slide 28 CSF – Critical Success Factor, KPI – Key Performance Indicator SLA – Service Level Agreemnt, OLA – Operation Level Agreement slide 32 The need for efficient, transparent and repeatable processes by which organizations can effectively manage the lifecycle of their services has never been greater. Traditional approaches have fallen short of what an ITSM implementation should achieve. In the future, the way ITSM is being done must transform. ITSM starts with strategy, governance and design–ITSM must be driven “top-down”. The strategy for the use of IT in delivering the outcomes and value that businesses demand must be planned, funded and appropriately governed through well-planned strategies and effective policies. Services–with definitions based on business value and outcomes and not IT activities–must be defined and pinned to business functions. Release and deployment “grows up”–In my opinion, DevOps is a cry for a mature release and deployment process. Planning, designing, developing, testing and deploying releases must become a critical capability for businesses. As a result, two things will happen. First, a clear separation of release and deployment management activities from change management activities will evolve. Today, many ITSM implementations overburden the change management process with release and deployment activites, resulting in an over-engineered and bloated process. Through this evolution, change management will lose the “bureauracy” that is often associated with current ITSM implementations. Secondly businesses will become more agile as releases become more routine and the associated work effort becomes right-sized. ITSM operations become automated–Many of the routine, operational tasks managed by incident management, request fulfillment and release and deployment management will become automated. Advances in the Internet of Things, predictive analysis and robotic automation, under the umbrella of a well-designed event management process, will also result in further automation. ITSM drops the “IT”–Service management will become a differentiating capability for businesses as they start to recognize the ecosystem of service providers within their organizations. Companies must look at their internal processes and services from the “outside-in” perspective–that is, looking in from the outside of the business, what should be included in the customer experience? ITSM concepts can be applied across the organization to improve internal efficiency and effectiveness, resulting in a positive impact to the bottom line.