PA200 - Cloud Computing Concepts Petr Blaho February 20, 2017 Virtualization Why? Consolidation of resources Virtual vs Physical machine inspection Easy provisioning Movable resource Why? Recoverable Easier testing and evaluation Duplication of environments Isolation from host HW and OS Hypervisors native hosted Hypervisors Examples of native hypervisors XEN MS Hyper-V VMware ESXi Examples of hosted hypervisors QEMU KVM VirtualBox VMware Workstation XEN founded in 2003 by XenSource, bought in 2007 by Citrix 2013 under Linux Foundation as Xen Project native hypervisor ZEN KVM Modular kernel virtualization provides user space access to hw virtualization started by Qumranet 2007 merged into linux kernel KVM QEMU hosted hypervisor provides emulation of hw can be used with KVM for hw virtualization Libvirt Common API for hypervisor type abstraction supports LXC KVM/QEMU, Xen, VirtualBox VMware ESXi and Workstation MS Hyper-V, IBM PowerVM Libvirt oVirt virtualization management platform on top of KVM upstream for RHV engine node VDSM - virtual desktop and server manager OpenStack software platform for cloud computing started in 2010 by Rackspace and NASA in 2012 founded OpenStack Foundation OpenStack OpenStack Containers Docker LXC OpenVZ chroot Recap Why we should use virtualization? What types of hypervisors we know? Any examples? Name some projects that uses or build on top of hypervisor technologies.