make your tests pass • Refactor your code without worrying about breaking something TDD Benefits • Write code that is easier to use - Your test becomes the first client of your code - Your test acts as an example of how to use your code • Write code that is easier to maintain - “Breaking changes” should make your tests fail DEMO Unit Testing Real World iOS Development Dependency Management Testing Continuos Integration – Vidiu Platon “I don’t care if it works on your machine! We are not shipping your machine!” Continuos Integration (CI) WHAT IS CONTINUOS INTEGRATION ? • A set of practices that require developers to: - Integrate their code in a shared code repository - Create and maintain tests for their code - Automate the application’s build process WHAT IS THE GOAL OF CONTINUOS INTEGRATION ? • Improve collaboration within the developer team • Increase software quality by detecting errors as early as possible Continuos Integration Tools Xcode Server • Developed by Apple • Deeply integrated with Xcode • Some rough edges Jenkins • Cross-platform tool • Support for iOS/OSX through a plugin • Well documented Travis • Cross-platform tool • Free for open source projects • Github integration Continuos Integration with Xcode Server • Automates the build and test process • Performs static analysis and archives your code • Can test your app against a suite of devices • Gathers interesting data - e.g test coverage, build history, etc • Produces reports and notifications about the integration outcomes • Gives you hooks to perform custom actions Continuos Integration in Xcode 7 Scheme Recipe for building your project Bot Agent that analyses, builds and archives your project Integration A single run from a bot Continuos Integration Workflow 1. Developer works on a feature and commits to her local repo 2. When done, developer pushes changes to the centralised repo 3. CI-Bot checks out the repo, builds, tests and archives the result 4. CI-Bot informs developers about the integration outcome Bob Private Repo Centralised Repo CI Bot 1 2 3 4 DEMO Continuos Integration Demo App – UI NYTDigest • Capture user interactions • Format data and present it on the screen NYTRestClient NYTData AlamofireImage Alamofire NYTDigest Demo App – UI LaunchViewController StoryListViewController StoryDetailsViewController StoryDataProvider NYTClient NYTData NYTDigest DEMO NYTDigest Repositories Project Repository NYTData acerosalazar/NYTData NYTClient acerosalazar/NYTClient NYTDigest acerosalazar/NYTDigest