VB036/05 Source: Williams, Erica J. Presentations in English. Honkong: MacMillan, 2008. Week 5 Presentations 3. Conclusion Make your final message clear: Stay in control until the very last second and follow these steps at the ‘finish’ of your presentation. Firstly, pause briefly and signal clearly that you are now ready to finish the presentation. The audience will start to listen again closely at this point. Then, make your summary, giving a brief overview of what has already been said. The summary is a reflection of your ‘what’ and looks back. It should not be too long as you will lose your audience’s attention again, but detailed enough to cover your points. This can be a difficult balance to achieve! A good summary gives your listeners time to reflect on the content and builds up to your conclusion, making your conclusion stronger, more powerful and more effective. A conclusion without a summary can sound incomplete as your audience may not have listened to every point during the main part of the presentation and the purpose can be lost. Avoid giving any conclusions while you are making your summary. After this, give your conclusion. This is a reflection of your ‘why’ and looks forward to what you want people to do or think after your presentation. it should follow logically from your summary. There are different kinds of conclusions: you can make a call for action, make a recommendation or assure your audience that they’re better informed. This is the destination of your journey and the most important part of your presentation. Finally, make your closing remarks by thanking your audience, asking for questions or passing round your presentation hand-outs. Phrases related to Conclusion: 1. So, that brings me to the end of my presentation 2. Let me summarize what we’ve looked at. 3. Thank you for your attention. 4. I’ll briefly summarize the main issues. 5. I’ll now hand out ... 6. I suggest Johannes ... and Michel ... 7. I’d like to summarize. 8. I’d like to conclude by strongly recommending ... 9. So, that completes my presentation. 10. Let me just go over the key points again. 11. To sum up ... 12. I trust you gained an insight into ... 13. To conclude, I’d like to leave you with the following thought ... 14. Well, that covers everything I want to say. 15. If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them. 16. At this stage, I’d like to go over ... 17. In my opinion, the only way forward is to ... 18. Thank you for listening. 19. To summarize, I’ll run through my three topics. 20. In conclusion, I’d like to leave you with the following idea. VB036/05 Source: Williams, Erica J. Presentations in English. Honkong: MacMillan, 2008. Discovering Computers Week 4 & 5 Multiple Choice 1. A ____________ is a program that hides in a computer and allows someone from a remote location to take full control of the computer (worm, rootkit, payload, cookie) 2. Malware is a term that can be used to describe ____________ . (worms, rootkits, back doors, all of the above) 3. A ____________ is an assault whose purpose is to disrupt computer access to an Internet service such as the Web or e-mail. (denial of service attack, zombie, Trojan horse, virus hoax) 4. ____________ involves the examination of computer media, programs, data and log files on computers, servers, and networks. (encryption key, e-mail filtering, digital forensics, trusted source) 5. A(n) ____________ lists a variety of conditions and the actions that correspond to each condition. (object, DFD, decision table, ERD) 6. The purpose of the ____________ is to assess the feasibility of each alternative solution and then recommend the most feasible solution for the project. (project plan, system review, project request, system proposal) 7. ____________ tools are designed to support one or more activities of system development. (Computer-aided software engineering – CASE, Unified Modeling Language, Project management, Object modeling) 8. A(n) ____________ test is performed by end-users and checks the new system to ensure that it works with actual data. (integration, systems, unit, acceptance). 1) Watch the ending to Zhan’s presentation on simulating genetic data. What do you remember about the presentation’s signal, summary, conclusion and closing remarks? 2) Watch the ending one more time and fill in the missing words. So that comes to the end of my presentation. Let’s just think about what we’ve just gone __________. What we said is, __________ genetic data is important, it’s not done very __________ at the moment, but we have just introduced a __________ which does it better. How do we do it better? Well, we use real __________ . So, the very data we are trying to __________, trying to copy, we use. We use the real data and we take into account the correlation __________ that are present there to stimulate new genetic data. And finally, our data is fast, so you can __________ vast amounts of data. So in conclusion, what we’ve done is we’ve __________ a new method, a new method that generates more realistic genetic data, and we __________ this method will be very successful in the future. Thank you very much for __________, and now I’ll take any questions you might have.