Strategic continuum PV215 - 8 2 PV215 - 8 3 (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 8 4 Yin_yang_vision_strategy.png A vision without a plan is just a dream. A plan without a vision is just a drudgery. But a vision with a plan can change the world. PV215 - 8 5 * DSI – Developing Strategic Interval here and now (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 8 6 Period when company benefits from current competitive advantage To do so, it has defined products or services, processes and secured all necessary resources Company generates profit for owners and to secure enough resources to ensure development in other strategic continuum intervals Workers directly realize current strategy Managers only monitor and tune the performance Leaders do not interfere PV215 - 8 7 PV215 - 8 8 PV215 - 8 9 * DSI – Developing Strategic Interval primary focus secondary focus PV215 - 8 10 PV215 - 9 11 I ... intention (goal, objective, milestone) I I I I I I I I I I Lecture Introduction PV215 - 9 12 Change Vector SQ T > How to track the change? DC...Deming Cycle Change vector PV215 - 9 13 }To know WHAT to do is not enough }It is important to know WHETHER and HOW we are doing }Therefore MbC operates with system of indicators on every level of management ◦in accordance with development of company and people, the target values for indicators are determined that enable continuous monitoring and management of improvement }Balanced Score Card utilization SQ T Change vector }Balanced Score Card (BSC) ◦introduced in 1990’s by Robert Kaplan and David Norton ◦reaction to popular cost-cutting projects }Cost-cutting Projects substantially improved cost-related financial indicators in fiscal year ◦and consultancy companies made well getting good profit share }However, in next years cost-cut companies ◦have seen a huge drop in their performance ◦loose much of their ability to react to changes (stability) ◦become less vital, i.e. able to continuously succeed }Therefore BSC ◦introduced new kinds of indicators to existing ones to connect corporate strategy with all operational areas of within the enterprise PV215 - 9 14 Balanced Scorecard finanční ukazatele jsou pro většinu lidí málo srozumitelné, neodráží výsledky v jednotlivých úlohách na dostatečné úrovni podrobnosti Robert Kaplan a David Norton poukázali, že zásadní zlepšení finančních ukazatelů firmy může být předzvěstí problémů s konkurenceschopností a navrhli doplnění finančních ukazatelů o ukazatele nefinanční. Aby celý systém fungoval musí ukazatele měřit něco, co má smysl vzhledem k cílům, jichž má firma dosáhnout. Tyto cíle musí být definovány, pak vývoj ukazatelů indikuje PV215 - 9 15 TOP management financial indicators revenues -> profit/loss <- costs customer indicators number of new customers average size of order new products ratio number of loyal customers ... internal processes indicators average time to market number of complaints – quality product cost service innovation pace ... learning and growth indicators competencies/resources abilities attitudes qualities all managers Balanced Scorecard arrows stands for causality relationships PV215 - 9 16 TM FI CI IPI LGI all M req_pos_yy.png Balanced Scorecard }BSC is tool primarily for managers ◦but also communication mean with leaders, owners, shareholders PV215 - 9 17 }BSC may be foundation of monitoring system shareholders, owners, ... Feedback Balanced Scorecard }System of Corporate Ideas }Strategic Continuum ◦OSI, FDSI, SDSI, TDSI ◦to enable to seek for and define new step changes ◦to prevent confusing the presence and the future strategies }Living strategic Frame }Change vector }Balanced Scorecard ◦ } PV215 - 8 18