Introduction poznámky k úvodu: komentáře k angličtině predstavit se }Course Introduction ◦origin ◦motivation and goals ◦resources }Management basic Lecture Introduction 2 }Ing. Leonard Walletzký, Ph.D. ◦Lessons }Mgr. Petr Štěpánek ◦Seminars 3 }Originally being developed for the SSME study program }Based on ◦existing Management by Competences theory and methodology by Jiří Plamínek ◦3 years experience of using Management by Competencies in practice }IT people need „special approach“ evolution.jpeg Course Introduction 4 motivation-tips.jpg Course Introduction 5 You know, IT is quite complex discipline. It comprises a lot of subdisciplines such as natural language processing, computer graphics, software engineering, user experience design, computer networks. To create something useful and beneficial in real world you need to govern a lot of these IT disciplines plus you have to have skills in non-IT fields such as economics, law, negotiation and so on. Simply put, you need a team of people, of specialists which form skill portfolio demanded by your business. And then you need to organize these people to achieve your goals and objectives. And this is exactly what the management is about. And why it is important. Without people being managed, chaos will reign the state of affairs and goals remain untapped. And also Management is the constitutional part of the SSME study program, so therefore it is relevant here at the Faculty of Informatics to teach the MbC. Target: Enterprise organization student-teacher Client: you Provider: me Course Introduction lectures/seminars 6 partners motivation-run.jpg Course Introduction 7 to encourage you to run new business 2 hours per two weeks Three alternating groups 2 hours per 1 week All together “Home” works in teams Course Introduction 8 we have 3 hours a week all together }Course schema ◦two hours lecture per week ◦one hour seminar per week -> two hours per 14 days }Lectures ◦focused on theory ◦examples }Seminars ◦focused on practical issues and training organization.gif Course Introduction 9 differences from last run: * the last run was first run * it was just one hour lecture and one hour seminar Course Introduction 10 Course Introduction 11 12 }30% - seminar work }60% - test at the end of the semester ◦50% open questions ◦50% optional questions }Management by competencies (the basic) is the part of the state exam 13 }is to form the production process }and increasing of the output }to fulfil the company targets }in the highest level possible }Main idea: the maximization of the profit ◦Main goal – our version of maximization of the profit }Analyse the possibilities – the ways how to reach the main goal }Choosing the best option }Need to control realization process }The part of the realization ◦Control, if the realization goes in the right way ◦Reaction to mistakes or deviations }Control after realization is not effective }All phases need to be coordinated }Important is not only the task itself }Important is also: ◦The order of tasks ◦Relationships between the departments of the company or organization }Communication process ◦ } } }Realization is the sequence of transactions ◦In the „goods“ economy –Material is transformed into intermediate product –Intermediate product is transformed into final product –All transform transactions must be profitable ◦In the service economy –Goal is split into tasks need to be done –Those tasks need to be completed in specific sequence –All tasks must be profitable ◦ } }What are the goals? }Who makes the decision? }Who participate on the profit? }Shareholders ◦Are owners of the company ◦They are unique decision making (or management, nominated by the owners) ◦Profit belongs to owners }Stakeholders ◦All groups, who are interested in the company Name of the group Requirements Benefits Owners Profit Capital Creditor repayment and interest of the loan Capital Employees Fair wage, motivation Labor Management Reward, power, prestige Leadership Customers Goods or services for the good price Consumption Suppliers reliable payment obligations, long-term profitable relationships delivery of goods and services (of the best quality) Public Paying taxes, law enforcement, environmental behavior infrastructure, rule of law Customers want lower prices Employees want secure the job }The main problem of the big companies }The relationship between shareholders and managers }Information asymmetry ◦Shareholders cannot effectively control the board of directors ◦Two marginal problems od BoD: –They can have different goals (too smart) –The are not able to do their job well (too stupid) }The main goal: successful business management }Three objectives: ◦Organization structure, processes and people ◦Transparency ◦Control }Separation of powers ◦Competencies are divided between more than 1 person ◦Some decision of Board of Directors must be confirmed by Supervisory Board }Motivation ◦Management is motivated to follow the owners goals (profit, no. of new business cases etc.) ◦Eliminate the temptation of the management }System of risk monitoring ◦Information systems ◦Necessary to have all information as soon as possible }The problem of moral hazard ◦ a tendency to take undue risks because the costs are not borne by the party taking the risk }The management is not giving the right information to the owners }Tools to eliminate ◦Obligation to publish financial statements ◦Rating agencies }The process of decision making must be controlled }Otherwise the decisions of the managers could be more risky }Types of control ◦Market –Capital market ◦Institutionalized –Auditors –Supervisory board }Main goals of the management }Why do companies need management? }What are the sources for decisions? }Specific role of information and IT }The main goal of the management ◦To form production process in the best way ◦Main idea is maximizing of the profit }Shareholders x Stockholders attitude ◦Different targets, same idea (maximizing the profit) ◦Motivation of the subjects }Corporate Governance ◦Moral hazard } 30